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Everything posted by FormicaLinoleum

  1. Yeah, I took a year and half of Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and would love to get back to it (I stopped because I moved away from my school and I never got into a new school). I did it because of the beauty and challenge of it, not for self-defense or anything like that. I've also seen Hero and agree it's a gorgeous movie.
  2. http://www.fitday.com is a food diary program. It's really handy--you enter in the foods you eat and it keeps track of total calories, % carbs/protein/fat. I bought the computer program which has more features, but the free online version is pretty good as well.[/url]
  3. I play the bass, taught myself. For ages I would just listen to songs and learn the basslines, so I didn't know anything proper about it. Like if someone said 'play a C' I wouldn't have been able to. But a year ago I joined a band and had to learn that right quick. I still don't know theory or scales and all that. I should learn. I took piano from about age 8-12 and then flute from 13-16 or so. Obviously I learned how to read music and scales and all that stuff then, but have since forgotten it all (I gave up flute 16 years ago, so it's been a while).
  4. A week doesn't seem like too long for me, depending how bad the bruise was to begin with. I have bruises all the time from mountain biking, and I'd say that it's the very rare one that is healed in a week or so. Right now, I have a bruise that I got on my calf 6 days ago and it is highly colorful. Kinda green in the middle, then light purple, then v. dark purple on the outer bit. I imagine even in another week it will be visible still. So I dunno... I've never asked how quickly other people's bruises go away!
  5. Green tea on weekday mornings, coffee on weekend mornings, just water for the rest of the day. I'll drink lemonade now and then if I'm out somewhere and can get it. And I got into a habit of having a coke at gigs, but that was just 2x a month.
  6. I get 6.5-7 hours. I'd like to get more. I get up at 6:00AM, but I can't seem to get into bed before 11:00-11:30. I get home around 6:00PM, so I'd feel like I had no time in the evenings if I tried to get into bed by 10:00 to get 8 hours. Also, my girlfriend got a new job a couple of months ago and works 5PM-1AM, but often works a bit late and gets home 2/2:30AM. I'm a light sleeper, so I always wake up when she comes home. It also has taken me a while to get used to falling asleep without her--for a while I would never sleep deeply until she was home I think that's taking a bit of a toll on me. But my job is over in just under 2 weeks, so I'll be able to sleep as much as I want for a while. Hopefully not too long, though, because I can't afford to be unemployed for too long a stretch!
  7. I have cereal just about every morning. Right now I eat a mix of Optimum Power cereal and Ezekiel 4:9, with low fat soy milk. I've been eating that for about 2 months. I have a cup of green tea as well.
  8. Cool! I was there just last month. I was actually staying in S. Bethany, but rode my bike down to OC.
  9. There's an all-vegan Caribbean place just a couple of blocks away from me. It's a wonderful place. When it first opened, I was afraid that it wouldn't get enough business, but it's pretty popular. And there's quite a community building around it. The owners and others who came together through the restaurant recently opened an organic coop a couple of doors down.
  10. Hi everyone! I'm Liz. I learned about this place from Vegan Fitness. I'm a 32 year old woman, living in Baltimore, obviously. I have been a vegetarian for 11 or 12 years, and I am an aspiring vegan. I really want to be one for ethical reasons, but am having trouble gathering up willpower. I've really cut down on eggs and dairy and all that, but haven't managed to go completely vegan yet. I have been XC mountain biking for a number of years, maybe about 7. Last year I bought a road bike, and this year I joined a team. I just started working out in the gym as well and am really enjoying that. Vegan Fitness has been really helpful, and I'm sure this board will be as well. Encouragement and support for my developing veganism is very welcome!
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