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Everything posted by FormicaLinoleum

  1. Fri 10 Feb 2012 Exercise None--rest day Food Breakfast: smoothie Snack: flat white Lunch: lentils, veg curry, brown rice Snack: tea, banana bread Dinner: Loving Hut Notes I have a mild cold. It's not bad enough for me to take time off from anything, but it's a little annoying. For dinner, we're going to what is becoming our traditional Friday evening dinner at Loving Hut. Tomorrow I'm hoping we'll fit in weight lifting then are going to lead rec league in the evening. We've got a really derby filled week coming up. Leading rec league tomorrow, scrimmage practice Sun, DSA training Mon, meeting then practice Tues, Wed off (though will do plyo on my own), practice Thurs, and team practice Fri. Oh, then an off-skates team bonding on Sat. It's really a good thing my partner does derby as well or we'd never see each other.
  2. Thurs 9 Feb 2012 Exercise 2-hour derby practice Food Breakfast: mini choc chip wheetabix, tea Lunch: veggie burger & chips Snack: coffee Dinnner: leftover spag bol
  3. Wed 8 Feb 2012 Exercise Plyo routine I put together myself Food Breakfast: smoothie Snack: flat white (coffee) Lunch: food from health food store hot bar Dinner: spaghetti "bolognese" Notes I've been a wuss and haven't been cycling as it's been quite cold, and occasionally snowing, here in London. I hope it warms up soon or I'm just going to have to suck it up and cycle anyway.
  4. Tuesday 7 Feb 2012 Exercise a bit of skating Food Breakfast: usual smoothie Snack: coffee, bread and hummus Lunch: food from health food store hot bar Snack: veggie snack sausage thing Dinner: Amy's daiya mac n cheese Snack (post practice): small amount of mini choc chip weetabix Notes It was a frustrating practice. I had a meeting before it, but due to unforeseen complication we decided we couldn't do what we were there to do. I was a bit late, but went to skate. After half an hour, we were all called together again and spent the next hour talking about whether or not we could do it (we ended on no). So I missed most of the practice.
  5. Monday 6 Feb 2012 Exercise About 1.5 hrs agility and strength training Food Breakfast: beans, toast, LM sausage Lunch: Indian buffet stuff Snack: tea, cocoa mint Nakd bar Dinner: mostly bread and hummus Post-exercise: protein shake Notes We (a group of rollergirls) went to our first session with Dynamic Sports Academy. It was an intro session so a little easier than it will be in the future I'm sure. It was 2 hours long, and we rotated through 3 different sesssions: 1/2hr eye/vision training, 1/2hr speed, agility, and quickness training, and 1hr strength training. The strength really focused on legs and core, as that's what's most important for us. We did lots of squats (no weight--most people in the group don't lift) and some lunges and hamstring stuff and some abs. It was good. I'm excited about adding the weights as I don't have access to a squat rack and do only front squats at home. They have 3 squat racks. We had about 30 people there, and we had the place just to our group. The coaches were great. It's a really amazing deal we got with them, and I'm excited to see how it progresses.
  6. It's been a busy weekend, so I'm not going to post my exercise and food details for it. Had a public bout yesterday, my league team (of which I'm captain) versus a team from Cardiff. It was a tough game, but we won, so I'm pretty happy about that. Today we had a closed door bout, our A travel team versus a league from the Midlands. It was pretty much expected we'd win, and we did, by loads. But it was fun and a good chance to work on teamwork. Tired now and I have to do some work!
  7. Friday 3 Feb 2012 Exercise None! Food Breakfast: usual smoothie Snack: flat white, half cocoa mint Nakd bar Lunch: satay tofu/veg Snack: tea, whole cocoa mint Nakd bar Dinner: leftover spag bol, little bit lentil/veg soup Notes Today sucks! Got lots of work to get done and also had to spend a fair amount of time doing derby stuff for the bout tomorrow. It's 7pm the night before a bout (for which I am captain) and I'm still at work, missing a group dinner I was supposed to go to, with no end in sight. I feel like I'm not going to be able to give the proper thought and preparation to my captaining tomorrow. I'd put off my work to the weekend, but it's going to be a busy one. The bout tomorrow will take up from around noon to close to midnight (we have to do set up, run the thing, and shut down so it's a full day). Then on Sunday I have to be on the other side of London for an 11am team selection meeting then go straight to a closed door bout in the afternoon and get home around 8:30pm. Will probably have to do some work Sunday night anyway as I know I can't get it all done now. I feel very distracted and not in a good frame of mind for a pre-bout night.
  8. Thursday 2 Feb 2012 Exercise None, again Food Breakfast: mini choc chip weetabix Snack: coffee, ginger choc slice Lunch: sausage rolls, lentil/veg soup Dinner: spaghetti 'bolognese' Notes I didn't make it to practice because I had lots of work to get done. Practice would take me out of the house from 6:30-11pm and I needed at least some of that time for working. I'm not happy about it, especially because I have the bouts coming up this weekend and would like to do some skating in the run up. Oh well.
  9. Exactly! I have a smoothie for breakfast every weekday. It's just water, fruit, veg, and protein powder. Through it I start my day with a few handfuls of spinach, half an apple, half a pear, half a banana, and a handful of blueberries, plus 25g of protein. If I weren't having my smoothie, I wouldn't be sitting down and starting my day eating that same food. I'd be having a bowl of cereal in soya milk or something.
  10. Wednesday 1 Feb 2012 Exercise None Food Breakfast: usual smoothie Snack: coffee, half a Nakd cocoa mint bar Lunch: pakora, cabbage dish, veg curry, rice Snack: tea, half a Nakd cocoa mint bar Dinner: smokey split pea soup, lots of snacking Notes I have a team get-together right after work today somewhere across London, so no chance to do plyo or other exercise today. Everyone brought a bunch of snacky things like hummus, dips, bread, chips, Indian starters, salads, etc., and I ate a bunch of them! My teammates are so nice--they always make sure to get some vegan stuff and let me know what is and isn't vegan. I've got two bouts this weekend--a public one with my league team against a Welsh league on Saturday, and a closed-door one with the A team against another league on Sunday. I'm a bit nervous about the first one (I'm captain) and excited about the second.
  11. Tuesday 31 Jan 2012 Exercise Cycled to work to practice to home (13mi) Food Breakfast: usual smoothie Snack: tea, half a Nakd cocoa mint bar Lunch: (from health food store food bar) chickpea/veg casserole with brown rice, mint choc chip 'cheesecake' Snack: Viana Picknicker (snack sausage-y thing) Dinner: smokey split pea soup with quinoa Post-practice: chips and hummus Notes I went to practice but watched rather than skating. I'm going to be on the travel team selection committee this weekend. I usually am not, as it's primarily coaches who do it, but as a team captain I am filling in for a coach. So I spent the practice watching others skate and thinking about the upcoming selection. I need to cut down on the crap like the 'cheesecake' and chips.
  12. Monday 30 Jan 2012 Exercise Lifted weights (all weights in pounds): Front squats: 104 x5/5/5 Bench press: 89 x4/4/4 Bent over row: 99 x4/4/4 SLDL: 99x12 Plank Speed skater stance Food Breakfast: usual smoothie Snack: coffee, Lazy Day ginger slice Lunch: big salad (romaine, carrot, cuke, red onion, balsamic), Amy's Daiya mac n cheese Post-weights: small protein shake Dinner: smokey split pea soup, quinoa
  13. My league made one of those sh*t X say videos. I have a small (but pivotal) role as "Deathcake".
  14. Sunday 29 Jan 2012 Exercise Around 2 hours of scrimmaging (within a 3-hour practice) Food Breakfast: pancakes, tea Smack: hot soya almond drink, kettle corn Lunch: teriyaki tofu with soba Dinner: chips and hummus
  15. Week Summary, 22-28 January 2012 Exercise Exercise wasn't too bad. I cycled a couple of days. The misses were not lifting weights on Monday due to rec league and not doing plyo on Wednesday. Food Eating was still not good, but not quite as bad as last week. Upcoming week As far as I can see, I don't have any reason to miss any of my exercise this week. I think my eating will be better this coming week as my partner is also trying to eat better so won't be suggesting we go out to eat as much. My partner has never had to worry about weight as she's been incredibly steady around 50kg/110lbs for the 10 years I've known her, no matter what she eats. But she wants to eat more healthily. EDIT: Just remembered that I have a team gathering on Wed, which means that I won't have chance to exercise that day.
  16. Saturday 28 Jan 2012 Exercise Lifted weights (all weights in pounds): Cleans: 74x5, 79x5, 84x5 Overhead Press: 69 x3/3/3 Deadlift: 158 x6 Food Breakfast: tea, brownie, mini weetabix Snack: kettle corn Lunch: noodle salad (romaine, cold soba, carrot, cuke, red onion, peanutty dressing) Dinner: vegan Chinese Notes My partner had to work today but I wanted to make sure to lift weights anyway. As I was on my own, I did things that I didn't need a spotter for. I was pretty happy with the cleans--they felt smooth and easy. Not so happy with the overhead press. I feel like that amount of weight shouldn't be so hard.
  17. Friday 27 Jan 2012 Exercise None Food Breakfast: Usual smoothie Snack: latte Lunch: teriyaki tofu with bak choi and soba Snack: hot soya almond drink Dinner: spring rolls, ma po tofu (takeaway), brownie Notes We had some friends over last night and we all ordered takeaway together. I also worked at home so didn't cycle. It doesn't matter too much as Friday is supposed to be my rest day, but I didn't do any exercise on Monday due to leading rec league, so was hoping to squeeze in some exercise today.
  18. Thursday 26 Jan 2012 Exercise 2-hour derby practice Food Breakfast: usual smoothie Snack: tea and bagel Lunch: big salad, teriyaki tofu & soba (homemade) Snack: mug of hot soya almond drink Dinner (pre-practice): leftover pasta from last night Post practice: mini weetabix
  19. Wednesday 25 January 2012 Exercise Cycled to work and back Food Breakfast: my usual smoothie Snack: tea and half a Nakd cocoa mint bar Lunch: hummus, pita, cuke, red pepper; a few chips (fries) Snack: tea and the other half of the Nakd cocoa mint bar Dinner: big salad, a pasta dish I threw together Notes I was thinking of doing some other exercise once I got home, but my legs were so tired when cycling, both this morning and this evening, that I decided to leave it at that. I think they are a bit tired out from yesterday. We've heard that we are going to start our crosstraining session on 6 Feb. I can't wait! It's with people called Dynamic Sports Academy and we get 2-hour sessions working on weight training and strength/quickness/agility training. I think we'll also do some mental stuff. I'm really looking forward to it.
  20. Tuesday 24 Jan 2012 Exercise Cycled home to work to practice to home (13mi) 2 hour derby practice Food Breakfast: my usual smoothie Snack: tea and half a Nakd cocoa mint bar Lunch: dumplings, veggie burger, potato wedges Snack: tea and other half of the Nakd cocoa mint bar Dinner: roasted chickpea/broccoli/garlic Post-practice: mini weetabix with soya milk and protein powder (that was an experiment--not sure I'll do it again)
  21. Monday 23 Jan 2012 Exercise None--had to coach rec league session Food Breakfast: my usual smoothie Lunch: lentil stew from veg cafe Snack: tea and Nakd mint chic bar Dinner: broccoli & chickpea, veggie dog, cupcake Notes Weighed myself this morning. On the low side of 70kg. I'm amazed I didn't gain weight after all the eating I did thus past week. Food was going ok today then just as I was eating my homemade broccoli chickpea dish my partner turned up with a veggie dog and cupcake for me. I should have lifted weights but I was on the rota to lead a rec league session. It's their all scrimmage session so I did off skates bench coaching and didn't do any skating myself.
  22. Yeah, as above. I don't know what a cron-o-meter is and don't think it's necessary. You're not bodybuilding and trying to enter a competition, so I don't see any reason to worry about your macros or details like that. You also don't need to eat any specific diet with a name. Just eat whole foods and avoid processed junk. Eat as much veg as you can, especially green leafy ones. Eat beans/legumes. Eat fruit. Eat nuts and seeds. As I said, if you feel you can't make a change without more detailed guidelines, try reading Eat to Live. But it will basically say the same with many more words.
  23. Week Summary, 15-21 January 2012 Exercise Exercise was OK. I didn't cycle much at all, but did other forms of exercise most days. The major unplanned miss was not lifting weights yesterday (Saturday). Food Eating was pretty much terrible. I didn't do any cooking so did a lot of eating out for lunch. In addition, it was my partner's birthday on Thursday, so we went out and ate a whole lot on both Thurs and Sat. Upcoming week Definitely need to stick to my exercise better. I don't have any plans that will interfere with that, except that I have to lead rec league practice on Monday evening so can't lift weights. I need to be much, much better about food. I do have a few dishes planned and have the groceries needed to make it, so I hope it will go better.
  24. Sunday 22 Jan 2012 Exercise A bit over two hours of skating Food Breakfast: mini weetabix, tea Snack: tea, cake Lunch: spaghetti "bolognese" Dinner: more spag bol
  25. Saturday 21 Jan 2012 Exercise None Food Breakfast: bowl of Weetabix minis, tea Lunch: lots of food at a Turkish restaurant Snack: tea and cake Dinner: tofu/noodle soup Notes Went out for lunch with a group of friends, partly to celebrate my partner's birthday. We made cake for the occasion, so I lots of food.
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