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Everything posted by markc7

  1. Yep, he's truly amazing. From what I've heard from my ultra running friends, he's also a really really nice guy. He doesn't brag about his wins, sticks around at the finish line after winning to cheer on the mid-packers. Very cool. I hope to meet him at a race someday.
  2. Wow, that's quite the schedule! It's amazing that you can balance all those jobs/competitions/etc. There are a few other runners on this site, so be sure to join us in the Endurance Sports section.
  3. I'm still trying to decide what races to run in the next few months. I usually do my best training over the winter, so my best races are in the spring. I always do the Around the Bay 30km race in March. Then I'm thinking about doing a 100 miler in May or June, followed by another long race 100M or maybe the Canadian Death Race, in July or August. I'd love to fit in a marathon somewhere in there, but it might have to wait for next fall.
  4. Hey everyone, My wife and I are vegan ultramarathon runners. Last weekend she did her longest race ever, a 100 miler! Here is her race report. Awesome! http://www.coolrunning.com/forums/Forum8/HTML/009080.shtml
  5. Hi folks, I heard about this site on VeganFreaks, and thought I'd check it out. I've been vegan for a bit longer than one year. I mainly do strength training to improve my running and avoid injury. I am not training for anything at the moment, because less than two months ago I finished my first 100 mile race. I usually do two or three ultramarathons each year, as well as a couple of shorter races. Anyways, that's me in a nutshell. Looking forward to reading the forums.
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