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Everything posted by tuc

  1. Wed 6th May Deadlift baby! - Deadlift, barbell: 5 @ 70kg, 5 @ 102kg, 5 @ 122kg, 5 @ 130kg (287 lbs) - Shrugs 10 @ 102kg (a bit too small movement I think), 10 + 10 @ 86kg I am quite happy with those deadlifts since I didn't use my normal 20kg plates this time which meant the bar was lower than normal (just an inch or two but anyway). Long time since last time I did deadlifts. Next time proper weights! BTW, here's a pic of my current gym with a fancy new floor mat which prevents my wooden floor to break when I deadlift and drop weights: http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk250/tuc_finland/06052009448.jpg
  2. Mon 4th May Wow, muscles are SORE from yesterday. I have to get myself back in shape! 2h 15mins bboying, nothing else. Tue 5th May Light training today, but LOADS of eating. - Deep squats, barbell: 10 @ 52kg, 10 + 10 @ 64kg (gotta take it easy, long time since last time) - Bicep curls, curl bar: 12 + 10 + 10 @ 40kg More tomorrow!
  3. It's on! Huge amounts of food today, still more eating to do. I started with upper body since I still have bboying lessons to keep tomorrow: Sun 3rd May - Bench press, dumbbells: 3 x 10 @ 28kg - Incline bench press, barbell: 6&f + 7 @ 64kg - Deadlift, just some reps for warm up @ 90kg - Dips, bw: 20 + 12 - Bent-over rows: 10 + 10 + @ 70kg From now on you can wait for almost daily updates. I lost some fat and also some muscle because of huge amounts of dancing during the past 2 months... but I'll get the muscle back in no time and maybe some new fat too.
  4. Second! I am VERY eagerly waiting for pics and vids from the comp. You all look fantastic and represent veganism as a true choise without compromises. GO GO GO!
  5. Yes, still sprouting! I'll have another load of sprouts ready by tomorrow. My training journal hasn't been updated for a number of reasons: 1.) I've been dancing nonstop because we had our premier last friday. I am a dancer and a coreographer at a play (or "speksi) of our student union. I've lost some fat and weight but I've had a LOT of exercise. 2.) I've pushed some weights between dancing, not too hard since we have a lot of difficult lifts and I might hurt other people if I can't lift them. 3.) I wrote a LONG text about every single dancing hour and rep I have made and then Windows decided to automatically restart and when I resumed the session in Firefox it had lost my text. fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu.... After this week it will be SO MUCH LIFTING and EATING you'll crap your pants when I tell about it. Just wait!
  6. I love happy endings! Anyway, it's worth trying out pea, rice or hemp protein if it suits you better. And if you want to make money, scientists would be very interested in doing exams with you if you really get impotent by eating soy. It should mean nice amounts of money.
  7. Kaayla T. Daniel is heavily involved in meat lobbies such as Weston A Price: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weston_A._Price_Foundation She gets paid for telling people to stop eating soy and start eating meat. And that's bullshit. I hate her. I overhate her for abusing her Ph.D. status for lobbying meat and spreading rumors about soy which are just not true. Also, that article didn't say anything about impotency. Just check how much soy you have to eat so that it will affect your testo levels by reading the link I sent you! How much did you take? It is virtually impossible that it has had any effect on your testo levels even if you ate it 10 lbs a day. And if you did, low testo levels are the least of your problems. You don't get results in 2 weeks anyway. That spreadsheet doesn't bring any relevant information to this discussion. You can just try to fap now and you can tell instantly whether or not you can get it up.
  8. If your claim is true it is very likely a psychosomatic reaction. Read this: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance_nutrition/soy_whats_the_big_deal If you ate soy without knowing it you probably would not have such effects. Or then it can be because of some other reason since it has only been a week. In such a short period it should be impossible to have any effect on potency since it takes time for hormone levels to change and you probably haven't eaten 10 lbs of soy protein per day. If I were you I'd get my testo and other levels tested. If your impotency is because of soy there is something wrong with your hormone balance.
  9. You seem to be REALLY active! You look really healthy and you make it easier for many people to go vegan with your cooking recipes and all. Web pages look fresh and I really have to take some time to check out all those videos! Welcome and enjoy your stay. I wish we'll see you around a lot with new recipes & stuff!
  10. You look seriously ripped and well balanced. Focusing only on size in competitions is bs, but in any case you are bringing out the very best in raw veganism. Hopefully I'll look like that some day.
  11. Wow, quite an intro! Your motives are quite similar to mine, even though we live in other sides of our planet. Good luck with your project! I can tell that people really stop telling that you can't build muscles as a vegan when you become stronger than them.
  12. I spend maybe 5-10 euros per day for food. That's 6-13 USD and don't even get me started with the ridiculous food price we have here in Finland (it's about twice as expensive as in the U.S.). Start making proper meals yourself, like full grain pasta with ridiculous amounts of oil, beans, onions, textured soy products and such. You'll get 2000 kcal for 2 dollars. Anyone can afford it.
  13. Welcome to the forum! I'd go for a lot of short sets 2-3 times a week. 3 reps per set near maximum weights should do the trick. Also, if you have to stop the barbell in the competition (official rules), you should obviously try to do your sets like that.
  14. Welcome, Gary! Hey, you are about the same size as I was 1½ years ago! Just go nuts (and seeds) and start eating like a horse and you'll be twice as big in no time. Also remember to increase either reps, sets or weights all the time so that you'll keep getting better results and bigger muscles. BTW, there are really big vegans from Scotland. Check El Flaco (or Spug_Myer @ VF).
  15. Welcome, Phil! Sounds like you're really doing it right! Way to go! I'd love to see pics if that 5.5 % BF is correct. You must be RIPPED!
  16. A late welcome from me too! Don't forget that if you want to learn stuff, keep asking stuff! Start posting already!
  17. Welcome, Debra! Hey! It's a bit like xjohanx's way of thinking "Always looking better" By looking at your stats you have to be in really good condition! But hey, don't lower your BF % if it's already 15 %! Women need more body fat than men for proper hormone balance and such and 12 % is too low to be maintained for longer periods if I have read my books correctly. Anyway, have a great time here!
  18. Happy birthday! Here's a vegan cake for you! http://www.downtownpet.com/blog/uploaded_images/vegan.cake.2-713995.jpg
  19. I'm sure it's worth visiting. I've been to most central European countries but not Belgium yet. All the people from Belgium I've met have been really nice! If Belgium is even half as nice as the Netherlands, it'll be a blast! And I bet it might be even nicer. If you ever visit Finland, contact me and I'll tell you how to have great vegan food, party in great places and see all what's worth seeing here.
  20. This link is awesome: http://www.burningflags.com/VEGANVEGAN.html
  21. Welcome, and good luck gaining mass! If you want to get more mass easily, the best way is to eat seeds and nuts all day long. That way you can get those calories without having to eat 3898325 kg food every day. Plus you'll get all the nutrients, proteins and healthy fat at the same time. Gogogo! I'll remind you again to eat those seeds later on!
  22. Welcome! Great stuff, 3rd post and already sharing loads of information. Now I want to go to Brussel too!
  23. Welcome, Andy! Love your avatar. Please, share all the climbing pics you have! Also, I'm jealous to you for being raised as a vegetarian. Awesome stuff!
  24. tuc


    Welcome, John! BTW, I think the best way to get objective information about veganism is to read this forum and ask if you have any questions. You'll often get info from both sides (holistic and scientific opinion). That's why I prefer this forum, not just books.
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