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reflect's Achievements
12-7-23 Thu -------------- Barbell squat 75 x10, 95 x10, 135 x9, 155 x8 Lying tri ext 40 x9, 60 x9, 70 x9, 70 x7 Parallette bar Pushup x9, x14 Lateral side arm raise 10s x 9 Lifelift 95 x7, 135 x6 Suspension trainer mid row, mid row, reverse fly, Y, I
Hi, I am vegan and want to increase fitness and good health. 12-04-23 Mon ---------------- Decline Bb bench 45 x10, 95 x10, 135 x8, 155 x6, 165 x4, 170 x3, 170 x2 Suspension trainer I, Y Mid rows, T Mid rows, T Parallette bar Pushup 10, 9 Alt dumbbell curl 23 x8 Ezcurl bar 40 x8, 40 x7
11-28-23 Tue -------------- Bb bench press 45 x20, 95 x10, 135 x8, 145 x8, 155 x6, 165 x2, 160 x3 Total gym Triceps ext Level 3 x10, L4 x10, L4 x14 Lateral side arm pulldown L3 x10, L4 x11, L4 x10 Lateral pulldown L4 x14 Suspension trainer Chest fly 18, 10, 11 Triceps ext 12, 10 Straight arm pulldown 16 Mid row 10, 8 Reverse fly 11, 10 W 8
11-27-23 Mon ----------------------- Cable Rows Level 3 x10 Parallette pushups 10, 10, 10 Tuck and hold Assisted band pullup 7, 10, 7 Chinups 3 Suspension trainer Reverse Flys I, Y I, W, T, Leaning rows W, I, tricep kickback Dumbell kickback 10 each Dumbell curls 14 lbs x10 each, 14 lbs x8 each Curls tubes 13 lbs x10 Ezbar curls 40 x7, 40 x7, 50 x6, 50 x7 Dips 8, 7
11-24-23 Fri --------------------- Barbell squat 75 x10, 95 x10, 135 x8 Lifelift 75 x7, 95 x7, 115 x6 Bb overhead press 65 x7, 75 x5 Cable row Level 3 x12, Straight arm pulldown Level 3 x12 Lateral straight arm pulldown Level 3 x12 Suspension trainer I, W Leaning Rows Reverse fly
11-21-23 Tue --------‐----- Barbell incline press 75 x8, 75 x9, 75 x9, 95 x5 Lat pull down 65 - 175 bands x8, x8, x7, x7
9-21-23 Thu -------------- Barbell Bench 95 x7, 135 x6, 145 x4, 155 x5, 155 x4
9-15-23 Mon --------------- Overhead Bb press 65 x6, 75 x4 Bb squat 115 x10, 135 x10 Chest fly band 25lbs to 80lbs x10, x10, x17 Triceps ext ezcurl bar 60 x7, 60 x7
Bodyfat weight 165 lbs Calipers 21% bodyfat tape measure 16.79% bodyfat
7-15-2023 Fri --------------- Barbell squat 45 x8, 45 x8, 95 x9, 125 x8, 125 x7 One hand ezcurl bar overhead press Each side 8 reps, 7 reps Front BB overhead press 45 x6, 55 x6, 55 x5 Dumbbell overhead press 20s x7, 20s x8 Shoulder shrugs side Green bands 50 -120 lbs 14 reps, 14 reps, 9 reps Lat pull down tubes 36 x10, 36 x12, 36 x8 Dumbbel side raises 15s x7, 15s x7 Dumbbel Front raises Each arm 15s x8
7-13-23 Thu --------------- Barbell bench press 65 x8, 85 x8, 95 x6, 135 x6, 145 x5, 155 x4, 155 x3 DB curls Side raises Rotator cuff side pulls
7-4-2023 Tue --------------- Barbell Row 75 x6, 95 x6, 115 x6, 115 x8, 115 x8 Barbell Bench Press 75 x10, 95 x10, 135 x6, 145 x5, 145 x5, 155 x3
4-24-23 Mon --------------- Barbell Bench 70 x7, 95 x7, 95 x7, 125 x6, 135 x5, 145 x3 Ezcurl bar row 60 x7, 60 x9, 60 x7, 60 x8 Dips leg assist 5 reps, 6 reps One arm Ezcurl bar overhead press 9 reps, 7 reps
3-27-23 Mon --------------- Ezcurl bar 20 x10, 30 x8, 30 x9, 40 x8, 40 x8, 45 x7 Bicep curl tubes 8 lbs x10, 8 lbs x12 19 lbs x9 Tricep pull-down tubes 23 lbs x16, 23 lbs x15 36 lbs x12, 36 lbs x18 Overhead tricep ext tubes 23 lbs x18, 23 lbs x17
Hi, I have been trying regain strength. My Bench Press is about 115 x7 reps or 135 x4 reps. I used to be able to Bench about 185 x4 reps. Body Weight 170 lbs I am looking for Vegan Branched Chain Amino Acids and a Vegan Amino complex.