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Everything posted by reflect

  1. 12-7-23 Thu -------------- Barbell squat 75 x10, 95 x10, 135 x9, 155 x8 Lying tri ext 40 x9, 60 x9, 70 x9, 70 x7 Parallette bar Pushup x9, x14 Lateral side arm raise 10s x 9 Lifelift 95 x7, 135 x6 Suspension trainer mid row, mid row, reverse fly, Y, I
  2. Hi, I am vegan and want to increase fitness and good health. 12-04-23 Mon ---------------- Decline Bb bench 45 x10, 95 x10, 135 x8, 155 x6, 165 x4, 170 x3, 170 x2 Suspension trainer I, Y Mid rows, T Mid rows, T Parallette bar Pushup 10, 9 Alt dumbbell curl 23 x8 Ezcurl bar 40 x8, 40 x7
  3. 11-28-23 Tue -------------- Bb bench press 45 x20, 95 x10, 135 x8, 145 x8, 155 x6, 165 x2, 160 x3 Total gym Triceps ext Level 3 x10, L4 x10, L4 x14 Lateral side arm pulldown L3 x10, L4 x11, L4 x10 Lateral pulldown L4 x14 Suspension trainer Chest fly 18, 10, 11 Triceps ext 12, 10 Straight arm pulldown 16 Mid row 10, 8 Reverse fly 11, 10 W 8
  4. 11-27-23 Mon ----------------------- Cable Rows Level 3 x10 Parallette pushups 10, 10, 10 Tuck and hold Assisted band pullup 7, 10, 7 Chinups 3 Suspension trainer Reverse Flys I, Y I, W, T, Leaning rows W, I, tricep kickback Dumbell kickback 10 each Dumbell curls 14 lbs x10 each, 14 lbs x8 each Curls tubes 13 lbs x10 Ezbar curls 40 x7, 40 x7, 50 x6, 50 x7 Dips 8, 7
  5. 11-24-23 Fri --------------------- Barbell squat 75 x10, 95 x10, 135 x8 Lifelift 75 x7, 95 x7, 115 x6 Bb overhead press 65 x7, 75 x5 Cable row Level 3 x12, Straight arm pulldown Level 3 x12 Lateral straight arm pulldown Level 3 x12 Suspension trainer I, W Leaning Rows Reverse fly
  6. 11-21-23 Tue --------‐----- Barbell incline press 75 x8, 75 x9, 75 x9, 95 x5 Lat pull down 65 - 175 bands x8, x8, x7, x7
  7. 9-21-23 Thu -------------- Barbell Bench 95 x7, 135 x6, 145 x4, 155 x5, 155 x4
  8. 9-15-23 Mon --------------- Overhead Bb press 65 x6, 75 x4 Bb squat 115 x10, 135 x10 Chest fly band 25lbs to 80lbs x10, x10, x17 Triceps ext ezcurl bar 60 x7, 60 x7
  9. Bodyfat weight 165 lbs Calipers 21% bodyfat tape measure 16.79% bodyfat
  10. 7-15-2023 Fri --------------- Barbell squat 45 x8, 45 x8, 95 x9, 125 x8, 125 x7 One hand ezcurl bar overhead press Each side 8 reps, 7 reps Front BB overhead press 45 x6, 55 x6, 55 x5 Dumbbell overhead press 20s x7, 20s x8 Shoulder shrugs side Green bands 50 -120 lbs 14 reps, 14 reps, 9 reps Lat pull down tubes 36 x10, 36 x12, 36 x8 Dumbbel side raises 15s x7, 15s x7 Dumbbel Front raises Each arm 15s x8
  11. 7-13-23 Thu --------------- Barbell bench press 65 x8, 85 x8, 95 x6, 135 x6, 145 x5, 155 x4, 155 x3 DB curls Side raises Rotator cuff side pulls
  12. 7-4-2023 Tue --------------- Barbell Row 75 x6, 95 x6, 115 x6, 115 x8, 115 x8 Barbell Bench Press 75 x10, 95 x10, 135 x6, 145 x5, 145 x5, 155 x3
  13. 4-24-23 Mon --------------- Barbell Bench 70 x7, 95 x7, 95 x7, 125 x6, 135 x5, 145 x3 Ezcurl bar row 60 x7, 60 x9, 60 x7, 60 x8 Dips leg assist 5 reps, 6 reps One arm Ezcurl bar overhead press 9 reps, 7 reps
  14. 3-27-23 Mon --------------- Ezcurl bar 20 x10, 30 x8, 30 x9, 40 x8, 40 x8, 45 x7 Bicep curl tubes 8 lbs x10, 8 lbs x12 19 lbs x9 Tricep pull-down tubes 23 lbs x16, 23 lbs x15 36 lbs x12, 36 lbs x18 Overhead tricep ext tubes 23 lbs x18, 23 lbs x17
  15. Hi, I have been trying regain strength. My Bench Press is about 115 x7 reps or 135 x4 reps. I used to be able to Bench about 185 x4 reps. Body Weight 170 lbs I am looking for Vegan Branched Chain Amino Acids and a Vegan Amino complex.
  16. Stats 9-30-07 ----------------- Body Weight 185 lbs Body Fat Percentage 17% BMI 24.07 Lean Weight 153 lbs Body Fat 31 lbs
  17. I have a rice and fruit smoothie in the morning. I mix soy, spirulina and sea vegetable powder in the evening. I have kale and other greens in salads. I haven't tried blending them before. I can't tolerate hemp protein. I would probably get sick.
  18. Hi Lotus, I have been using Nutribiotic Brown Rice Protein. I have been thinking of getting pea protein instead of rice. I would have to mail order it. I am studying Kinesiology as a goal for a career in fitness. I work at a University gym as an attendant.
  19. I am having smoothies now with soy or rice protein powder, nuts, vegetables and fruits. Mostly just vegan protein powder and fruits. Having blended raw foods has increased my energy. My 3 mile run has gone from trying to get done in under 30 minutes to under 27 minutes. Stats 3/3/2007 Bodyweight 189 Bodyfat % 17.76% Lean Mass 155.44 Bodyfat 33.56 Goal weight 180 Goal Bodyfat 10%
  20. I just eat when I am hungry. I try to keep it about 2000-3000 calories a day. My caloric energy expenditure is from about 900 to 2000 calories per day. Bodyweight 188 pounds
  21. Sometimes, I eat a lot before going to sleep, so i dont wake up at 3am feeling hungry. Sun 10-1 protein 165 calories 3197 carbs 388 Mon 10-2 protein 122 calories 2240 carbs 278 Tues 10-3 protein 111 calories 2166 carbs 284 Wed 10-4 protein 124 calories 2595 carbs 321 Thu 10-5 protein 135 calories 2770 carbs 318 Fri 10-6 protein 171 calories 3440 carbs 435 Sat 10-7 protein 164 calories 2580 carbs 329 Sun 10-8 protein 144 calories 3109 carbs 373 Mon 10-9 protein 161 calories 3117 carbs 369 Tues 10-10 protein 140 calories 2700 carbs 289 Wed 10-11 protein 118 calories 1974 carbs 195 Thu 10-12 protein 125 calories 2368 carbs 193 Fri 10-13 protein 119 calories 2007 carbs 320 Sat 10-14 protein 179 calories 3951 carbs 435 Sun 10-15 protein 110 calories 2035 carbs 229 Sun 10-16 protein 220 calories 4026 carbs 463
  22. I am just learning this. I wanted to track my calories years ago and didnt have a program on PC for it. Now I have Diet Power. I checked out another program called FitDay. I wonder, if on some days, if i really ate a lot I could go over 3000 calories. Other days I am not hungry and around 9pm am still at 1500 and decide to eat around midnight. Sunday 2000 calories 290 carbs 106 protein Monday 1700 calories 210 carbs 70 protein Tuesday 2200 calories 240 carbs 125 protein Wednesday 2100 calories 220 carbs 80 protein Thursday 2100 calories 290 carbs 80 protein Friday 1800 calories 260 carbs 80 protein bodyweight 196 pds
  23. Hi, I just started tracking my calories and protein on a program called Diet Power. My goals are to lose about 20 pds of fat and put on muscle. Sunday 2600 calories 400 carbs 110 protein Monday 2500 calories 233 carbs 110 protein Tuesday 2800 calories 300 carbs 100 protein Wednesday 1700 calories 250 carbs 65 protein Thursday 1700 calories 190 carbs 65 protein Friday 2900 calories 370 carbs 155 protein weight 197 pds So far, I learned I have to maintain about 2000 calories for BMR and then about 3000 calories total for exercise expenditure. I gained 1 pound last thursday for expending about 2000-2500 calories being active for 7 hours and my system stored some fat from the 1700 calories I ate.
  24. 8-14-06 Mon --------------- DB Incline Press 50s x19, 55s x13, 55s x 11, 45s x8 Tri Cep Cable Isolation #5 x15, #5 x15, #5 x14, #5 x11 Decline Bench 135 x14, 135 x12, 135 x10 Front Leaning Cable Cross #9 x30, #11 x16, #11 x15, #11 x14 U Bar Ext 60 x14, 60 x13, 60 x10, 60 x7 Rotator Cuff #4 x20, #5 x14, #5 x10, #3 x18 Cardio 3 miles in 29.30 450 calories 20 min Abs 8-16-06 Wed ---------------- 20 min interval run distance 2.2 miles 5-9mph in 4 cycles 325 calories expended 15 min Abs 8-17-06 Thur ---------------- Peck Deck 132 x29, 144 x20, 156 x15, 156 x14 intensity 9, 10, 10, 10 Front Cable Raise #3 x20, #4 x15, #4 x13, #4 x12 intensity 8, 10, 10, 10 Shrugs 135 x23, 155 x16, 155 x15, 155 x10 intensity 8, 9, 8, 9 Lat Raise and Squats 15s x15, 20s x13, 20s x12, 20s x15 intensity 8, 9, 9, 8 DB Bench Press 50s x20, 55s x9, 50s x12, 50s x7 intensity 9, 9, 10, 9 Overhead DB Extension 30 x20, 35 x20, 40 x15, 40 x14 intensity 6, 9, 9, 10 2 hours of aerobics about 1000 calories expended 8-18-06 Fri -------------- Alt Dumbells 25s x18, 25s 15, 30s x7, 25s x13 intensity 8, 8, 7, 8 Seated Rows #7 x30, #9 x26, #10 x18, #11 x12 + 2 spots intensity 5, 7, 8, 9 DB Pullover 45s x25, 50s x20, 55s x16 intensity 7, 8, 8 Pullups #10 x18, #10 x15, #10 x10, #10 x12 intensity 8, 7, 7, 7 I didnt eat enough calories on thursday and my system stored 1 pound of fat. weight 197 pds
  25. 8-7-06 Mon ------------- Decline Bench 135 x19, 145 x15, 145 x10 DB Incline Press 55s x10, 45s x20, 50s x12 Reverse Rotator Cuff #3 x15, #4 x11, #3 x11, #2 x16 Sideways Cable Arm Tricep Extension #4 x20, #5 x20, #6 x11, #5 x13 Cable Cross - leaning #8 x20, #10 x26, #11 x14, #8 x24 Rotator Cuff #3 x25, #4 x17, #5 x10 DB Bench Press 50s x9, 45s x12, 40s x10 Cardio 3 miles in 29.50 445 calories expended 15 min Abs weight 196 pds 8-8-06 Tues -------------- Alt Dumbell Curl 20s x20, 25s x20, 35s x6, 30s x10 Seated Rows #6 x25, #8 x20, #9 x17 Barbell Rows 115 x20, 125 x16, 125 x14 Leg Press 270 x20, 360 x16, 360 x16 8-9-06 Wed -------------- Cardio 60 min spin class 10 min Abs weight 195.5 8-10-06 Thurs ---------------- Peck Deck 132 x26, 144 x16, 156 x17, 168 x14 Front Cable Raise #3 x15, #4 x14, #4 x13, #5 x10, #5 x9 Shrugs 135 x20, 155 x16, 155 x14, 155 x14 Lat Raise 15s x17, 20s x14, 20s x11 Tri Cep Pushdown #7 x18, #8 x14, #8 x14, #8 x14 weight 196.5 8-11-06 Fri ------------- Lat Pulldown #8 x25, #9 x15, #9 x16, #10 x10 Lunges 15s x16, 20s x16, 25s x14, 30s x14 Deadlift - stiff DB 60s x15, 60s x15, 65s x15 Preacher Curls 50 x20, 55 x11, 55 x10, 50 x12 Reverse Curls 40 x20, 50 x12, 45 x11, 40x 6 +3 spots Cardio 3 miles in 34 mins 460 calories expended 15 min Abs weight 196 pds
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