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Posts posted by threeloaves

  1. Wow! That's a hell of a good price.


    Apple and Original aren't too bad, in fact they are some of my go-to flavors. Don't care much for the other ones though. Can't wait for their new Fruition bars to come out next month. Smaller snack-size bars (160 cal), 100% organic. Flavors I think are bluberry, strawberry, cran-raspberry, and peach.

    Superfood Slam!

  2. In the squat video it looks like he's using some momentum to bounce back up.

    Bouncing out of the hole using the stretchreflex of the muscles is essential to recover from a heavy clean, so it makes excellent sense that he would train the squat that way.


    It seems like that movement may be dangerous and/or poor technique.

    To me it seems like he is an excellent squatter .


    4X4, i like your avatar .

    Excellent. I'm still learning.

  3. Ryan, once again I appreciate the thorough response. I've been so busy at work lately I haven't had time to post a proper reply. 95% lower back...really? I've never had lower back pain or felt strain in that area. I guess my form is pretty terrible.


    The main things I focus on are pushing from my heels (sometimes i'll even use the toe curling technique), and not arching my back. I try to pinch my shoulders back in order to keep my chest up (as if I were benching) which I now know is wrong. Also, keeping my shoulders over the bar.


    I was practicing today, and noticed Im not pulling back. When I tried to use leverage and positioning as described in that article it felt very awkward. The bar was tearing my shins up, and i kept falling on my ass. Are you meant to pull back the entire pull?


    I have the feeling you can tell when your rear comes up and the legs extend and THEN the lower back kicks in to get the bar started moving upward.



    Are you intentionally trying to bring your shoulders backwards? I did this for a while and it messed me up off the floor. Once I lengthened my spine, kept the shoulders over the bar and drove the knees forward to initiate the lift I started getting a good drive off the floor.

    I am trying to pinch my shoulders back - as stated above. Can you explain to me what you mean by driving your knees forward?


    Coupled with what VeganEssentials said, go ahead and gain about 62 lbs - not sure but that should take you up to a nice round number

    Holy smokes I would be a lard ass.


    Good pulling, man. How long have you been lifting, if you don't mind my asking? Are you trying to put on bodyweight at all?

    Thanks. I only got into weight training a few years ago (3 maybe 4 years) I was so on point with my routine, and eating, but never made gains. This past year I really tried to focus on just lifting heavy, and eating everything. I was around 118lbs around this time last year. Currently I'm only 138-140lbs.


    Im still nowhere near happy with my physique. I'm pushing heavier weight, but it doesn't look like I'm putting on muscle. How do these featherweight fighters do it?!

  4. I drink these often:


    couple frozen strawberries

    frozen cherries

    frozen pineapple

    1/2 tsp spirulina (optional)

    sunflower seeds

    splash of orange juice (seems to always mask the bland powder taste)




    frozen mangos

    frozen pineapple

    splash of orange juice or lemon juice

    sunflower seeds





    shouldn't the fat from the seeds/nuts help regulate the insulin spike? I admit over the last few years i've stopped being so critical of macro-nutrition, and just started eating.

  5. Good deadlifting, threeloaves. From what I can see, your form looks pretty solid. It looks like it might be possible to get some more quadriceps involvement in breaking the weight off the floor, but it's a bit hard to tell viewing from the front. If you could get a video from the side or at an oblique angle it would be easier to give advice. But still, great pulling. Looks like a pretty nice gym setup too, though I'd advise you to ditch the gloves and get some chalk to complete the atmosphere


    - Eric


  6. Gemma: Pea Protein

    - they also let you make custom mixes. the one i currently use is mainly pea, with some brown rice, and hemp protein.

    Lots of great recipes here

    Here's what I've been eating recently:




    red quinoa



    black beans

    garbanzo beans


    sprouted bread (ezekiel)

    raw almond butter


    i make granola with:

    rolled oats, dried fruit, and nuts

    - i don't bake it either. just mix it up in a big container add some cinnamon.

    - you can also add boiling water to this later on to make oatmeal.


    lots of fruit and nuts/seeds

    - apples, nectarines, cherries, pears, strawberries, etc

    - almonds, pepitas, sunflower seeds


    i usually make at least one smoothie a day with

    - frozen fruit

    - nuts/seeds: almonds, sunflower, pepitas

    - protein: pea/rice/hemp

    - spirulina


    im also a big fan of larabars, and organic food bars for quick nutrition.

  7. Good deadlifting, threeloaves. From what I can see, your form looks pretty solid. It looks like it might be possible to get some more quadriceps involvement in breaking the weight off the floor, but it's a bit hard to tell viewing from the front. If you could get a video from the side or at an oblique angle it would be easier to give advice. But still, great pulling. Looks like a pretty nice gym setup too, though I'd advise you to ditch the gloves and get some chalk to complete the atmosphere


    - Eric

    I was working on my form the other day. I think I figured a few things out that have helped me with the initial pull.


    I agree with ditching the gloves. That isn't where I normally train. I was visiting my parents and decided to throw some weights around.


    I'm usually here:




    Thanks Eric

  8. Damn dude! That's some great freaking progress. I'm shooting for two times my body weight, hopefully I can join you soon up there. I'm at 135 and only lifting around 200lbs. You rock man.

    Thanks, keep crushin' - you'll be there in no time.

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