hi there. i have jus started bodybuilding and would like some guidance on how best to see gains on a vegan diet. i also i am on HCLF lifestyle and share the same values and morals regarding vegainsm and have seen such a huge benefit in my health. i am at the stage were i wont to devolpe my strength more than size. i started at 55 kg now up to 58 kg (all muscle gains). in a week of clean eating. i differ from other vegans as i follow a raw till 4 lifestyle which suit me perfect. my questions is wot other source of protein other than soya milk can i consume on regular daily basis which doesent put stress on my digestive system as i have a extremely sensitive stomach which slighly hinders my progress.. i have jus qualified as a fitness instructor so my training is fine, but would like some nutritional advice. thank you