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Everything posted by jmf

  1. oh, that's just part of the day. I also have dinner (that usually includes another dose of carbs and/or a descent serving of some sort of soy protein, such as Gardein variety or tofu). On top of that, I'll eat another 250-300 kcal right before going to bed. I eat 3100 kcal/day. Protein shakes: Vega, Truenutrition, etc. Lots of good vegan protein powders out there...I try to mix them up. The only stipulation I put on protein supplementation is that I try to minimize soy. (although I do eat some soy during the day)
  2. You don't have to go too extreme and be miserable...lol....You just need to mix it up and supplement if you want that much protein. I get 230-250g protein/day...but it takes four protein shakes/day to get there. My only "standard" meal is breakfast, but I try to mix it up a bit every day. Here's what I'm doing today...dinner forward is unplanned: BREAKFAST 80g oatmeal (before cooking) 200g blueberries 35g protein shake 20g almonds 1 tsp flaxseed oil 0.5 tbsp coconut oil MORNING SNACK 8g almonds 8g walnuts 35g protein shake 200g orange LUNCH 80g jasmine rice (before cooking) 0.5 tbsp coconut oil 35g protein shake 1 boca burger 17g ketchup mustard (no calories) 170g Granny smith apple 20g peanut butter AFTERNOON SNACK 8g almonds 8g walnuts 35g protein shake 80g buckwheat (before cooking) 0.5 tbsp coconut oil
  3. Relaxed legs this morning as I roll out of bed and get ready for shoulder workout. While my quads haven't gotten any bigger, going heavier on squats is bringing out some descent vascularity.
  4. Monthly update. Weight is up to 193-194 (1-2 lbs) and bodyfat is still unchanged since last measurement, even with the increase to 3100 kcal/day for the last month. Arms (biceps) increased by 1/4", all other measurements are unchanged...so I'll take that. In all fairness, the peak week in the middle of the month was definitely a setback, so I'm not taking this progress check too seriously. I do see an improvement in my core with the focus on heavier weights. So, moving forward, I'll continue to stay with 3100 kcal/day and same program (4 day split, no rest days) for the next month!
  5. I don't like the concept. IMO, there is nothing wrong with carbs, just get them from whole foods and avoid the sugar. A solid deficit with a weekly refeed is a proven practice!
  6. Got news yesterday (Sat) that today's shoot was cancelled (phew...lol!) so I decided to pull a little experiment and throw down some serious carbs and sodium intake yesterday...to the point of all that I could stand, just to see if I spill over. Here was yesterday's intake: C: 455g P: 230g F: 134g I went to bed with side stitches from eating so much...and today I woke looking quite bloated, but I went to the gym and here's how I looked with a pump: I haven't decided which look I prefer...but I think I like the look from several days earlier, with the depleted carbs, better stomach, and slightly less vascular. (I was definitely more comfortable earlier) Anyhow, I learned a lot...and now I have some better ideas for when I go into next photoshoot, or my first competition. (definitely need a cutting phase to get the bodyfat down)
  7. right on. Post up some data so we can hold you accountable
  8. Good job eating relatively clean over the holiday...now just have to get through xmas...lol!
  9. Eat more! (in your position, you should be tracking your food intake)
  10. One day out...third day of carb loading. Last night, I felt like I was walking around with a slight pump...but it came back down by the time I woke up, so I'm increasing carbs up to 340g today (leaving protein at 160g, fats at 60g) allowing my total calories to come up to >2500. No more vegetables and berries until after the shoot tomorrow, and having a high sodium breakfast before the shoot...and that is all!
  11. jmf

    New Here

    Hi Jace, Eating and lifting (heavy) are going to be your friends. There are TONS of weight training programs for gaining and hypertrophy...pick one and stick to it for at least three months. I suggest you choose a program that focuses on compound movements for the next 6-12 months. Hammer your legs. Use a notepad and pencil at the gym to track your progress. As for the eating, food will determine whether your efforts in the gym get converted to muscle...or not. Since you're new, start eating at your calculated TDEE + 10%. Get a $30 food scale, and track your intake and nutrients...I think tracking with a smartphone app is a pretty efficient method. (I use myfitnesspal, but there are others) Make sure you get plenty of fat and protein...they are critical to gaining muscle and strength. If you neglect what I've written on the food part, you're pretty much wasting your time in the gym...no kidding. Finally, track your body measurements...update only once/month. (any more frequent is frustrating) I track, weight, bodyfat, shoulders, chest, waist, biceps, forearms, quads, calves, hips. This will "close the loop" on your inputs and let you know if your eating and lifting strategies need revisions/refinement. Good luck!
  12. thanks Kathy! Last night (after three days) the carb depletion started to set in and I noticed my muscles going "flat." Especially my last workout this morning, very difficult to get a pump, despite my overall energy levels being better than I expected. I've been running on the following intake since Monday C: 180g (based on half of my normal intake) P: 235g (same as normal) F: 80g (same as normal) T: 2300 kcal (3100 kcal has been my normal intake) I noticed that my water retention follows carbohydrate intake, with about a 2-2.5 day delay, with muscle "fullness" following another half to one day behind water retention. With that in mind, I've decided on a less aggressive "carb-up" phase to prevent spilling over, as I understand that muscle fullness will recover first, followed by increased water retention. So, I've revised my carb up intake from [planned] 540g to 280g, starting today...here is my intake for today along with my "logic" ...lol. C: 280g (100g over depletion phase) P: 160g (adjusted to maintain 2300 kcal total) F: 60g (25% reduction from normal...not going lower than this) T: 2300 kcal (same as depletion phase) I'm interested to see what happens to my muscle fill vs water retention in the carb up phase. As it stands right now, I'm not fully convinced that a peak "week" is a great idea for me...if anything, a slower carbs/glycogen depletion before a comp may be a better fit for me. I'll see how it play out. Happy Thanksgiving!
  13. Thanks Kathy...it hasn't been that bad. This morning I felt a bit weak, and I'm not sure if my peaking strategy is going in the right direction. Think I dried up a little from cutting carbs...here's where I am this morning: (keep in mind I'm peaking off surplus diet, so my BF isn't as low as it should be)
  14. So, I got booked for a photoshoot with one week to prepare, so I'm interrupting my regular workout schedule to run a peak week "test." I haven't done this before, I've heard lots of horror stories of people screwing it up, there is a HUGE range of varying advice, so I figured this would be a good opportunity to learn a whole lot. So, I did a pile of internet research (lol) and put my own spin on what I think I'll need. The biggest problem I foresee is that most advice is based off starting peak week following a deficit diet; whereas I've been running a slight surplus diet (although my body trend has been lean gaining) I'm probably around 5.5-6% bodyfat right now, 193 pounds, which I think would place me well at a [tested] natural amateur competition. I'd like to eventually step on stage around 4.5% bodyfat and slightly higher weight, which I think I can achieve late spring 2016. Having said that, I don't think I'm too far away from competition condition. Here's what I'm planning to do for a one week prep...lol (started this on Monday) -skip water manipulation completely -remove as much sodium from diet until Sunday -500 kcal deficit between now and shoot day (so, targeting 2300-2400 kcal) Perhaps I can take a tad more fat off over the next week. Also, my current 3100 kcal/day keeps me full and bloated all the time, so I know that a deficit for a week can take at least an inch off my waist. -cut current carb intake in half (from 360 to 180g day) through Wed -starting Thurs, increase carbs to 540g/day (50% over normal intake)...cutting fat and protein to make room within the total 2300 kcal -no lower body workouts -glycogen depletion workouts until Wed night or Thursday morning -no workout Fri or Sat -red wine Sat night (diuretic) -high sodium meal Sunday mid-morning -photoshoot early Sunday afternoon Anyhow, we'll see how it goes...it might work well, or I might totally screw it up. At least I'll have an idea moving forward.
  15. Eiji, I agree with most of what you just posted, but your position on protein is something that I've tried, and set me way back...so I need to offer my counter opinion. I won't disagree that it is best to get your protein from whole food sources; however, above that, and more importantly, you MUST get enough protein, preferably from diverse sources. Having said that, protein supplementation has a strong place in a balanced vegan diet, if your goal is to gain (or retain) muscle mass.
  16. good luck with adrenal fatigue... Your workouts look pretty challenging...do you squat or deadlift? How has your calorie counting been working out?
  17. Good on you for posting pics...it will help keep you accountable. Also, get your body measurements while you're at it, and but only update once per month. IMO, you should be tracking weight, 3+ skinfold sites (bodyfat %), shoulders, chest, biceps, forearms, waist, hips, quads, calves Keep your sights on that monthly "progress check day" ...and I like that you're focusing on [more challenging] compound exercises. How is your calorie/macro tracking going?
  18. Nov 19 Food: carbs: 390g (88g sugar) ...went a bit crazy on carbs today, but overall calorie count is still fine fat: 84g (20g saturated) protein 241g Workout: shoulders. Very slight improvement on latter sets of 185 on the barbell overhead press. However, my overall strength feels a bit stagnated on the early sets, so I think I need to change things up, so I implemented tempo control on the final and drop sets, (with emphasis on eccentric) which increased the difficulty. I started doing OHP 16 months ago...when I started, I was working out with 95 lbs, so I'm not really complaining about continued progress for such a long period.
  19. Nov 18 Food: carbs: 361g (107g sugar) fat: 81g (22g saturated) protein 257g Workout: lower body. Good improvement in squats. Probably could have got another rep on the third set of 315, but no spotters early in the morning, and I'm doing ATG, so no safety bars in place...lol.
  20. Nov 17 Food: carbs: 371g (89g sugar) fat: 81g (18g saturated) protein 249g Workout: chest and triceps. Continued strength and stamina improvement everywhere
  21. Kathy, Don't get worked up over the scale...it won't reflect changes (improvements) in body composition, which you are inevitably accomplishing with your resistance training, which looks pretty challenging. Just curious...what adrenal supplement are you taking?
  22. Nov 16 Food: carbs: 364g (101g sugar) fat: 82g (21g saturated) protein 242g Workout: back and biceps. Improved across the board from last time...progression continues...
  23. Nov 15 Food: carbs: 353g (101g sugar) fat: 86g (19g saturated) protein 240g Workout: shoulders. Strength early in workout didn't really improve, but later sets were improvement from last workout.
  24. Nov 14 Food: carbs: 352g (118g sugar) fat: 91g (19g saturated) protein 239g No workout today...I think the squats beat me down...lol. Nonetheless, last time I had a rest day was Nov 6.
  25. Nov 13 Food: carbs: 339g (124g sugar) low side of carbs, but high on sugar fat: 74g (17g saturated) protein 251g Workout: Lower body. 315 on squats felt a lot better than last time...slight degradation of form on the second set of 315.
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