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Everything posted by tylerpc73

  1. I tried to the intermittent fasting diet for a while but I feel like it was just not for me. I like eating a lot of small meals throughout the day that is how I see the best progress
  2. When I first went vegan I saw a significant decrease in my acne. I have heard other people react the same exact way as me
  3. Caffeine was made by the gods themselves. I could not function without it and I think it is a great metabolic booster especially in the morning with my breakfast
  4. I tried to do 4000 cal a day at one point but it was very hard to maintain for more than a couple weeks. It might be good trend cycle off of high and moderate calorie diets.
  5. I have read from multiple different study is that soy can increase estrogen in your body. Personally Stay Away from it
  6. These two are not possible to do at the same time. I would suggest increasing muscle mass first especially if you are under 15% body fat. Then try going through cutting phase
  7. I tried to take Omega three fish oils every single morning. I think is significantly increases my brain's functioning ha ha
  8. I have tried this one time but it did not turn out too well. Maybe the blunder I have was very good but the raisins did Nokia blended all the way.
  9. I do not see how this could be very easy to do haha
  10. Mostly whole foods consisting of potatoes, rice and beans. These are my Staples to build around
  11. You probably just need to eat more protein and overall calories. You might want to try to switch up your routine as well because sticking to the same thing over and over will make you plateau
  12. I have tried uphill farmer walks in the past and they are one of the most difficult things. I highly recommend them. My traps increased in size significantly from doing these
  13. I personally think that this diet is not appropriate for bodybuilding. It just throws your macronutrients all out of whack and your body needs all of those to function properly and make progress.
  14. If you are not seeing results it is probably a result of your diet not being on point. I suggest getting multiple smaller meals the definitely have a calorie excess and have a lot of protein. If you do these things you will see results.
  15. I tried to stick to a maximum of three high-intensity interval training sessions per week. It is very intense on your body and any more than they could be dangerous.
  16. I bought a book on yoga because I really need to start increasing my flexibility that I have not really gotten around to it. Ha ha lifting weights is just my favorite thing to do
  17. I think it is safer to start off with foam rolling sessions to increase flexibility rather than static stretching. You could push yourself too far with static stretching
  18. For knee pain of all kinds I suggest doing a foam rolling session on your IT bands and quadricep muscles for at least 5 min. I have seen so many people with knee pain get better just from doing foam rolling
  19. I highly suggest that you get a coach if you want to really be serious about competing in bikini. I have seen some people do it alone but I've never seen anybody when without the guidance of a good coach
  20. Try to do as much dynamic stretching before your workouts is much as you can. I do arm circles and even doing jump rope really helps. Make sure you are sweating a good amount. I used to think I had shoulder tendinitis until I started warming up properly.
  21. For the most part I try to do whole foods is much as I can. It is great to supplement with protein powder as well but no more than one time per day. I try to do my protein powder right at the end of my workout because it is easier than getting a whole meal.
  22. For increasing chest size I highly suggest doing is much weight as you possibly can. This typically means doing a lot of decline chest press or even dips. Tips are highly underrated as a excellent chest exercise
  23. from you soon. It depends if you are in active more for endomorphic naturally. If you are an active market I would suggest just sticking to weight training and adjusting your diet appropriately to lose body fat
  24. I think that losing 5% body fat is definitely possible within 12 weeks but this is probably the maximum amount you can lose if your diet is perfect and your training routine is intense.
  25. I tried to train to failure at least on one set during each day of training a body part. I wouldn't go to failure on very low rep sets. Try to reach failure at around 8 to 12 repetitions at least one time
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