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Posts posted by Katabatic

  1. Well the comparison is right there. He was non-vegan in that younger picture, and he doesn't look much different for being much older in terms of size. Maybe he just isn't genetically gifted to be really huge, or never wanted to become huge. What's the big deal?


    Have we forgot Lean and Green? He's doing really well on raw.

  2. I've heard from many that excess fat, even raw vegan, may be detrimental to athletic performance and health.

    Doug Graham www.foodnsport.com:

    Why do people fail on the raw diet?

    A major issue is attempting to obtain a high percentage of the daily calories from raw fat sources instead of fruit. A recent survey of raw fooders found that the average raw fooders were eating almost 70% of their daily calories from raw fat sources, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and coconuts. This is a diet higher in fat than the standard American diet (42%) and will lead to early chronic illness due to excess fat in the bloodstream.


    Now whether fat is detrimental, I'm not sure. Look at the Inuit, who got most of their calories from raw animal fat, and seemed fine.


    Go by how you feel

  3. http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts/dairy-and-egg-products/77/2


    Stop with all the fluff. Dairy being unhealthy is just nonsense. Look at that profile. Tell me it's not a good source of protein, Vitamin A, Pantothenic Acid, Potassium, Selenium, Vitamin D, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Calcium and Phosphorus.


    I get sick of meat eaters telling me that veganism is unhealthy, and I get sick of vegans telling me animal products are unhealthy. I don't even know why we are debating this. There is as much evidence against cows milk as there is against soy milk. That is to say, very little.


    And I get sick of people saying milk is healthy. It is not based on solid evidence.


    There is a lot of evidence against cow milk. There are studies you can look up that link increased cow milk consumption with increased osteoporosis. I have seen such a Harvard study. Of course there is lactose intolerance and other various problems that have been studied.


    But that's not the main point. Milk is for babies. I'm not a baby.

  4. What is appropriate usage?


    Yahoo! Web Hosting is designed to serve the web hosting needs of small, independently owned and operated businesses in the United States. It is not appropriate to use our services to support large enterprises or internationally based businesses with a sustained demand that places undue burden on our systems or negatively impacts use by small, independently owned and operated businesses.


    Yahoo! Web Hosting is a shared web hosting service, which means that a number of customers' web sites and other email or storage services are hosted from the same server. Yahoo! uses abuse controls to help ensure that use of our services does not adversely affect the performance of our system or other customers' sites. It is not appropriate to use an account primarily as an online storage space or for archiving electronic files.

    Disk space:


    If you use your services consistently with the Terms of Service and these paragraphs, your site can grow as large as necessary to meet your small business needs, but to ensure a great experience for all, we will place some constraints on how fast you can grow. The vast majority of our customers' sites grow at rates well within our rules, but our abuse controls may cause a brief delay while we evaluate if expansion is appropriate.

    Data transfer:


    In most cases, if you use our services consistently with the Terms of Service and these paragraphs, visitors to your web site will be able to download and view as much content from your site as they like. However, in certain circumstances, our server processing power, server memory, or abuse controls could limit downloads from your site.


    In short: it's unlimited until they decide you're using too much. This is the same with many companies claiming unlimited usage, when in fact they have a secret limit they don't disclose. It's not appropriate for hosting a high volume site.

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