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Posts posted by pelicanAndrew

  1. Robert is the type of person who likes to bodybuild. People like that usually buys tight shirts.

    I'm the type of person who likes to sleep. People like that usually likes a looser fit (no, not loser fit).




    There is nothing worse than trying to sleep in a tight shirt. Makes me feel like an anaconda is crushing me.

  2. Well I played through the first time as a male vanguard(paragon) and now I'm doing a male Infiltrator (renegade) I plan on doing a female Adept next time, probably do a mix of paragon and renegade.


    Totally huge replay value. I'm doing things the second time through that I never even knew about the first time I played!

  3. The only "tight" fitting things legwise are my Dickies. I love my big legs and I also really liked that article. I'm getting motivated to start lifting again and doing it right!


    I also highly advise against going balls-to-the-wall (or ovaries-to-the-wall for the ladies) every session. You will hurt yourself, guaranteed.



    p.s. Deadlifts still piss me off but they make me feel great when I accomplish them.

  4. This is my new video game obsession right now. It's amazing and is an absolutely huge game with well over 20 hours if not more of game play in it(still haven't beat it). Great story line and really cool cinematic feel to the whole game. It has beat out Bioshock for my pick of game of the year.


    Any fans of what Bioware has done in the past or fans of Deus Ex and other RPGs should check this out. It has the whole "chose your own path" thing to it but with so many different outcomes(i wont post any spoilers, you gotta just check it out).


    I'll probably be playing it later tonight after I take care of business around my apartment!

  5. My apartment is Celebrating Festivus and Winter Solstice. I personally really don't like xmas and probably won't end up actually getting a lot of gifts because I'm going to be asking for obscure records and microphones/tape machines/computer recording interfaces for the most part. But if I get money from my relatives who feel the need to give me something so be it. I'll spend it at some local record stores and businesses.


    I do want to buy Mass Effect. That will be my one consumerist whore thing I do.

  6. Well if there's one thing competitive marching taught me it's to not care about what the judges put down but what your peers and fans and family say. We were damn good and occasionally wouldn't even make finals in "certain" competitions. Seems like it's the same way in bodybuilding and fitness competitions.


    I think the one who said you had too much bf may have been high.

  7. Yeah I noticed the vocals seemed to pop out above the rest of the stuff, probably cause of the compression. You guys sound really together though, not tempo screw ups or anything major. You should put together an EP if you find someone who has a nice recording set up in your area. I have no idea what the recording scene is like in UK at all or I'd give you some suggestions of places to check out.

  8. Sad to see you go Big but understandable. If and when I try raw again I'll be sure to hit up your website for some advice. You really are a fantastic inspiration to any vegan, raw or not, so keep kickin ass and trainin!

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