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Posts posted by pelicanAndrew

  1. I've watched Evangelion, RahXephon and Berserk so far this semester. (those are anime series for those who don't know)


    Haven't really taken the time to watch a movie for enjoyment. I watched Frankenstein with my girlfriend for her honor's writing class but I fell asleep.

  2. Even non-vegan dressy but not dress shoes that are comfortable are hard to find. I have some Nunn Bush Dress-casual shoes that i had before I went vegan. I love em. Maybe find some used?


    I only know new balance sneakers are comfy and vegan depending on which one you get. I have really freaky wide feet though so my opinions are a bit skewed in favor of my freak feet.

  3. I chop off the top. Then I quarter it. Then I run the knife down the edge of each quarter where the core of the pineapple is. Don't take too much off or you'll waste the fruit.


    Then eat the whole thing and have your mom yell at you for eating the whole pineapple. Ooo staying at home during the summer....

  4. I had 2 root beers.


    I've been rationing the nice beer my mom bought for me as a "going back to college" present. I can't really afford the nice stuff and the cheap stuff is well... cheap...


    2 more dogfish head Raison D'Etre and then I have to get a few more.

  5. My credit card information was almost used to buy 103 dollars worth of videos online but WaMu's fraud detection caught it. Finally they do something to not piss me off. My girlfriend is recovering from her laparoscopy and was even able to go out to dinner with me and my friends last night.


    I have bad news too but I'm trying to stay positive. Mainly because the situation isn't resolved yet and it only has to do with money.

  6. Well after a week of trying to workout AND take 18 credit hours I've decided to do all of my lifting on weekends. It's the only free time I have. I will let you all know how it goes.


    Now all my cardio will be done on weekday nights at 9 o'clock. Wish the damn weight room was open then....



  7. More of a mid leveler myself. I eat some processed foods. My goal is to stop eating bread, but it's just way too easy to make a big ass PBJ sandwhich to get me through the day when I have classes for 5 hours straight.


    I'll hopefully get my schedule so tight I'll be able to make premade bean/rice meals that I can store in tupperware and just take with me to class. Professors usually don't care unless the class is in a computer lab.

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