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  1. dhosgood


    Thanks for the reply. I suppose I will look around and see what the site has to offer. I was a little concerned yesterday, as the place seemed to be deserted. Does anyone ever use the chat feature?
  2. dhosgood


    I'm Daryl, and I'm hoping to finally begin to pursue my fitness goals. I first starting working out when I was 18, but I never managed to maintain a routine. Now three months away from turning 24, I'm still considering myself a beginner in regards to exercise. I currently stand at 5'9", 138 pounds, and about 11% body fat. My goal is to weigh 175 pounds with 8% body fat or lower. My diet has been especially healthy over the last year or so, as I've become a vegan, but I'm lacking muscle mass. I've come to this forum to ask for advice on how to meet my expectations in my current situation. I'm currently attending college full time, and that's not going to change in the foreseeable future, so funding this routine is a concern of mine. I know that I'll need to purchase a lot more food and protein supplements if I expect to see a major difference in my physique. I'm looking forward to meeting everybody.
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