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  1. Hello everybody! I am a new....sort of.....vegan. Actually I have been vegan before, several times actually but I keep falling off the bandwagon. This time I decided to give it another go and am going about it a bit differently so hopefully this time I will be able to stick with it. Currently I am "transitioning". I am changing day by day to vegan. So far I am up to 4 days per week vegan, 3 days Omni....however, I have gone dairy free. This does two things, one it allows my body to adjust gradually, and 2, it allows me to eat up the meat I still have in my freezer (I am out of dairy and I refuse to buy any more). The reason I kept falling off is because it is hard, when you aren't used to it. It is so easy to just rely on the "old reliable" recipes that my mom used to always cook when I was a kid which can't be veganized too easily. Meatloaf for instance....I have yet to find a good vegan meatloaf my son will eat. I am athletic too, I work out 4-5 days per week usually, for about 1 to 1-1/2 per day. I work out early in the morning, I get up at 4AM and work out from 4:30 - 6. Typical work out session for me is 30-45min weightlifting, followed by 45 min running on a treadmill. I am a single mommy to a hyper active 5 year old boy who is my world and I adore. I have a full time career, typical office job working 8-5M-F. That is why I work out in the mornings, it is the only time I have, and I do sacrifice sleep to do it, but not much. I usually am in bed between 9-9:30PM every night, I go to bed at the same time my son does. I want to go vegan because I know it is the right thing to do for the animals and the planet. I also want to be a good role model for my son.
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