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Ben Weider dead


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I completely missed this but apparently Ben Weider, who toghether with his brother Joe founded IFBB, died last Friday. He was 85 years old. Rest in peace.


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I hadn't heard! I have been traveling. I just saw Ben at the Olympia a few weeks ago and he seemed to be doing well. I have spoken with him in the past and have a nice photo with him from years ago but I didn't even bother saying hi to him this time, even though I had the opportunity.


I just went to www.flexonline.com to confirm.


This is sad news.

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That's sad news.


I was reading an obituary over the weekend and history buff that I am, I was interested to learn that he was a serious and respected Napoleanic scholar and author.


Ben Weider’s financial success allowed him to indulge his lifelong interest in Napoleon Bonaparte. Immersing himself in Napleonic lore, Weider became convinced that he had not died of cancer, as universally acknowledged, but had actually succumbed to intentional arsenic poisoning. Written with the Swedish dentist Sten Forshufvud, Assassination at St Helena: The Poisoning of Napoleon Bonaparte was derided by historians when released in 1978, but it went on to sell more than a million copies in several languages. The founder and president of the International Napoleonic Society, in 1998 Weider endowed Florida State University’s Institute on Napoleon and the French Revolution.


Support for his theory that Napoleon was surreptitiously fed arsenic over an extended period leading up to his death in 1821 has increased significantly since it was first hypothesised. In 2000 France appointed Weider to the Légion d’Honneur. A member of the Order of Canada since 1975, he was advanced to officer (OC) in 2006.



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