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Gym Owner, Show Promoter, Fight Manager & Fighter, NPC Aug7

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you can order larabars online if you really want to. Various people have told me you can even get them at walmart now. I boycott that store but thought i would mention it as there seems to be one everywhere. hope you hand is ok today.



It all depends on where you are located. My walmarts here wont carry that. Kroger and Publix do though. Try eBay. You can usually find bars for pennies if you buy 100 at a time. Some might be expired, but hell for that price im sure they arent too bad.

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It depends because I've gotten a couple that were not even expired and when I opening them they had fuzzy white stuff growing on them. Let me tell you when your hardcore craving larabars and you open on and see that it isn't pleasant! By the way if you trying to go raw they are raw so they would fit into your diet plan. I like some flavors better than others but none of them are bad. oh and what soyjoy bars did you have that are vegan? Every one I ever picked up and read the ingredients to have something in it that made it not vegan. I am curious I've never been able to try one.

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Not sure dont eat soyjoy just saw them and assumed theyd be vegan - thats ridiculous! fuzzy stuff./. now mold counts as vegan right? lol... down to eat expired stuff hell i drank water in mexico and did okay..

And Jimi I wil blame you all I want lol! Glad your getting your mouth today. .



Slept 12 hours - sweet

2 bananas

4 russet potatoes

26 almonds


Stairmaster 45 minutes = 181 floors or 3.78 miles


8 tablespoons Jif PB

1 chard and banana burrito


5 x 50 decline crunch

5 x 20 hanging by elbows straight leg raise

Reverse Cable Curl - @ 200 - 10, @ 220 w/ spot - 10, @ 200 - 10

Decline Sit up = 25, To each side - 25


1 chard and banana burrito


Decline Crunch w/ 25 lb plate 4 x 25

Decline Twists @ 45 degree angle w/ 25 lb plate 4 x 25 each side

100 decline crunches

45 minutes - 4.5 miles


1 pickle 5 packets oatmeal, 3 slices wheat, 1 baked poato, 1/ 2banana

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4 packages of yes flavored oatmeal...


30 minute jog 2 miles


22 oz mango smoothie w/ 4 BCAA capsules and a multi


30 min nap


4 tablespoons of peanut butter

4 packages of flavored oatmeal..

3 slice wheat


1 hour nap


2 slices wheat with 4 tablespoons peanut butter


Bent Rows Standing - 3 x 8 @ 95

Reverse Grip - " "

Preacher Curls Seated - (50/40/20lbs - 10/10 -1- ) x 3

Seated Rows - ( with wrist straps hand sore) 10 @ 100, 8 @ 110, 6 @ 130, 3 x 4 @ 150, 3 X 4 @ 170, 4 @ 190, 4 x 6 @ 170

Lat Pulldown wide grip - @ 80 - 10, @ 100- 3 x 8, @ 120 - 3 x 6, @ 140 - 4, @ 120 4 x 8

Pullups - lightly assisted 4 x 5

Standing Bent Rows ( wrist straps " " ) - @ 40 -8 @ 55 - 6, 2 x8

Chris' ab circuit

Handful of blueberries (Jason is great <3 vegan friends)

3.26 miles in 30 minutes with Jason - sped up every .5 or .25 miles between 6.1 and 8.0 miles an hour


Blueberries and baby carrots

3 slices of wheat bread

1 cup red quinoa


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1 cup red quinoa - 20 g protein

1 package of raisins - 1g protein

1 cup soymilk - 7 g protein


30 minutes Stairmaster - 2.68 miles , or 129 floors


26 almonds - 6 g protein

2.5 cups red quinoa - 50 g protein

1 package of raisins - 1 g protein

1 avacado with light salt and pepper

1 Fuze Blueberry drink

1 package of raisins

4 tablespoons peanut butter

pecans - 12 g protein

2 tablespoons peanut butter


Incline Chest Press Dumbell's -w/ 25's - 10, w/ 30's - 10, w/ 35's 3 x 8 while declinining each set, 40's - 3 x6 while declining each set, 35's 3 x 8 while decliing each set

Bench Press Dumbell - w/ 40's 2 x 10, w/ 50's - 6, w/ 40's 2 x 10

Dumbell Flat Fly - w/ 20's - 10, 25's - 3 x 8, 30's - 3 x 8, 25's - 3 x 8

Lying single Arm Skull Crushers - w/ 15's 3 x 10

Single arm Tricep Pulldown - @ 40 3 x 20

Chest Cable Fly Seated in Stick - W/ 40 ea - 2 x 10, w/ 50 ea - 10

.04 mile walking lunges

3.01 miles 30 minutes


spaghetti and tomato sauce - 39 g protein

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4 tablepoons peanut butter

spaghetti and sauce with garlic - 39 g protein

1 slice weight bread

8 oz soymilk

cranergy drink

12 g protein - pecans

2 scoops sun warrior - thanks for the inspiration Nichole


Stairmaster - 2.54 miles 122 flights 30 minutes! Thanks goodness for someone to distract me.


Laying Leg Press - 10 @ 90, 10 @ 180, 10 @ 270, 10 @ 360, 10 @ 450, 10 @ 540, 8 @ 630, 8 @ 720, 3 x 2 @ 810 (hell yeah it wasnt a fluke!!! thats twice now!!!)3 x 8 @ 720, 1 x 15 Narrow, Wide Regular @ 630


2 packets plain oatmeal w/ 2 tablespoon peanut butter


Back to Laying leg Press

Narrow, wide, Regular 1 x 20 @ 540

Narrow, wide, reg. 1 x 4 @ 180


Single Leg Lady Press @ 180 = 3 x 10 ea. leg


Regular Squat - @ 95 Narrow/Wide/Regulat 10 ea., @ 115 N/W/R 10 Ea. , @ 135 reg. 10, @ 185 - Reg. - 8, @ 225 Reg. 2 x 8, 1 x 10


Front Squat - @ 45 - 10, @ 65 -10, @ 95 - 10, @ 135 - 3 x 8

Standing Bar Calf Raise w/ 135 - 2 x 20 dual leg, @ 185 2 x 15 dual leg

Seated Isol. Calf Raise w/ 50 - 5 x 10

.05 mile walking lunges

1 Killer Ab set

30 mins. 135 floors stairmaster 2.81 miles

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4 packets oatmeal, 2 slices wheat, and a bowl of lentil curry


All kinds of fruit - watermelon, cantelope, honeydew, grapes, blueberrys, pineapple, wheat crackers and plain popcorn (finals party)


back bean, corn, lettuce, tomato and salsa salad in tortilla shell


1/2 assed shoulders wokrout

4 miles on bike or so...easy.... while talking...


papaya chunks

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3 cinammon rolls - someone made me vegan cinammon rolls so I had to eat them

bowl of dry cheerios


Preacher dumbell curls supersetted with hanging dips

Straight bar curls 21's supersetted with curl pullups

Seated Skull Crushers supersetted with seated dips with plates


Uncle Bens Wild Rice 440 cal, 10 g protein


1 hour jog - 5.48 miles - 80's music day...


French Fries and Ketchup

1 black bean, corn, avacado, lettuce, and tomato and salsa in a tostado shell salad


Ab workout

5 and change mile up right bike ride - 30 minutes intervals


1 tortilla

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ya ya thats why ima fat kid
Why don't you look fat after eating all of those nuts and PB? One day you ate 8 tbls of PB, that's 4 servings, 64g of fat, 760 calories. How many calories do you consume per day? I didn't see it posted.


Do you mind me asking how tall you are and how much you weight?

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2 tortillas

Uncle Bens Rice Pouch - Delicious!!!



Peanut Butter


1 Box of organic cereal

Rye Crisp Crackers


Heavy Hamstring Workout with some calves

20 min stairmaster - 1.68 miles or 78 flights

10 minute run 1.02 miles

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Bagel with Peanut Butter

2 scoops sun warrior

6 in wheat veggie sub -=everything onions, olive, lettuce, tomato, avacado, banana pepper etc...


30 min. 3.01 mile run

45 min jog - a little over 4 miles, hit reset n the treadmill partway thru so lost exacttrack but know it was ove 4, under 4.2...


Beans and tortillas and hot sauce

1 scoop hemp protein - 20 g. protein


Light ab workout

45 min stairmaster


1/2 cucumber

1 serving almonds

blueberry mix

2 cups of pineapple

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1 serving almonds


1 hour circuit class


1 serving almonds

1 scoop hemp protein ( 20 g)

rye crisp crackers with peanut butter and raisins

2 clif bars - 20 g protein

1 probar - 9 g protein

2 luna bars - 18 g protein

Somehow managing to stay awake for this last anatomy and physio class.... Priceless


rye crackers


2 servings soy protein 48 g protein


back and bi's - back heavy

30 minute jog - 2.59 miles, last 5 mins at 1 % incline


1 serving almonds

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1 scoop hemp protein

1/2 cup quinoa with 3 rye crackers - 9 g protein


30 min, 3 mile run outside first 60% with Frankie then she quit on me!!!


1 cup quinoa, 1 tortilla, hot sauce and salsa - 18 g protein

2 tablsespoons peanut butter - 7 g protein

26 almonds - 6 g protein.


2 cup quinoa - 36 g protein

1 bag of trail mix - 30 g protein


Heavy Chest workout and light tri's tons of pushups

Jason's ab workout

20 mins. light on bike

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Less than 3 hours sleep - ug.



2 tablespoons pb -7 g protein

1 serving almonds - 6 g protein


30 decline ench sit ups, 25 tilted back extensions - 5 rounds for time - 7:12

1 hour walk - 3.31 miles


1 redline princess - 0 cal. tons of chemicals....

2 5 hour energy drink - 4 cal... more chemicals...

spiru-tein banana shake in water - 14 g protein, 99 cal., sugar - 8 g

Bag of trail mix -

Bg of raisins

2 tablespoons pb

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Holy shit - week (night) from hell.


Thursday -

8 oz hummus

bag of baby carrots

10 tortillas ( i know i know)

vegan chili

soy pudding

6 cups of cold soy chai tea

huge bowl of spaghettti with tons of garlic

4 tablespoons pb


SHoulders -- Lat extensions, military press, pushups, wide grip pullups, shrugs - AM

light ab workout - afternoon

10 min stairmaster 1.08 miles or 52 flights - late night

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1.5 soy protein 35 g protein


bi's and tri's heavy


1.5 soy protein 35 g protein


10 mins treadmill 0 - 2% incline - .74 miles

10 mins stairmaster - 56 flights 1 min hard, 1 min medium


5 tortillas, 2 bananas, 8 oz peanut butter - 28 g protein , japelones, 1 package vegan turkey 32 g protein, mustard


30 mins. 140 flights - 1 min reg, 1 min double step, 1 min reg., 1 min to each side


spaghetti, sauce, garlic, 2 apples, 1 can black beans - 30 g protein

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