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Robert Cheeke's Journal - 3 contests in 4 weeks!

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I left the gym after 1AM....super tired, can barely stay awake....10 more days to tighten up so I am back on a very low carb (like 75g or lower a day) diet and 2+ hours of cardio a day, hope to get weights in soon, has been 10 days since I lifted because of back injuries). Seeing doctor again on Thurs.


Sooooooooooooooooo tired but determined to work extremely hard and will be in better shape in AZ for the next contest.


Thanks for all the recent donations to [email protected] on paypal.....will write appropriate thank-yous soon....just too tired.


Low carbs, low sleep, but had an outstanding day today. Raised nearly $1000 in just cash donations. So cool how living a life of giving, service and contributions all comes back when I'm the one who is finally asking to receive rather than having the ability to give.


Thanks again....bed, you sound sooooooooooooo good right now! Phone....off!

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What did you do to RC? You wiped him out eh ?


Wash is proud of you RC. A day trip to Corvallis and hitting the gym at night.


The trip itself was so exhausting !


Good Job DRY !


The Bern and I will be cheering you on in spirit ! We both wished so much we could be there.

Bern's Voice (alright Robert ! Go Robert Go ! )

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Thanks Wash,


I couldn't even get out of bed today until after noon....I work til 4AM everyday, often training late in the night.....it's a very busy life!


Brian is helping me get my life more organized and I'm extremely thankful! Giacomo is helping too, but Brian is really taking me under his wing to help bring more efficiency to my life.


Time for more food, sucks having to pee so much....6 times in my workout last night, but that is how it goes being RC with prostate issues and bladder issues....oh well, need more shakes, need more protein, have 10 days to make it happen!!!

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So tired...nearly 4AM but so much to do....fundraising, purchasing, planning, promoting, filming, eating, training, writing interview questions, etc.



Life of producer, director, actor, fundraiser and competitor among many other things with this www.veganbrothersiniron.com project!


Anyway, I am thrilled to say that after 12 days away from weights (but did cardio past 4 days) I returned to weights today! Only machines, but I just couldn't take it anymore and figured I was shrinking too much before the big contest coming up on the 25th! I see the doctor for the 4th time tomorrow for my back and will let him know I lifted. I still ice my back 4 hours a day, etc.


But tonight I trained biceps, triceps and chest....2.5 hours, left around 1AM.


Back in action!


I even got quite SWOL so that was encouraging and contributed to my good mood that keeps me going at 4AM knowing I have a full day, everyday from here on out for weeks!


But I have to. If I drop the ball, it impacts a whole team who has dedicated their lives to this project over the past 4 months. So much money, time, energy and heart into it...I have to keep going.


Off to be shortly....


So glad to be back to lifting!







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Loved returning to the weights last night! Could barely pull myself from them after more than 2 hours at 1AM...stayed up until almost 5AM and got up at 8:30AM to get back to work. I know, I know, sucks for a bodybuilder, but there is no competition if I don't work my ass off to raise money to make it happen.


So I stay busy every waking moment, with little breaks here than there to post something on here or to take a crap or whatever.


Was at the gym this morning and will go back in another hour or so. Saw the chiropractor again today, learned more stuff, have more exercises to do, got adjusted, evaluated, etc. Doesn't want me on the bike anymore which I've been doing because of the way it irritates my disc so will find another form of cardio that is low impact for my lower back or will sit up straight on the bike and be careful....


I'm in a really good mood today...sun was out and it was awesome! I'm even drinking flax oil out of the bottle like a sports bottle sucking it out, wanting more.


Very little sleep for weeks, but accomplishing a lot in terms of things that have to be done for this documentary to survive.


We're getting there.....Giacomo is helping BIG TIME. The fundraising he is doing through www.veganproteins.com is incredible!


Thanks so much for helping us out!


Yeah....freakin buddy!

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Today was a strange day Wash....in the gym 7 hours, only slept 3.5 hours and now up around 3AM...I just stopped sleeping because I have too much to do....most people will say that is bad for my competition, but there is no competition if I don't stay up and make all the arrangements, raise the money and keep everyone on the same page.


Will eat a bit more and then head to bed.


Solid day...I still rode the bike 1 hr. 40 min but just sat with great posture


More food now..........then nap I guess. Still have lots to do. Part of me can't wait until it's all over.



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Was at the gym double the amount that I slept the night before..then passed out at 5:30AM still working last night until credit card company called to wake me up and have me approve recent equipment expenses.....but back to sleep shortly.


Thanks for the pics too!


Catch you at the gym again soon!

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Weights, stretching, etc. 2.5 hours in the morning


2 hours cardio in the evening


30 more minutes of weights


a hour of sauna, steamroom, etc.


socializing with a bunch of forum members at each gym session for another hour so,


things like that.


Also went to chiropractor, ate a ton, I'm farting like crazy....etc.


Haven't missed a workout since I had to take a full week off....now that I can walk again I'm excited...can only use machines but I still work hard.


passed out with shoes on at nearly 6AM....back to sleep now......

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I trained tonight and almost lost it in the gym...just super annoyed by people talking around me. I'm sensitive to everything right now...probably best if I don't leave home...


I was so frustrated Lean and Green filed a complaint for me while I was doing cardio that people near me were making too much noise talking and should socialize elsewhere.


Luckily nobody got hurt and I finally calmed down when Lean and Green was mocking other people by being totally loud, pulling out his cell phone pretending to talk, etc. I tried to kick him but he dodged it and then I realized I should try to chill out a bit.


As I said to Brian tonight...until you walk 12 weeks in a pair of posing trunks, including getting on stage...you have no idea what its like to be a bodybuilder...I don't care how much you lift or for how many years...until you go through that 12-16 week contest preparation AND get on stage you don't know what it's like.


I'm a nice person, nicer than most I've encountered throughout my life..but I'm not very nice now and want to be left alone as I try to win for the 2nd consecutive contest and for the 3rd time overall. It takes a lot of work and a lot of focus...so I kinda hide out aside from the gym to do what I need to do to succeed.


Anyway, trying to focus on being positive.


Glad I can walk again!


Most people forgot that I couldn't walk just a week before my last contest and didn't train for 8 consecutive days leading up to it. xveganjoshx didn't forget that and gave me some props...I'm chatting with Tasha online right now and said the same thing....I'm most proud of just competing at all with the back injury I suffered....I didn't expect to win, I just wanted to be able to pose without having to stop because of pain. So I did that and it was enough to win and I'm very motivated to do it again!


I can walk again, jog again and have seen the doctor 4 times and will go back one more time before I go to AZ. I still can't train legs...I couldn't even push 30 pounds on leg extensions because of pain/pressure on my lower back, but I can still flex them and practice posing, which is muscle contractions so they'll still get some sort of activity.


Anyway...off to the Emerald Cup in a few hours, staying with Ravi, etc.


Better sleep. I get back on Sunday and fly out to AZ on Wed to meet up with my other Brothers in Iron!




Oh yeah, tonight was more cardio and then biceps and triceps for a bit. I haven't missed a day in the gym since I was on stage a week ago... 7 days in a row averaging over 2 hours...so I should be in better shape than last time when I couldn't even train leading up to it. I'm pumped!

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UPDATE the days on your journal!!!!! keep up with the jonses budday.


almost forgot we're going to see YveganjoshYYYYYYY perhaps we'll do a post comp dance off. Scottsdale has a great cubby hole of nightspots all back to back. I really enjoyed myself last time I stayed in AZ for 3 mos in 2004.


RC, I got your back my brother. You let me know what to do. Throw a fist? Mock someone? Complain? Just let me know; I got you.


I am super exhausted too but as you know i'm too excited and amped up to do things that even though i have opportunity to shut down my body and brain won't turn off.


Actually my friend, as gross as it sounds, I have been so busy flying around all over the place on HIGH GEAR that I have not showered in almost 5 consecutive days now. I suppose it's time to do that tomorrow eh?


Buy busy no time like the present to fulfill everything you've always wanted to make happen for yourself, those around you and everyone you'll meet along the way.


That's what i'm sayin!!!!!!!!!!


Enjoy Emerald cup. I'll miss ya greatly but thing need to be done and I'll be spending time with thendanisays all the while; just being.


The room looks great; tweaking it out btw.


TRAIN HARD and let's start getting some more sleep in soon!

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I trained tonight and almost lost it in the gym...just super annoyed by people talking around me. I'm sensitive to everything right now...probably best if I don't leave home...


Nope, not an option. Just say the word and you'll have a body guard. A silent one, I won't say a word, just shake my head and point away if they try to talk to you...


You're doing great, rc.

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So, Don has been doing these posing classes/comp prep the past few weeks. I saw 3 guys today that will be competing next week and you 3 put them to SHAME. I don't know their weight classes or anything, but just as far as being lean, no contest. And that is all the inside scoop I have this week. But I must say that Don Robinson is such a nice guy. So far everyone I have met is super nice.

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I had an awesome time at the Emerald Cup tonight! I interviewed a bunch of pro bodybuilders for my documentary and was very surprised to learn that one of the top 10 Olympia finalists, one of the top 10 bodybuilders in the world follows a high vegan and even high raw diet. I was blown away but excited. He comes from a vegetarian family too.


All in all, a fantastic day today!


Sorry I have had my ups and downs and sometimes have been in a bad mood. That is how bodybuilding goes sometimes, but it was an awesome day today.


Yeah, freakin buddy! I'm also at Ravi's house now, one of my favorite places in the world to be.


Trained tonight as well, which makes 8 days in a row, not missing a day since I competed and started to recover from my back injury.


It is great to be back!



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Hey You! Way to hang in there .... I soooo do not care for the low cal period near comp. I can be such a witch, (but with a "b" lol)


I'm just getting back from vacation on the East Coast and totally missed you in Chicago ... apparently we were there the same day But I was in and out fast for a meeting .... so def next time.


You look fantastic, so very proud of you!

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Hope we meet up again soon.....Life has been soooooooooooooooooo busy. I was in Seattle over the weekend, got home at 10PM and trained from then until 12:45AM or something like that...now it's 2:30AM, still eating and working away.


Not a lot of sleep these days...just isn't time for it...I'll rest after the contest, have to raise money and work and everything else right now.


I feel like I'm in better shape now than I was a week ago on stage so I'm pumped about that. I'm eating more and that feels really great!


Awesome to see Ravi over the weekend, hang out with bvp663 and a bunch of bodybuilders at the Emerald Cup.


Off to Arizona in a few days....lots of work to do........Yeah Buddy!


Oh...today was back and chest...still only machines...not sure when I can return to free weights but maybe in a week or so.



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I had a colonic today. It was pretty crazy. The person administering it said at multiple occasions, "Robert, you're shitting your brains out." and YES, it was caught on tape. I'm sure my ass got filmed a bit and maybe other parts, but oh well, that is what editing is for.


I pooped out many pounds of crap today. It was a pretty interesting experience! I would do it again and likely will in another month or so.


Today was so hectic I didn't train...I walked a bit, speed walking but not enough to do anything.......bumped up carbs today, hammered the brown rice, greens, tofu, etc.


Yesterday was low carbs, 100g or so, and last week I did many days in a row 70g or under (5 days in a row), but now carb loading and I look AND feel much better. I carb up and abs are better....I carb up and arms are better, I carb up and legs are FREAKS!



Wow, another busy day, it never ends....but after this movie, I really, really am taking a bit of a break and will go back to a slower pace of life. I am stopping my speaking tour too, aside from just a few events per year.


My life got out of hand over the past year. I did amazing things but I also put myself in $20,000.00 debt and lived out of control....I had good intentions and helped inspire thousands, but the lifestyle became too challenging. I'm going to quietly hide out for a while when we finish filming in a couple of months.


OK, back to continued packing and preparing to leave.....100 degrees in Phoenix tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! YB!

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