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I'm baa-aack....


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Hello all! I don't know how many of you remember me from last summer... I think I posted a fair amount, had the same screen name.


I stopped posting because I had some body issues and thought that obsessing over food/fitness was contributing to those issues becoming a huge problem. I have spent much time looking inward to see where those issues come from and working on overcoming them.


I am happy to say that I am in a much better place now, mentally speaking : ) I am working out without obsessing over the amount of time spent at the gym, eating healthfully without counting calories and generally just enjoying life and all things vegan.


I have been reading some posts and am happy to see that not much changes on this site! Good to see you all again!


So for those of you who don't remember me or new people that I haven't had the pleasure of "meeting"... here is my mini-biography : )


I have been vegetarian since I was 12 (for 15 years) and vegan for the last 13 months... I am so happy being vegan and feel like my body is at a new level of health without cheese, milk, etc. I have struggled with body issues (yo-yo dieting, general dissatisfaction with my body shape)in the past but I feel like with age (I am 27, in case you didn't do the math) and a little bit of inspiration in all things being a girl from women I look up to (see www.bust.com), I have come to terms with myself and loving and appreciating this body that has given me 2 beautiful children. I love working out and have become really consistent with my fitness routine. I love to cook all things vegan and am a huge fan of Sarah Kramer's cookbooks. I have recently started eating more raw food, I would say at least 50%... I love to make green smoothies from Victoria Boutenko's book 'Green for Life' (it make eating raw so easy!). As I mentioned, I have 2 pretty cute kids... Ella is 5 and Finn is 2 so, of course, they are the center of my universe.


hmm... I think that is about it. Thanks for reading and I look forward to being a part of this community again!



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