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Vegan for a little over a year. Studying the immune system and hopefully have some intellectual conversations based on the matter.


I can accommodate you. I've studied the immune system, a bit of endocrinology, and several other systems that respond powerfully and immediately to mind-body stimuli. Welcome! I look forward to the correspondence.


Baby Herc

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Just to clarify, I'm currently following cutting edge research on the mind's ability to override what we have heretofore believed to be autonomic functions that operate independent of our conscious influence. I experiment with everything I read about, to the extent of my ability, and I've found some fascinating short cuts to health that leave out the doctor and other middlemen. I've learned--and proved to myself--that we have conscious control over basically every single operating system in our physical body, from the immune system to muscle development to the speed that we process incoming stimuli through our six senses.


If you just want to canvass the technical, scientific aspects of immune function, I can go there but it doesn't light my fireworks like the other does.


Baby Herc

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