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Newbie Question(s) & Help

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I also posted this in the body building/strength training thread in the vent different people read only one or the other.


I have spent many hours reading through the posts especially on training & nutrition. I believe I have come to understand basic concepts of each topic, yet I am still at a loss on where/how to begin. I require surgery soon & will be unable to lift heavy for 4 weeks. I want to use the 4 weeks to formulate goals/plans/routines, etc.


I am 5'07", 160lbs. Fairly skinny. Fat around abdominal area. Vegan for 3 years ( & for Life ).


The past 3 years were spent at university with summers working for the US Forest Service ( Previously I fought forest fires & was in better shape, but was not vegan, I was vegetarian ( I consumed yogurt, cottage cheese & on occasion eggs ) . I hike frequently & for long periods but have not worked out except for the summer seasons & the past 6 weeks.


My goals: Overall health & wellness

Low body fat

Lower carb intakes


Increased cardio

Muscle gain

Weight management ( not having large changes due to fat )

All around fit - a balance of strength & endurance ( if a perfect fit exist )


My life ( after surgery & upon returning to grad school & work ) will consist of long periods continuous walking/hiking with loads up to 70lbs, long periods continuous standing & bending, constant lifting up to 50lbs, general physical activities such as gardening ( all by hand ), building ( working with wood ), the once a week competitive sport ( rugby ). I will be returning to Oregon after grad school. I will work my land by hand & help to build my log home. I have found in the past that having strength ( muscle & cardio ) help immensely with day to day outdoor activities. I wish to be as natural as possible ( organic nutrition, vegan ( of course ), nothing synthetic or highly processed, local if possible). I am also an environmental/animal activist. Activism can certainly be physically demanding and being in proper health & shape makes for more positive & reaching activism. I also like to keep things simple. I do not mind consuming the same foods daily & do not want to spend more than 2 hours per day keeping fit.


Please help with a basic training/nutrition plan that I can tweak over the next 4 to 5 weeks. At the moment, I am truly at a loss on where to begin.


Thank You !!!

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I know what you're going through. I am female, 116 lbs and 5'1'' Couple questions..

Do you currently weight lift or do cardio? If you do, what do you currently do? Do you have access to a gym or will you be working out at home? What is your preferred form of exercise?


As for eating, what is a typical day of eating like for you now? I will check this again soon or u can pm or email me..

- Jen

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