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I'm a vegetarian. Its been quite a lifestyle change for me seeing as how I've only been one for a few months. Before meat was in every meal I ate. But I made the best decision of my life when I stopped. Animals are a really big part of my life and I love them too much to contribute to such a horrible thing. I try to be a pretty strict vegetarian. I eat no meat or fish or anything like that. I don't drink any milk and I only have other animal products on occasioan. I would really LOVE to become vegan. But I'm having a hard time, I've looked up a few vegan recipes and proceeded to cook them... but I live in a small REDNECK town where any ingreidents to make such dishes are hard to get come by. I was wondering if anybody could give me some ideas or recipes for a few vegan meals I could make. I would greatly appreciate it.

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Hello & Welcome to the forums!


Please consider posting an introduction and telling us a little more about yourself. I love NC - what part of the state do you live in?


Are you able to get to a bigger town if you were able to get more vegan options there? Even if you can only go once in awhile you may be able to pick up dry bulk foods like beans, grains, etc, plus other things that last a long time like shelf-stable soymilk. Also, is there a farmers market in your area?


I grew up mostly in the south and southwest with tons of animal "foods" at every meal but have been vegan for over a dozen years now - it can be done! Having prepared vegan options in the store is handy but not critical. With a bit of work and creativity, you can make tasty nutritious food out of simple and commonly available ingredients. There are lots of great vegan recipes online free plus lots of great vegan cookbooks.


Of course, you could always move out to the Vegan promised land here on the Left Coast!

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Personally I think going vegan in a redneck town isn't so bad. You can buy produce from local farmers and not having a bunch of pre-made vegan food I believe should be the goal of all vegans. It forces you to create on your own...having all kinds of goodies around are great and it makes it easier but if you wanna do it without that you'll be healthier for it.

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