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Robert's Blog: "Everything is Awesome"

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I am enjoying my time in Canada! I hung out with the Victoria Organic Athlete crew from RawKev to Tasha to Dave Noisy to others. Great racing today! I watched a bunch of bike races and it was really cool. I hit up a couple of vegan restaurants so far and I've got another day before returning home for 24 hours and then off to Vegas for the Mr. Olympia contest!




Good times.

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No. I'm almost never 'not' traveling.


Now I am always traveling. It has been years in the making but I got myself in a position to travel constantly, which for the most part, I enjoy immensely!


Yes, I do workout when I travel, but yes they suffer. I was in Canada for 3 days and meant to train but didn't make it happen. I'm training tomorrow, and the next day before my flight and I'll train in Vegas, but in general I do get to train but not as much as when I'm home.

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Going to Vegas tomorrow for the Mr. Olympia contest! I still have to get tickets, a hotel, etc.


I'm not very organized but I have 3 credit cards and 3 debit cards and cash so I'm sure I'll be fine and get things sorted out when I get there.




I'll meet up with forum members there, have a great time and I really look forward to it!



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I have a bunch of new members I still need to welcome.


I took my longest break from the forum. 5 days. I've been in Vegas having a great time at the Olympia.


I'll be home for a day, then Eugene, then the next day San Fran....so it's busy but I'll try to post some photos and some recaps soon.


I LOVE the sun in Vegas!

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At the airport, waiting to fly to San Francisco (plane delayed a bit).


Here are a few pics from the Olympia. To be honest, I actually only spent about an hour each day at the expo. I have been to so many of these things, and was just by myself, so I cruised through it in 15 minutes and sat out in the sun, then went back in for a few min, etc. Not more than an hour each day, of the 8-hour expo. When I'm with Ravi, Josh, or others, I'll spend all day there, having fun, taking pics, hanging out...but this time I just wanted to sit in the Vegas sun and the expo bored me.


Watching the contest is where I had fun.


Here are a few pics from the Olympia:



My friend Jessica at the Expo




Me and Jay just after he got off stage in 2nd place:




Me, Jay and his mother:




Me and Jay battle the biceps in the hotel:



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I had a GREAT time in San Francisco hanging out with a bunch of awesome people! VeggiePrincess is even hotter in person!!!


Anyway, it was a great event with lots of cool people.


Really good times and I will try to get some pics posted soon. I'm so far behind on everything, it's so hard to keep up. But I gotta keep on keeping on because it's reaching a lot of people.


I gave a talk to a full room of people who were inspired, motivated and had their lives changed after my talk and that is very worthwhile to me and I'll continue to create this trickle-up effect everywhere I go.



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A few pics:


With Pro MMA Fighter and VEGAN: Ricardo Moreira (feature on profiles on our main site)







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Thanks. I'm working hard again....training with the guy in the photo (also in our profiles section) in an hour and then training again later before I fly home I'll be at Venice Gold's in Venice, CA this weekend. New city every few days or every week, but still working out....even at 11PM with veggieprincess the other night. Gotta make it happen.

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even at 11PM with veggieprincess the other night.


Okay, so are you gonna tell them or am I??... guess I'm gonna have to tell 'em.


Robert said I made his triceps sore from our workout!!! I was proud! hee, hee....


When you have someone standing over you screaming at you "Jillian Anderson style" to hold your elbows in ALL THE WAY on tricep pushups... works everytime!! Robert really really pushes himself on every rep, and its inspiring for me to watch someone so concentrated on form


Had such a fun time Robert! Thanks for introducing me to so many great people!!!! Will see ya real soon!

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Yeah, it was a fun time in SF, and you know what, I do appreciate the architecture in the city, I was just busy concentrating on the roads. Today I looked around more during the day.


Thanks for hanging out and doing a great job for VB&F too! I'd love to have you at more events and we're doing more and more around the country so as long as we're productive I'll be able to afford to do more and there could be many more opportunities to work with us.


P.S. I did mention that workout in my other journal...the bulking up one, so go back and read it


See you in L.A. this weekend?


I plan on being there the 10th-13th.


Joe from VegNews says hi.

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Hey everyone, get your shirt on!


More items are coming all the time!


We're still selling a bunch of clothing at events all over the country. If you're interested in something, now is the time to check in with me since I have shelves full of lots of items!


I have some NEW items that just arrived. I finally got men's tank tops in white, black and grey. Not sleeveless shirts, but tank tops. I should get pics up soon.


Tons of new women's tank tops are coming in next week. I also ordered more women's hoodies and will get men's hoodies soon. Yoga pants have also been ordered. We completely sold out of women's shorts so more will be ordered there too.


Here is what my basement looked like over the summer. Now my inventory is twice this big.





Of course, that also means my debt is twice as big (will really, much more than twice).


We're getting a lot of cool things out there.


Some have our logo on them and some have other things written that are not bodybuilding specific such as:


Vegan Fitness Team


or simply:




So not all of it says "bodybuilding" for those who don't want that word on it, which I understand.


More styles, logos and sayings are coming soon, but I have to continue to move a lot of inventory in order to produce more items.


I know I'm slow to get things up on the main website (I'm working like 5 jobs at the moment) but just send me or Tasha a note explaining what you'd like and we'll hook you up and you can easily pay via paypal.



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I posted some pics tonight of some of the new items in the photos and classifieds sections.


Tons of women's stuff coming as well.


Here is a sample of the men's stuff:




I need to go to bed, wake up do a radio interview, give a talk at Pacific University and then pack to go to L.A. the next day to give a talk at Eko Zone for their grand opening party.



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Late last night while you were in bed Jessifly took some pics for me.


I posted a whole bunch of them in the photos section


I have $20,000 in retail value of clothing sitting around the house. We're selling them all over the country at festivals (upcoming ones are in Florida and Boston) but I'm also planning on getting all 20 styles up on the MAIN website by next week for proper only ordering

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Late last night while you were in bed Jessifly took some pics for me.


I posted a whole bunch of them in the photos section


I have $20,000 in retail value of clothing sitting around the house. We're selling them all over the country at festivals (upcoming ones are in Florida and Boston) but I'm also planning on getting all 20 styles up on the MAIN website by next week for proper only ordering


Sweet that's great news ! Let me know when you want me to help you with all of that.

I hope there will still be the women's pants left over for me.

They are going to look awesome !

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I noticed I looked a lot more womanly in these recent pics!






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