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Please sign petition AGAINST Wolf Slaughter !


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Idaho's Governor Wants to Kick-Off the Wolf Massacre Himself -

Help Stop Him !


A Fish and Wildlife Service proposal believed to be released this month could allow the use of aerial gunning and other lethal control methods to kill as many as two-thirds of the wolves in Wyoming and as many as 54 of Idaho's 65 wolf packs!


Help Protect Wolves Today!




"I'm prepared to bid for that first ticket to shoot a wolf myself."


If the words of Idaho's Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter don't send a chill down your spine, they should. Idaho's governor said just last week that he will support public hunts to kill all but 10 of the state's 65 gray wolf packs after the federal government strips them of protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) - a proposal believed to be released later this month if citizens don't act to prevent it. Sign this petition to preserve the wolves' ESA protections.


Otter told The Associated Press that he wants hunters to kill about 550 gray wolves. That would leave about 100 wolves, or the bare minimum number of wolves, alive in the state before they could be considered endangered again.


I've sent many of you a note about this terrible plan already, but our records indicate that you haven't sent in a letter of protest. With such cold-blooded anti-wolf sentiments in the air, your help is needed more than ever.


Any day now, the federal officials could sanction the worst wolf massacre in the lower 48 states in decades. Please help save the wolves by sending a letter of protest to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


Here's what's about to happen: this month, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is expected to propose stripping wolves of crucial Endangered Species Act protections across most of Wyoming and de-listing wolves in Idaho. Idaho is poised to kill up to 75% of the wolves living in the Lolo district of the Clearwater National Forest.


This proposal could allow the use of aerial gunning and other lethal control methods to kill as many as two-thirds of the wolves in Wyoming and as many as 54 of Idaho's 65 wolf packs!

Don't let them de-list the wolves: http://go.care2.com/e/R4H2/dAR2/sB_l


As crazy as it seems, many misinformed citizens motivated by over-blown claims of livestock loss and elk hunting declines are urging federal officials to kill wolves. The wolves need you to speak up now! Help us make sure the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service hears from thousands of people like you and me who want to protect the wolves and their families. ( http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/770149370?z00m=9409527&z00m=9409527 )


Send your message now, and urge Fish and Wildlife Service chief Dale Hall to protect wolves in the Northern Rockies.


Thanks for helping today,


Hilary Stamper

Care2 and ThePetitionSite.com


P.S. Don't forget - this deadly proposal could be released any day. Please sign the petition now!

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