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Jason X

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Posts posted by Jason X

  1. You're half right. But I only have one shirt like that.


    today was upper body split day.


    incline bench.

    95 x 8

    135 x 6

    155 x 3

    145 x 4, 4, 4

    155 x 2, 2, 2, 1


    dumbell bench

    45 x 6

    65 x 6, 3

    60 x 6, 6


    wide grip chins

    sets of 4, 4, 4, 3, 3


    Upright Rows

    100lbs 5 sets of 10. the last rep of the 4th set and the last 2 reps of the 5th set had a few seconds rest/pause between them.



    sets of 8, 6, 7, 6, 7


    more stupid 75lb dumbell shrugs


    2 sets of 50 and a set of 20 making sure to hold the contraction at the top for 3 seconds each.


    Then I went and hung on the pull up bar and did 2 sets of 5 each knee raises and oblique crunches with a 25lb dumbell between feets.


    think that's all.

  2. Was in the gym forever today, and didn't really do a lot, but I had fun! and i figured out the fastest way to that "i'm gonna throw up" nauseous feeling...


    long warm up with shoulder presses/snatches/cleans/front squats with just the bar.


    Clean/front squat. Clean each set once, front squat it for said # of reps.

    135 x 5

    140 x 5

    ACK! my log is disappeared on my phone!!! what gives!?!? OH NO!

    anyhow, from memory,

    145 x 5

    150 x 3

    155 x 3

    160 x 1

    165 x 1

    170 x 1

    175 x 1

    180 x 1

    185 x 1 (pr tie)

    190 x BIG OLE FAIL!

    190 x 1 (5lb pr, but had to drop to a knee, but kept weight up and recovered it. Does that count?)

    Just in case that doesn't count, I hit a SUPER clean (as is textbook. no pun intended)...

    195 x 1 (10lb pr)

    200 x fail


    1 legged squats. pistol style.

    10lbs x 4 per leg

    20lbs x 3 per leg

    30lbs x 2 per leg

    40lbs x 1 per leg

    50lbs x 1 per leg

    55lbs x 1 per leg

    60lbs x 1 per leg

    up to this point, all super clean, keeping the unused leg out in front, but that's about the end of that)

    65lbs x 0 per leg

    65lbs x 1 per leg

    70lbs x 1 per leg (fucking amped at this point. gonna max out the dumbells on this, too!

    75 x 1 per leg (pretty clean. though, boy I should document this... SO i did, and hit another

    75 x 1 per leg (pretty ugly, BUT, up and down on one leg, the unused one never touches, so I'm counting it. Video to be posted as soon as it's uploaded.



    Neck curls (this is the "I'm gonna puke" exercise..)

    one set of 20 each to the front, to the back, to the side, to the side. 20lb dumbell on head/face. good times.


    then i left.

  3. HEY! thanks, doc!


    At it again today. two and a half hours today! working up to the 3hr sessions that got Pudz where he's at (you know, except for the roid's, but whatever!)



    bench (no spotter, my upper body buddy flaked)

    95 x 8

    135 x 6

    145 x 6

    155 x 5

    165 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2 (would have had 3 on those last two sets, but no spotter made me not want to risk getting pinned like Ric Flair)


    Overhead press

    105 x 6, 6

    115 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3


    tri pullovers

    75 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5


    wide grip lat pulldown (back too sore for barbell rows...)

    135 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10


    dumbell shrugs

    75lbs each hand again, sets of 40, 40, 40, 40, 50 (these are a damn joke.)


    seated incline curls

    20lbs in each hand, but, it wasn't a dumbell. it was 2 10lb plates pinched together in each hand. work that grip! (a lot. these are brutal!)

    sets of 7, 15, 12, 13, 12


    Hanging leg raise (more grip...)

    15lb dumbell between feet. 3 sets of 10


    hanging oblique cruches

    15lb dumbell between feet. 3 sets of 5 per side


    decline crunches

    25lb dumbell beneath chin for 3 sets of 10.


    then i spent 20 minutes working on snatch form with an empty bar, then 65lbs then 95lbs. I got this. oly lifts are great!

  4. wow. my lower back is completely wrecked. awesome. (not hurt, just super sore and telling me to shove off. so I will)


    Started with Deads. I figured my new Abe Lincoln chin curtain would add about another 10lbs to my deadlift, but I didn't get the chance to find out too well...

    135 x 10

    225 x 5

    275 x 3

    315 x 1

    335 x 1 (went up easy, but my back was toast. still is.)

    355 x fail x 2 (hell, figured it was worth a shot. couldn't even get it off the ground. no confidence at all)

    335 x fail (same story as above)


    I'll give deads a week before revisiting them. I say that now. I give it until friday, at the longest...


    Overhead squats (getting a feel for form and where I should have the weight centered. Not as hard as I thought they'd be)

    95 x 6

    100 x 6

    105 x 6

    110 x 6

    115 x 6

    120 x 6

    125 x 6

    130 x 3.


    Dumbell Bench

    60lbs x 6 for 5 sets.


    upright row.

    90lbs x 10 for 5 sets


    side raises (i WAY prefer overhead pressing to lat raises...stupid back...)

    27.5 x 10, 8, 8


    alternating dumbell hammer curls

    30lbs x 10/side for 3 sets


    skull crushers

    60lbs x 10, 10 10, 9, 10


    dumbell shrugs

    75 (heaviest in the gym...) x 3 sets of 40 reps. (stupid back again. I'd rather use the heavy barbell. )


    Then I walked on the treadmill at 5mph at a 15% incline for 5 minutes while the football game started.


    Now I'm icing my back about to watch Predator. The original one.

  5. adena! sorry I never replied to you! i didn't see it until now. anyhow, that didn't take too long. it was the TON of power cleans I did the other day that took almost an hour.


    Those took maybe 40 minutes? I got all kinds of time now that rugby is over for the season. Time to get jacked! lol. But yeah, I aim for 2 hours in the gym 6 days a week.


    It works for Kaz, Pudz, Klokov, Stoitsov, Xugang, Ray Lewis, Derek Poundstone, et al. Why not, eh?


    also, i often don't worry about form too much. Generally, I'm of the opinion to just throw it in the direction it needs to go and/or just try to throw things through the ceiling. which is why I wasn't squatting very low on my power cleans before. Just trying to get them "right". I want to keep doing more of these lifts. I enjoy them more than the powerlifter 3 (save for deads, cause those rule!)


    I gotta find someone to teach me snatches. those scare me. I do them with 75lb dumbells (one handed) no problems, but something about bar screws me up!

  6. you're right. I never thought to angle the front foot in! That's what I'm talkin' about! Thanks! and you're right. I didn't jerk low because I didn't need to in order to get under it.


    and the reason I pull it from the floor is because when I try to only pull it to my knees it completely wrecks my rhythm. I'm not good at hang cleans, apparently. Although, it may not look like, but the initial pull of the floor isn't at the same velocity as the clean. I could probably stand to push my elbows through more.


    THANKS Mary! I'm really enjoying these, so I'll continue to do them. I really want to hit 225 on the clean/jerk.

  7. any form tips on cleans or power clean/jerks? I'm all ears. First video taken/uploaded! yay! The perks of going to the same gym as a teammate and his wife. I asked her nicely to do me that favor before she left. So, here it is.


    If say, chewy, or VE, or Mary (or anyone else, obvs) have any form tips, I'd love to hear them. This was after what I have listed above, so I was a bit winded, but 135 has never given me any trouble. Maybe I should have taped the 175 so you could see the form breakdown...




    i guess I can toss in a picture too...why not?! what's what's going on under the shirt... lol. probably look more defined if i weren't pasty white! whatevs.



  8. Lol. Had my panties in a bunch this morning. Got them worked out. Another 2 hour gym day today (as they've often been all week, save for yesterdays shitshow!) just wrecking random shit and having a TON of fun!


    Clean & Jerk (putting the pieces together)

    135 x 5

    145 x 3

    150 x 2

    160 x 1

    170 x 1

    175 x 1

    180 x 0

    Then I wanted to work on legit clean form with light weight (and took a video. I gotta figure out how to upload it now!)

    so I hit 135 x 10, 8, 6 focusing on a real front squat and dip under instead of just muscling out a power clean


    Dumbell Lat Raises (like I said, fun day. pretty much just fucking around with my exercise selection. you'll see)

    25lbs x 10 x 3


    Dumbell Flat Bench Press

    40 x 10

    50 x 9

    60 x 3

    70 x 1

    55 x 10, 6


    One 8 rep set of dumbell flyes with 25lbs. Those hurt my shoulder pretty bad. Won't be doing those again. Not that I've ever done them before...


    A set of 10 per side dumbell tri kickbacks (because I hate that they exist and my co-worker does them. I did them to mock him.) at 30lbs


    tri rope pushdowns

    65lbs x 10, 5, 7


    parallel grip lat pulldown

    135 x 10

    145 x 10

    150 x 6



    60 x 11, 8, 8


    upright row

    80lbs x 10 x 5 (lovin' this exercise)


    Dumbell row

    75 x 10 x 3 per side


    some silly oblique twist/tri extension that kinda simulatied either chopping wood or dragging something...

    65 x 10 x 2


    barbell curl

    80 x 8, 6

    70 x 8, 8

    60 x 12


    that's all. lol. it was fun. I felt pretty vain today with all the isolation nonsense.

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