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Posts posted by Firefighter911

  1. AMINO ACIDS are found in all foods except oil. Despite claims to the contrary, all vegetables, legumes, and grains contain all the essential amino acids. They may not contain high amounts of some, but, if combined with another vegetable source, all the essential amino acid requirements are met.

  2. I just love the protein myth theory because i see it working on myself. I don't eat met, no dairy, no transformed food or cooked food. and I've noticed increasing performance. I can do more chin-ups, more often. More cardio. More muscles, less fat...all that without ''complete-incomplete'' proteins...

  3. I must have been unclear. When you stop eating meat, people always say: you'll be protein deficient. Instead of aiming at eating an X amount of protein per meal ( as most people on standard diet ), you should focus on fruts-vegetables that contain amino-acids. Amino-acids are also found ''by themselves'' , outside of a protein chain.

  4. Before claiming something i usually try it, or read about people who did it. As for myself, i'm a raw vegan since december. Physically, everything improved: I lost fat that were stuck in my tissues. At the gym I'm stronger, faster with more endurance. My performance on Fires dramatically improved. I only red about the protein myth 2 weeks ago. And it makes alot of sense. I was trying to explain to my fellow firefighters that being a raw vegan actually increased my physical ( and mental ) performance....not that they didn't believe me, but they were stuck on the protein question. Instead of giving your body proteins, why not focus on eating food that contain a shit load of aminoacids. Your body will then do what every it needs to do...?

  5. I think it's better to focus on amino-acids than on protein itself. Protein is just a middle man: the body must break it down into amino-acids to be used where needed. If you want to build a house, you buy raw materials. You don't destroy or cut big chucks of your neighbor's house to then break it down into ''raw-like'' material to then build your house...

  6. I have questions and i can't find anything solid!

    I want to know why, gym amateurs with standard american diet ( meat, dairy etc ), are still able to have big and inflated muscles. I don't understand the bio of it. And my other question is: why body builders, on ''standard'' diet, can have big and inflated muscles but still have no overall body fat. And my third question, if anyone can put me on track, is what's the main effects of Animal VS Vegan proteins on muscles.

    Thank you very much!!!


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