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Posts posted by sherrieveg

  1. Hey Everyone!

    I just bought Robert's book and am really excited to receive it soon! I have been vegan for about 3 months now...ever since reading Alicia's book 'The Kind Diet'. I am a runner, teacher, newbie traithlete, and am seeking new adventures all the time. I figured, in order to sustain the energy and fitness levels needed for new adventures, it would be important for me to learn more about veganism and endurance sports. I am really looking forward to learning from the community here, from m new book (yay), and I hope, in receiving all this knowledge, to encourage others to eat healthier as well.

    I have been clicking around the site and am a bit overwhlemed. Can you recommend a good place for me to start? As I said I am looking to learn more about being active and a vegan. Thank you!



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