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Everything posted by MoshxDeLaney

  1. Haha do you know what Edge Day is? It's one of my favorite holidays. And Chipotle is the shit. Awesome post work out meal.
  2. 10.18.2011 bodyweight: 223 deadlift - 20kgx10, 50x7, 70x5, 120x5, 135x3, 152x11, 80x10x5 hanging leg raise - BWx10x5 face pull - 100x15, 140x20, 20, 18 reverse hyper/neck harness superset - BWx20/10x25, BWx20/15x25, BWx20/15x25 Sticking with the hook grip on deadlift. I did the same amount of reps as last week on my top set of deadlifts with 7 KG more on the bar, so I can't complain about that. Following sets of ten were super easy. Everything felt pretty good tonight. Hopefully I can actually get a reasonable amount of sleep now.
  3. 10.17.2011 bodyweight: 223 standing strict overhead press - 20kgx10, 10, 30x5, 45x5, 51x3, 57x7, 40x10, 10, 0, 35x10, 10 wide grip pull up - BWx6, 6, 6, 6, 5 dumbbell shrug - 65x20, 20, 20, 20, 16 neck harness - 5x20, 10x30, 12.5x30x2 shoulder prehab Followed this up with pizza w/ daiya cheese and mushrooms and some cake to celebrate Edge Day (for anyone who knows what that is). Pretty good night.
  4. 10.13.2011 bodyweight: 222 bench press - 45x10, 95x10, 145x3, 165x3, 185x11, 135x10x5 dumbbell row - 45x10(per arm), 70x10x5 cable face pull - 130x20x3 shoulder prehab Everything felt really good. I got one more rep than last week with ten more pounds on my top set of bench, and my rep work sets felt pretty easy at a heavier weight. Solid day in the gym. 10.14.2011 bodyweight: 221 squat - 20kgx10x2, 50x5, 75x3, 88x3, 100x8, 60x10x5 good morning - 20kgx10, 50x10x5 reverse hyper - BWx20x2 neck work Felt pretty decent today. My schedule was a little thrown off and I felt it, but I don't think it had too much of a negative impact on me. I was hoping for more on my top set of squats, but I was pretty worn out by the time I got to the gym. Can't win em all, but I definitely don't see it as a loss.
  5. 10.11.2011 bodyweight: 221 deadlift - 20kgx10, 50x5, 70x5, 110x3, 125x3, 145x11, 75x10x5 hanging leg raise - BWx10, 10, 10, 9, 8 neck harness - 10lbx30, 15x30x2 reverse hyper - BWx25x2 Decided to switch my deadlift grip from over/under, how I've always pulled, to hook tonight. It felt really good. Over/under used to cause imbalance issues in my shoulder girdle, and I didn't feel that happening tonight. My thumbs are still a bit numb, but it's a small price to pay. My deadlift made a big jump from last week, so I'm pretty happy about that. Hanging leg raises felt great, really strict and focused on the squeeze. I've decided I'm going to add 1 neck/trap exercise to the end of every training session, because a big neck and traps just look bad ass.
  6. 10.10.2011 bodyweight: 221 standing strict military press - 20kgx10, 10, 30x5, 42x3, 48x3, 54x7, 35x10x5 wide grip pull up - BWx6, 6, 6, 6, 4 shoulder prehab Everything felt really solid today, minus the first few set of pull ups. When I was leaving work today I was putting something in my trunk and when I went to close it I slammed the door down really hard on my shoulder. It was one of those sick to your stomach and acid burning near the pharynx causing pains. To all guys who have been kicked in the jewels, something like that. Anyway, it caused some pain along the clavicle, but after the first 3 sets of pull ups it subisded, so I think I'm good. Other than that, I felt really good about this work out. Capped the night with a whole pizza with daiya cheese and mushrooms in the company of awesome friends.
  7. Gotcha. It's always fun to change things up, and often beneficial. Now that I'm back in the gym I'm gonna do a few rounds of 5/3/1 then try something else
  8. Awesome man. Progress is progress. What sort of routine are you following now? Haven't read all of your recent posts, but looks like Westside maybe.
  9. 10.7.2011 bodyweight: 215 squat - 20kgx10x2, 50x5, 70x5, 80x5, 90x10, 60x10, 10, 10, 9, 7 good morning - 20kgx10, 50x10, 10, 10, 8, 8 reverse hyper - BWx20x2 Did everything super strict, got really deep on the squats and good mornings. Things felt really great tonight. I meant to take some video on my phone but completely forgot. My training partner is getting his deadlift for down pretty well, and I taught him to squat tonight; we're gonna get his form on point next week. I'm slowly turning him to the dark side (lifting for strength with size as an added bonus, rather than the other way around). After the work out we met up with some friends at a nearby Chipotle (aside: I feel bad for people who don't have one of these in their areas) for a buddy's birthday. I celebrated with two packed burritos.
  10. Looking good man! Everything looks really smooth. Keep it up
  11. 10.6.2011 bodyweight: 218 bench press - 45x20, 95x10, 45x5, 135x5, 155x5, 175x10, 115x10x5 dumbbell row - 45x10(per arm), 60x10x5 shoulder prehab It's depressing looking back in my training journal when I was benching 245x7, and how much my strength has dropped since then. But now I will only progress, and next spring I will be even bigger and stronger than I was last spring. Form felt really good tonight. I got a nice pause at the bottom of every rep on the bench. When I get my strength back up I would like to start doing some competitions. That is all for now.
  12. Thanks Robert! That's actually not me in my avatar picture, just inspiration. Perhaps one day I will attain the same. 10.4.2011 bodyweight: 214 deadlift - 50kgx10, 70x5, 105x5, 120x5, 135x8, 70x10x5 hanging leg raise - BWx8x5 reverse hyper - BWx20x2 Taught my training partner how to deadlift today. It's a bit distracting having to teach someone an exercise from nothing and critiquing his form between every one of my sets, but I'm glad I can help him out with it. After lifting we enjoyed some post work out burritos from Chipotle
  13. 10.3.2011 bodyweight: 216 standing military press: 20kgx10, 10, 42x5, 45x5, 50x8, 35x10, 10, 10, 8, 9 wide grip pull up - BWx6, 5, 5, 4, 3 shoulder prehab My new training partner works 9A-5P. I work 6A-2P. This gives me a 3 hour window from the time I get home from work until the time I meet up with him. I've decided I'm going to do my cardio work in that time. Today I got home from work and did hill sprints. The hill I use is probably about 50 yards (rough estimate) from top to bottom and pretty steep. All of the local kids sled there, if that paints a reasonable picture. I did 20 sprints, using the time it takes to walk back down as my rest.
  14. 9.30.2011 bodyweight: 214 squat - 20kgx10, 40x10, 50x5, 70x5, 90x5, 100x5 more squats - 60kgx10, 10, 8, 7, 6 standing cable crunch - 100x5 sets of 10 No more powerlifting style squats, these were Olympic style, ATG. It had been a long time since I had done that many reps of squats. My legs felt like jelly by the end, it was awesome. Worked out pretty early in the day today.
  15. 9.29.2011 Bodyweight: 214 bench press - 45lbsx20, 95x10, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5 dumbbell row - 50x10 (per arm), 65, 10, 10, 8, 55x10, 10 incline dumbbell press - 35x10, 50x10, 10, 10, 8, 7 Energy levels were super low today. Nervous system was crapping out early. Probably due to the fact that I feel a slight cold coming on and I ate like crap today. Now I remember why I used to eat a ton of brown rice and oatmeal everyday. Point taken.
  16. Thanks man! It feels great to be back, and it looks like I'm finally going to have a training partner starting next week. I'm not letting anything get in my way.
  17. 9.27.2011 Bodyweight: 211 deadlift - 50kgx10, 70x5, 100x5, 120x5, 150x5 good morning - 20kgx10, 50x5x10 hanging leg raise - BWx8, 8, 8, 7, 7 I'm still not pushing myself like I normally would, just getting to a point where it's hard and the weight feels good
  18. 9.26.2011 Bodyweight: 208 military press - 20kgx15, 30x5, 40x5, 50x5, 30x10 pull up - BWx5, 5, 5, 3, 2 dip - BWx8, 8, 8, 6, 5 Strength is obviously way down from where it was four months ago. I'm getting fatigued very easily, but I'm glad to be working out again
  19. O ok, I used to live in Freehold when I was younger. Nah, I don't know any, what about you?
  20. Got really sick yesterday. Barely left my bed, couldn't eat anything all day, threw up the small bit of orange juice and water I got down, everything was in pain. Woke up today feeling 10x better. Probably just going to take it easy this week though, get back at it next week. And thanks for the kind words Chewy!
  21. Here's an update on my life. My business partners and I just sold our contracting company. I am officially without a job, and I'm ok with that. I have some prospects lined up, I'm not at all worried about it as I know I always have one to fall back on, but I plan on just relaxing for a few weeks, maybe going to visit my brother in Denver. Work was killing me. I was putting in about 75 hours a week most weeks, trying to make time to see my friends and see my gf who lives an hour away. At the same time I sold the business, my gf and I broke up, and I'm now left with a lot of free time, so I'm going to take advantage of it. I just got back from my first trip to the gym in over 4 months. Size and strength are down considerably, but I'm going into it with a positive attitude. Took it fairly easy today, didn't push myself too hard, just wanted to re-acclimate my body to the weights. 9.19.2011 BW: 208 military press - 45lbsx 5, 5, 65x5, 75x5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 65x16 pull up - BWx6, 6, 6, 5, 5 dip - BWx10, 10, 9, 8, 7 I was so excited to be back in the gym my body was shaking. I can tell my body is going to be really sore tomorrow, but there's something I love about that feeling. There's nothing more satisfying to me than knowing I've accomplished something. It feels good to be back.
  22. Haven't been to the gym in a month. New job is killing me. I've been training two new guys I hired and have been putting in 60-70 hours a week working out in the field, building and roofing. Plus paper work, emails and other business stuff on top of that, adding about another hour onto each day. Sleeping about 4 hours a night. Hopefully it will pay off in the end.
  23. Thanks dude. I'm trying to keep that mindset. I don't even have much of an appetite and I've been eating like crap the last week. The gym is like therapy for me and not being able to go this week when I'm thinking about so much is killing me
  24. 5.13.2011 BW 234.5 squat - 20kgx8, 6, 50x5, 70x3, 90x3, 108x5, 123x5, 140x4 good morning - 70kgx10, 10, 8 plank w/ 45 lb plate on my back - 1:30, 1:15 lying leg raise - BWx13 barbell curl - 20kgx8, 35x10, 9, 8 I was feeling overtrained big time. Couldn't even hit the minimum 5 reps on my last set of squats. Had absolutely no energy for my assistance exercises. Broke up with my girlfriend the night before, probably didn't help. Pretty much a total shit day in the gym. Hope to come back stronger next week.
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