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Posts posted by Colin

  1. My favorite muscle group to push to the limit is Legs/lower body. The lower body is the largest muscle group, so you're gonna get the greatest metabolic stress from working the lower body, so that's going to give the biggest bump up to your metabolism, and will leave you feeling like you worked out hard. Also, we all rely on our legs to get us around and through life everyday. Solid overall fitness is built upon a foundation of a strong lower body.

  2. I'm highly motivated to be active every day and maintain a high level of fitness because I spent my childhood as being the "fat kid". From the age of about 8 until I was 12 I was gigantic and it sucked. I had an epiphany when I was twelve and I began riding my bike everywhere and lost a lot of weight, and then I started going to the gym and learned about fitness and all that stuff. Now, I'm 22 and one of the fittest people I know, and I have a degree in exercise science with a certification in strength and conditioning from the NSCA. I'm more motivated than ever to stay fit and pass it on to others!

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