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Posts posted by KatVonDstroya

  1. Hey everyone!

    Thanks for the encouragement!


    I've been slacking on the updating because I've been swamped with school and derby.


    The triathlon is tomorrow!


    I'm so excited! This week of tapering has been killing me, I'm so bored!


    Anyway! Hope to finish in under an hour (it's a sprint triathlon).

    I've got a bit of a chest cold (on top of asthma) so I'm a bit concerned it might hamper my performance.


    I will post results tomorrow!

  2. 2.1.12

    Ran 4 miles


    Lat Pulldown 3 sets x12 @ 70lbs

    Leg Extension 3 sets x12 @ 90lbs

    Bench Press 3 sets x10 @55lbs

    Dumbbell Pullover 3 [email protected]

    Inclined Press 3 sets x10 @50lbs

    Bicep Curl 3 sets x12 @ 30lbs

    Triceps Pushdown 3 sets x12 @ 30lbs

    Supinated Bicep Curls 3 sets x10 @ 17.5lbs

    Squats 3 sets x10 @70lbs

    Upright Rows 3 sets x12 @20lbs

    Side Lateral Raises 3 sets x12 @ 5lbs

    Calf Raises 3 sets (on machine) x12 @50lbs

    Abdominals 3 sets x 12 @70lbs

    Back 3 sets x12 @110lbs

    Lower Abdominals 3 sets x12

    Obliques x30 each side



    Biked 20 miles

    Walked for 45 minutes

    1 hour of derby drills



    Swam 600 yards

    Walked 30 minutes


    Lat Pulldown 3 sets x12 @ 75lbs

    Leg Extension 3 sets x12 @ 70lbs

    Bench Press 3 sets x10 @55lbs

    Dumbbell Pullover 3 sets@20lbs

    Inclined Press 3 sets x10 @50lbs

    Bicep Curl 3 sets x12 @ 30lbs

    Triceps Pushdown 3 sets x12 @ 35lbs

    Supinated Bicep Curls 3 sets x10 @ 17.5lbs

    Squats 3 sets x10 @70lbs

    Upright Rows 3 sets x12 @30lbs

    Side Lateral Raises 3 sets x12 @ 5lbs

    Calf Raises 3 sets (on machine) x12 @250lbs

    Abdominals 3 sets x 12 @70lbs

    Back 3 sets x12 @110lbs

    Lower Abdominals 3 sets x12

    Obliques x30 each side

  3. 1.26.12

    BRICK day!

    Rode the bike 7.31 miles in 30min

    Ran 1 mile in 10 min

    Walked 1.5 miles in 20 min



    500 yrd swim

    50 yrd warm up

    25 yrd x 16 with 5 sec rest

    50 yrd cool down


    Lat Pulldown 3 sets x12 @ 70lbs

    Leg Extension 3 sets x12 @ 50lbs

    Bench Press 1 set x5 @65lbs, 3 sets x10 @55lbs

    Dumbbell Pullover 3 [email protected]

    Inclined Press 3 sets x10 @50lbs

    Bicep Curl 3 sets x12 @ 30lbs

    Triceps Pushdown 3 sets x12 @ 30lbs

    Supinated Bicep Curls 3 sets x10 @ 17.5lbs

    Squats 3 sets x10 @50lbs

    Upright Rows 3 sets x12 @20lbs

    Side Lateral Raises 3 sets x12 @ 5lbs

    Calf Raises 3 sets (on machine) x12 @50lbs

    Abdominals 3 sets x 12 @70lbs

    Back 3 sets x12 @110lbs

    Lower Abdominals 3 sets x12

    Obliques x30 each side



    Today was my off day

    I ended up doing some light skating for about an hour.

  4. 1.24.12

    500 yrd swim

    50 yrd warm up

    50 yrd x 8 with 10 sec rest

    50 yrd cool down



    30 min jog on the indoor track

    I think we made it about 2 - 2.5 miles (my tracker wouldn't work inside for distance)


    Lat Pulldown 3 sets x12 @ 70lbs

    Leg Extension 3 sets x12 @ 50lbs

    Bench Press 3 sets x10 @55lbs

    Dumbbell Pullover 3 [email protected]

    Inclined Press 3 sets x12 @35lbs

    Bicep Curl 3 sets x12 @ 30lbs

    Triceps Pushdown 3 sets x12 @ 50lbs

    Supinated Bicep Curls 3 sets x10 @ 17.5lbs

    Squats 3 sets x10 @50lbs

    Upright Rows 3 sets x12 @20lbs

    Side Lateral Raises 3 sets x12 @ 10lbs

    Calf Raises 3 sets x12 @10lbs

    Abdominals 3 sets x 12 @70lbs

    Back 3 sets x12 @110lbs

    Lower Abdominals 3 sets x12

    Obliques x30 each side


    Well heck yeah! Clothes are def fitting looser. I can see a difference and I'm super stoked.


    It's so nice to be able to run without pain! I had a jogging class last semester when I was injured and the pain to run and even walk was excruciating. I'm so glad to be free of injury.


    I made a great shake yesterday:

    Sun Warrior Vanilla powder

    1/2" scoop Herbalife chocolate soy powder

    1 cup of vanilla coconut yogurt

    1 banana

    1 cup of pineapple

    1 cup of black cherries

    1/4 cup of almond milk


    I also tried the pom-berry Vega electrolyte mix for the first time and it was wonderful!

  5. 1.21.12

    This was a rest day. Only because I had to work



    2.5 hours of roller derby practice including a brutal pyramid drill and a full hour of 4 on 4 scrimmage.


    I was going to take a picture yesterday to show my progress, but I totally forgot. Hope to get one in a couple of days.

    3 weeks until our next games

    a lil' under 4 weeks until the triathlon

  6. 1.19.12

    Swam 500yrds in 20 min




    Ran for 45 min

    3.6 miles


    Lat Pulldown 3 sets x12 @ 60lbs

    Leg Extension 3 sets x10 @ 50lbs

    Bench Press 3 sets x10 @45lbs

    Dumbbell Pullover 3 sets

    Inclined Press 3 sets x12 @30lbs

    Bicep Curl 3 sets x12 @ 30lbs

    Triceps Pushdown 3 sets x12 @ 30lbs

    Supinated Bicep Curls 3 sets x10 @ 17.5lbs

    Squats 3 sets x10 @25lbs

    Upright Rows 3 sets x10 @20lbs

    Side Lateral Raises 3 sets x10 @ 10lbs

    Calf Raises 3 sets x10 @10lbs

    Abdominals 3 sets x 12 @50lbs

    Back 3 sets x12 @95lbs

    Lower Abdominals 3 sets x12

    Obliques x25 each side


    Lots of good vegan options at school the last couple of days! Makes me super happy and makes it easier to eat fresh.

    Also, seeing progress in my triathlon training since we switched to a more intensive program!

  7. 1.16.12


    Warm up - easy 50 yrds

    25 yrds freestyle x12

    50 yrds swim easy


    Lat Pulldown 3 sets x12 @ 40lbs

    Leg Extension 3 sets x12 @ 40lbs

    Bench Press 3 sets x10 @30lbs

    Dumbbell Pullover 3 sets x12 @20lbs

    Inclined Press 3 sets x12 @10lbs

    Bicep Curl 3 sets x12 @10lbs

    Tricep Pushdown 3 sets x12 @10lbs

    Supinated Bicep Curls 3 sets x12 @10lbs

    Squats 3 sets x12 w/20lbs

    Upright Rows 3 sets x12 @10lbs

    Side Lateral Raises 3 sets x12 @5lbs

    Calf Rises 3 sets (each side) x12 w/8lbs

    Abdominal (basic crunch) 3 sets x12 on ab bench

  8. 1.12.12

    *Ran for 25min (1-3 level of intensity)

    *Rode the bike for 20 min (1-3 level of intensity)


    Coached all stars practice for 1.5 hours

    actively skating, but nothing hard core



    I'm stuck at work til 8pm, sadly this was a swim day and the pool closed at 6pm


    I'm asthmatic and have signed up to do the Pittsburgh Fight for Air Climb.

    Please donate if you can!

    47 flights of stairs!



  9. 1.9.12

    Rest day because of work



    Headed into the 2nd week of triathlon training!

    Today I got in the pool for the first time since I was a lil kid. (public pools gross me out)

    Swam100 yrd x5


    3 hour derby practice tonight. I was a lil late so I only got in about 2.5 hours.

    It felt great and I can see that I'm getting more toned and losing the weight I put on while I was injured. I can't wait for school to start on Tue so I can get back in the gym and lift weights!


    Also: oatmeal + chia seeds = win!

  10. 1.8.12


    Had roller derby practice yesterday. I'm a part of the training and skills committee and it was my turn to run practice. Sadly, that means I don't get the normal workout

    I did play sock derby (roller derby off skates) for 40 min. Great cardio!


    Here are a couple of photos from the movie shoot we did last week. Sporting my sweet "Vegan" Shorts!



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