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Posts posted by rutty

  1. Hello;


    I've been working out for the past 4 weeks with weights and running. I've noticed that my energy levels dip hard after work right before a workout. I eat 5 meals during work(10hr days) and one or two after work. I have VEGA's pre workout energizer but just wondering if there are any other things that I can be doing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  2. I'm a chunky feller who has yo yo'd so bad with my weight. I think I was institutionalized after trying to to count calories and nearly lost my kidneys after trying the atkins diet. 3 months ago I stumbled upon the Engine 2 diet book, Forks over knives and Fat sick and nearly dead documentary. I threw out all the oils, meat, dairy, and eggs! It was an expensive move but I was sick and tired.

    I started running at first just a half hour a day just to get back into the swing. After about a month of boring cardio I jumped into a weight routine that kicks my ass every other day. I stopped doing boring cardio and started interval training, body weight, weights and treadmill work. On my days off I go for walks or jump on the erg or treadmill for about 25min to 30min. Just to keep active. Some days I run somedays I just go for a walk.

    My palate has changed so much since not cooking with oils. I can taste food again! I eat 7x's a day sometimes a few times more depending on work. If I feel a little hunger come on I grab a little bit of seeds, nuts, hummus, what every my Barney Rubble hands can grab. I don't eat processed food anymore. NOTHING!!!!! I was eating soy yogurt for a while and noticed a stomach issue. Gone, fed it to the cats. Just kidding they didn't like it. I don't eat 7 huge meals. I have 2 or 3 normal meals a day and the rest are snacks or pre/post workout meals. I do however take in VEGA Whole Food Meal Replacement 4x's a week for breaky. Pre work out energizer, Post workout recovery and Protein from VEGA. If you really want to count Earth's Own Rice milk as processed...you got me! Guilty.

    I have never had this much energy in my life since doing this. I'm no expert by any means, but this is what I did and I have dropped almost 25lbs of fat. My gf is pissed at me, although she has lost 10lbs...not that she needed it. We save so much money on groceries but have spent a few bucks on clothes. We don't have kids so it was easy to cut out alot of the garbage and it helps with her support! That is the BIG TICKET> SUPPORT from your spouse or family!!!!!

    Hope this helps...Again, I'm no expert. Some people can handle having oils and other processed crap, some people can't. It goes that way for everything I guess. I have that typical Endo-Meso type frame which means crappy metabolism. I used to look at Real Whole Grain breads and I could hear myself get fatter. LOL....It's all changed, workout and diet is helping I guess.




  3. If you need a good guide for helping with weight loss and becoming healthier look up "The Engine 2 Diet" book. Plant based whole foods, It opened my eyes to the misinformation and contradictory that is out there. He doesn't consider himself "Vegan" but doesn't touch, oils, dairy or animal products. Forks Over Knives is a great Documentary and there is a book/cookbook that you can compliment with the movie and The E2 Diet book. I have dropped weight since November 10th 2011 from 235-205. I was running and rowing for the first month, just a half hour a day. Started weight training mid of December to now. So far so good! Hope that helps.



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