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Posts posted by straud13

  1. Hello,


    I have always wished I could go vegan because of ethical reasons. I have been buying organic meat for years just to lessen the impact I have been having on suffering animals, to me all animals have the right to live and shouldn't be farmed just so another animal can consume them. I have been lifting since I was 18, and started because i was ghastly thin and wanted to put on some weight. I am now 35 and have the best physique I have ever had. Going Vegan wasn't an option because i didn't want to have all the muscle I have spent a lifetime building erode away and morph into an underweight emaciated vegan type.


    My wife and some of her colleges have all formed this weight loss support group and try various things together. Their latest scheme is a vegan cleanse, she informed me that all meals would be vegan during the cleanse, she would do all the cooking, but if I wanted to eat any meat I would have to prepare it separately. She also acquired forks over knives for our viewing pleasure. There were several athletes in that movie that were claiming that meat wasn't required for performance or muscle growth.


    The first week was fine, except for the gas, omg! did that happen to anyone else? I am on week two now, thankfully the gas has somewhat subsided. I have decided to give vegan-ism a go but I am terrified that my muscle mass will erode away. I know several vegans but they are all very thin and sick looking, granted none of them lift weights, but I am very concerned that I will lose muscle mass because of this decision.

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