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Posts posted by dresende

  1. Tuesday, Dec 2nd, 2014.


    Arms and Cardio


    Cardio: 30 minutes - treadmill - 300 cal destroyed.



    1- EZ bar - 2 warm up sets x 15-20 reps - 15 kg.

    4 sets x 12-10 reps x 15-20 kg

    2- One-arm machine - 2 warm up sets x 15-20 reps - 18 kg.

    4 sets x 12-10 reps x 20-22 kg

    3-EZ cable: 2 warm up sets x 15-20 reps - 15 kg.

    4 sets x 12-10 reps x 20-25 kg




    4-Cable pushdowns - 2 warm up sets x 15-20 reps - 20kg.

    4 sets x 12-10 reps x 30-41kg

    5-French Presses - 2 warm up sets x 12-15 reps - 12,5kg.

    4 sets x 12-10 reps x 15-17,5kg.

    6-Cable knocks (unilateral) 2 warm up sets x 15-20 reps - 12kg.

    4 sets x 12-10 reps x 12-15kg





    Cal: 1534 carbs: 259g Protein:109

  2. Monday, Dec 1st, 2014.


    Shoulders, Delts, Traps


    1- Military Presses (behind the neck) - 2 warm up sets 12-15 reps

    4 sets of 12 reps - 30 kg.

    2-Up Right rows - FS7 system 7 reps: wide, middle and narrow reps.

    3-Shrugs - same military presses

    4-Arnold presses (using DBs) same military presses

    5-Cable delts - same military presses

    6- Crunches 4 x 20 - 41 kg.



    Cal: 1307 Carbs: 230 g Protein: 65 g

  3. Is chest and back a method that you have read or been taught was a good combo to do or do you just prefer to do them together? I'm just curious, I like doing shoulders and back together but have no science to back it up.


    Hi C.O. How are you?

    I was trying to aply Kris Gethin's DTP method, but I guess isn't the best for me....

  4. Sunday, Nov 30th, 2014.


    Chest & Back


    Cardio: 30 minutes - almost 300 calories burnt (according to the treadmill).



    DB Chest Press (Flat): 10 sets of 50,40,30,20,10,10,20,30,40,50 reps

    weights: 5/ 5/ 6/ 6/ 6/ 10/ 10and so on till 5 again.

    DB rows: 10 sets of 50,40,30,20,10,10,20,30,40,50 reps

    weights: same chest.


    Lat Pull dows: 2 warm-up sets x 15-20 reps x 15 kg

    4 sets x 12-10 reps x 25, 27, 35 kg


    Chest Flyes Machine 2 warm-up sets x 15-20 reps x 20 kg

    4 sets x 12-10 reps x 25, 36, 39 kg

    Bent-Over rows - BB : 2 warm-up sets x 15-20 reps x 20 kg

    4 sets x 10-8 reps x 35 kg

  5. Saturday, Nov 29th, 2014.


    Leg day:


    Cardio: 30 minutes - almost 300 calories burnt (according to the treadmill).



    Leg Press: 10 sets of 50,40,30,20,10,10,20,30,40,50 reps

    weights: 75,7/ 75,7/ 80,7/ 80,7/ 85,7/ 90,7/ 95,7 and so on till 75,7 again.

    Calf Press On Leg Press: 10 sets of 40,30,20,10,10,10,10,20,30,40 reps

    weights: 75,7/ 75,7/ 80,7/ 80,7/ 85,7/ 90,7/ 95,7 and so on till 75,7 again.



    Hip Adductor x Hip Abductor: same as the first superset.

  6. Thursday, November 27th, 2014.


    Shoulders/Traps, Calves and Abs.


    Warm-up: treadmill - 10 minutes (~100 calories burnt)


    1-Machine shoulder press- 2 warm-up sets 15-12 reps x 5kg

    4 sets: 12 kg.


    2- Lateral DB raises - 1 warm-up set: 15 reps x 5 kg.

    4 sets x 7 kg.


    3- DB Military Presses - 1 warm-up set: 15 reps x 5 kg.

    4 sets x 12 kg.


    4-DB shrugs - 1 warm-up set: 15 sets x 14 kg.

    4 sets x 18 kg.


    5- AB crunches - 4 x15 (just bw)


    6- Step calf raises 4 x 20 (just bw) x Back extensions 4 x15 (just bw)



    Diet and Nutrition: I use MyFitnessPal (feel free to add me there

    Calories: 1735

    Carbs: 223

    Protein: 127

  7. Wed, November 26th, 2014.


    Leg attack:


    Warm-up: treadmill - 10 minutes (~100 calories burnt)


    1-Squats - 2 warm-up sets 15-12 reps x 20 kg

    4 sets: 25, 30, 35, 35 kg.


    2- Leg Extensions - 1 warm-up set: 15 reps x 18 kg.

    4 sets x 22,5, 30, 36, 41 kg.


    3- Hamstrings machine curls - 1 warm-up set: 15 reps x 18 kg.

    4 sets x 22,5, 30, 36, 36 kg.

    4-Leg Presses (45°) - 1 warm-up set: 30 reps x 70 kg.

    4 sets x 75, 80, 85, 85 kg.



    Diet and Nutrition:


    Meal #1

    - 2 slices of flaxseed whole bread

    - black coffee (no sugar)


    Meal #2

    - preworkout - Razor 8


    Meal #3

    - posworkout - soy milk - apple flavor


    Meal #4

    - Texturized soy protein, cabbage salad with carrots, tomatoes, garlic, onions and mustard.


    Meal #5

    - 2 slices of flaxseed whole bread

    - black coffee (no sugar)

    - soygurt (strawberry)


    Meal #6

    - Texturized soy protein, cabbage salad with carrots, tomatoes, garlic, onions and mustard.


    Meal #7

    - soygurt (plum)

  8. Tuesday, November 25th, 2014.


    Bis and tris workout (morning)

    Cardio (afternoon)


    1-EZ bar: 2 warm-up sets 20 reps x 20 kg

    EZ bar: 4 sets x 15-12 reps x 25 x 30 kg

    2-Machine curls: 1 warm-up set 15 reps x 18,5 kg

    Machine curls: 3 setz x 12-10 reps x 18,5-22,5 kg.

    3-Concentrated curls (DB alternating arms) 4 sets x 5 -10 kg

    4-Triceps cable pushdowns: 1 warm up set 15 reps x 15 kg

    Triceps cable pushdowns: 4 sets x 27,5 kg

    5- French DB overhead: 4 sets x 10-14 kg

    6- One arm reverse cable: 4 sets x 11,5 kg


    Note: not weghiting myself this week and in the forward either. Reason: That part of month.... lolo......


    Diet and Nutrition:not counting the calories intake this week, just focusing on a low carb #vegan foods.



  9. Monday, Nov 24th, 2014.


    Chest & Back (12 repetitions)


    1- DB flat bench presses - superset with DB bench rows 3 sets x 12 kg

    2- DB flyes - superset with cable rows 3 sets x 7 kg and 18 kg

    3- Latpull down behind the neck superset with push-ups - 3 sets x 18, 25 kg - bw

    4- Latpull down EZ bar way - 3 sets x 25, 32 kg

    5- DB Pull-overs 3 sets x 14 kg


    bw (morning): 77,3 kg.

  10. It's been a long time but I am back.

    I can tell u I am a brand new person, many things has changed in my life but everything now is fine.

    Regards on training, I am doing it hard and being consistency since August and I lost almos 10 kilograms of bodyweight (22,5 lbs) and now I am at a plato, weighting 77,2 kg (170,2 lb). I am 1,73 m (5' 68" ft) high.

    I have increased my cardio and now I am running every day around 30 minutes before my weight training, which is very very intense. Decrease my carb intake and not feeling as an human (smiles...)....

    I want to be at 70 kg (155 lbs) in the end of 2014 in order to get ready for my Hawaii trip, on January.

    Any advice?

    Thanks a lot my friends.

    I promisse I will be often posting here.



  11. Hey Daniela,

    wether you're vegan or not, addictions are hard to tackle alone, be it food or otherwise.

    When we attach positive emotions to objects, especially ones we have in proximity - it's hard to stop using them.

    I'm speaking from experience (not an eating disorder though), seeking help of a close one or a professional makes all the diffrence.


    if you want any advise I'll be glad to help.

    Best of luck!


    Thanks my friend. Really appreciate it.

  12. June, 20th, 2014.


    First good day in a row.

    I have been in a bad shape for almost one year due to overeating and some troubles I had. Feeling strong right now and feeling I am getting back on the track.

    Didn't go to the gym today, back still getting ready for tomorrow. Serious injury for almost a year too. Got a lot of work to do.

    Thank you guys for your understanding and support

    Vegan again and this time for good.


  13. Good to see you back !!!! We are always going to be here for you so I look forward to you posting again.


    How did your pages manage to get hacked? Were they all done by the same person/people do you think? That's terrible MF.


    Hi Mini

    Thanks for the support.

    I think they have been hacked by some teens... That's why I don't accept them anymore. It happens here often.

    They try to steel your information, credit cards.... This is Brazil, my friend.....

    Be gratefull for living in a developed country....


  14. I decided to came back.

    Yes, Mini, 2013 wasn't truly my year. Guess 2014 didn't start very well but I thank you for the kind words.

    I am slowly backing to my vegan diet, whole foods plant based diet. Actually now I got to loose almost 20 kilograms to get back in shape again.

    I am couting on you guys here. I really appreciate your support.

    My facebook, twitter and instagram pages were hacked. Here's the new media:


    FB: https://www.facebook.com/daniress1504

    TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Dani_Ress

    Instagram: daniress1504

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