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Posts posted by stuart

  1. Good luck with Ironman Florida. A lot of customers from the bike shop I work at are going down for it as well. What kind of time are you trying to hit???


    goin' for 10:30. It's a bit optimistic for my first Ironman but I figure I have a year......

  2. Welcome Stuart I'd love to train with you but I'm in the lousy mid atlantic. Anyway what distance triathlons do you train for???


    I'm doing the oceanside 70.3 in march and Ironman Forida next november. I'm pumped!!!!!

  3. Hey everyone. I'm new..... so I'm introducing myself. I'm comin' up on a year as a vegan and lovin' it. I'm into triathlon and would like to know if any of you are in san diego and would like to train with me. I have exactly zero vegan friends down here (I just moved from portland). Have an awesome night!!!

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