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  1. I like Mac but I think he would be way more competitive at 145. Its the nature of the sport.
  2. Hey guys, my name is Kenny. Im 23 years old, and have been vegan roughly 6 or 7 years. I hold a 3-1 record in amateur Mixed Martial Arts and am very active in competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, where I am a blue belt for Brasa team. As I began to fight in MMA and faced harder fights in jiu jitsu I finally accepted the fact that I need to gain weight and strength to remain competitive. Originally I was walking at 136 and fighting at 135 (for MMA) and 138 (for BJJ) I am working to gain strength and weight, at least around 150 to either drop to the 125 weight classs, or stay at 135. I signed up for the site to increase my knowledge about training with weights and have a place to ask for diet, training and other advice. Here is a fight of mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c48o4JVIOS4 http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs225.snc1/7226_652965839245_18403960_38332893_8336932_n.jpg Be forewarned, I know nothing about eating right or lifting, and I ask a ton of stupid questions. Thanks!
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