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  1. Hi dear, You shared good information about the benefits of blackberries. I get a lot of help from this sharing. Thank for sharing. Blackberries are good for the health, these are more effective for controlling the stomach heat.
  2. Hi dear, I never like fast foods I always prefer home made vegetarian foods. Fast foods are not good for the health, these create many problems for the health such as stomach diseases, digestion problems and weight gain. So we should avoid the fast foods.
  3. Hey guys, Here are some tips for the weight loss. You should follow these tips. Do exercise regularly Running, swimming and jogging Drink plenty of water Control your diet Take more boiled vegetables Don't take more cholesterol and fatty foods Eat fresh fruits especially citric fruits Drink fresh fruits juice Take green tea and use fish oil
  4. Hi dear, I am Crispin from California USA. I am new one for this forum. Here I am looking for more friends for getting advice and sharing information about health, fitness and other matters of life.
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