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Thought you might like the one


I was listening to the Madvillan disc and thought it would make a fine avatar. Seemed better than the Viktor Vaughn cover pics, so I threw it on up last night!


I'd appreciated the MF Doom one you've had up as well. Very nice!

yot any of his stuff when he was still in KMD?

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got any of his stuff when he was still in KMD?


I've wanted to buy "Mr. Hood" but I've never seen it for less than $40 on Ebay every time I'd tried to bid, which is more than I'd prefer to spend. I've got a bootleg of "Black B@stards" that was sold to me under the pretense of it being an original - I wasn't too happy to get a copied CD after paying $15 for it on Ebay as well. Haven't listened to it all that much - I tend to put the Viktor Vaughn and Metal Fingers stuff on most of all, and it kind of edges out a lot of the other stuff I normally would put in these days!

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