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Triceps and Chest the same day?


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I have always exercised my triceps and chest on the same day. Bench press exercises etc. use the triceps, not much biceps right? (I push a light dumbbell on bench press and with free hand feel finding my triceps are tight and biceps lose.)


If your chest exercises are using triceps, isn't it good to finish with triceps exercises to fully fatigue them, versus doing that on another day? That is what I always thought and did but as I read, it seems most recommend the chest and biceps on the same day work outs and shoulders and triceps on different day.


Do wha tI am doing or is it better to do Chest and Biceps the same day and Back, Shoulders and Triceps another day?


Also, why? I am not arguing; I want to understand.



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When you work chest, you are also working front shoulder and triceps as synergistic (helping) muscles, same with back/biceps. Many split routines are based on doing the "push" muscles (chest/front shoulder/triceps) on one day, and the "pull" muscle (back/biceps/rear shoulder) on another day. That makes all your energy go into the same muscle groups.


A less-traditional split would be chest/biceps and back/triceps (shoulder perhaps done another day). That way, you can alternate the exercises without overlapping muscle use, and have a more efficient workout (because you are getting active rest for one muscle group while working the other). It also means the smaller muscle groups (biceps and triceps) are already prefatiqued, so if they are a weak point for you, doing this type of split can help you give them more attention.


Try both and see what works for you. Just be aware that chest work hits the shoulder, and back work hits the shoulders as well ( and shoulders can be easily overworked on some people, and are sometimes tricky joints, more prone to injury than some because less stable). So working chest day 1, back day 2 and shoulders day 3 means working shoulders 3 days in a row. Might work for some, but doesn't for me, and my "trick" shoulder will let me know!

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I 'm not sure what you are asking. An exercise like the bench press may focus on your chest but also requires work from your tris. If you grip the bar closer you can focus more on your tris. An exercise like pullups works both your back and your biceps (pullups place more emphasis on back and brachioradialis, and chinups place more emphasis on biceps)

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I think it depends on your routine. When doing two consecutive workouts more recovery is allowed if you avoid working the same body part two days in a row. Triceps tend to get worked when you do chest exercises. Biceps when you work you back. So it is generally a good idea to working chest and triceps one day and back and biceps on another day. If you have at least 48 hours between workouts and you are not lifting really heavy, then it may not matter much if you work chest and biceps on one day and back and triceps on the other.


Another theory is that if you just worked your chest, then your triceps won't be 100% when you work them--same with back and bicep. So if you work your biceps when you work your chest you'll be able to curl more weight than if you do your biceps after your back.


I've done a workout split that worked chest, shoulders, and arms one day; legs and back the next day. Even though my biceps and back were worked on consecutive days I still made gains in back and bicep strength. So who knows? As long as you're not overtraining a muscle group you should be fine.


You just need to find what works for you. And when it stops working do something else.


ETA: I just read Kathryn's post.

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