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vegan words


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I think to support the vegan stand we need to eliminate “meat eater phrases” for our vocabulary.


Here is a list of my suggestions.


“honey”, as in “you sure have a fine can honey”. My suggestion is we stop sugar coating this and just say what it really is. An appropriate alternative would be “bee vomit” or “regurgitated flower nectar”.


“porking” this is a crude reference to doin’ it. I think an appropriate vegan substitute would be “makin’ fakin’”.


So far this is all I have… please feel free to add to this list!

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you know how peoples say

"dont count your eggs before they hatch"


"dont put all your eggs in one basket"


"kill two birds with one stone"


I always say:

"dont count all your soybeans before you pick them"

"dont put all your soybeans in one basket"

"heal two wounds with one touch"


and other phrases like that. I try to eliminate all meat slang and stuff like that in my vocabulary and replace it with vegan ones. I know mine are lame but what can I say

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