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The JW Blog: thoughts from a manchild..........


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Whoo Hoo!!!!


I actually rode the bike, went swimming, hauled some rocks at the lake...

diet oddly enough has improved quite a bit now that energy levels are back. Shed 5 LBS in the last week.


Going to the gym at lunch today. I'll take it easy this week but it sure feels great to be back

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took it pretty easy being the first time back since the flu but it sure felt good!!!


5 minutes on bike

60% of max

10 reps bench, flyes, shoulder press, rows

7 minutes on bike

10 reps bench, flyes, shoulder press, rows


5 x 150m sprints w/ 30m walk in between sprints


cardio felt better than the weights did.

muscles felt a bit sore and tired


I'm just glad to be back working out!

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so I took one of my son's good friends out to the cottage for the weekend.

we set up a tent in the yard and they hung out in the "apartment" eating mass quantities of junk food, wrestling, playing video games, and talking.... ( I was soooo jealous)


woke up on Sunday morning and there were rootbeer cans strewn about on the lawn outside the tent. We were all laughing that in a couple more years we'll be seeing another kind of cans on the lawn


It was a lot of fun seeing the kids hang out. Of course we served veggie burgers, veggie tacos etc..... The kids LOVED them and want their parents to buy them now!

My son ever the activist just HAD to explain all about how inhumanely animals are treated and how "there is pooh in the chicken you buy"


Funny how kids are so much more open to new ideas and lifestyles than adults are.....

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so my cat decides to jump on my head at 4 in the morning...........

JW is a little tired this morning


watched the X-Files I Want to Believe last night.

was a bit disappointed actually... reminded me of a CSI episode with a slight bit of paranormal thrown in

I'm finding that the quality of TV shows has risen so much that I've become quite picky about the shows I'll see in the theatre. I find that poorer or mediocre quality movies are really not any better than watching a show on TV

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Is your whole family vegan JW? I like the story with your son, that's so great!


I'm the only one right now.

everyone else is vegetarian. I suspect my daughter will be vegan soon. She already refuses to have anything to do with leather products.

Dairy seems to be the only non-vegan thing they eat. We've always wanted the decision to come from the kids. They decided to be vegetarian. They have strong beliefs on the inhumane treatment of animals and both of them have impacted several friends re: their eating habits.

It's pretty cool. I wish I would have had a start in life like that.


I can't believe it took me so long to see through all the prepackaged products and see where it came from.

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I really think it makes their beliefs stronger too.

I can only think of one time where my son almost wavered.

We were at a potluck meal and it was just a meatfest. Not much to eat and he was starving.

(this was when he was about 9)

He told us that he didn't know what to do because he was so hungry and he wanted to eat something.

We just told him that it is totally up to you and reminded him of why we don't eat meat and that it is a personal decision we all must live with.

He ended up finding some bread and desserts.


I think that was the only time we ever had an issue come up.

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lol not quite caught up but this one was self inflicted

finally got out to see the new Terminator movie (well...not so new now)

As an action flic, it ranks right up there. Very entertaining.


I'm thinking that I'll go to the gym tomorrow

usually go 3x per week but with just getting over the flu and my lack of sleep lately, I'll take it easy.

might do a pushup workout tonight but nothing too crazy


One nutty thing lately is shotness of breath. Over the last few months I've been experiencing breathing problems.

I'm not sure if my breathing patterns are off or if it's related to sinuses.

I find myself holding my breath while going up stairs and then I'm sucking wind after

I definitely don't get enough air to fill the lungs by breathing through my nose

strange.... lungs, bp, heart have all checked out ok at the doc

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hate to say it but it sounds sinus related to me. I had that before I got my surgery. neti pot help any?


yikes!!!! (I'm a bit squeamish about people poking around in my sinuses)


neti pot helps only if I'm feeling a bit of congestion.

I think that the nasal strips would help. breathing is much better if I pinch and lift my nose

I've found that I snore much more now too


is that why you had your surgery?

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lazy again last night. just can't seem to get rested enough.

brought my gym stuff and I'm planning to go at lunch although I'm still feeling really tired.



my gym membership is coming up for renewal in early September

not sure what to do.... I like my gym but there are a few issues

It is a pure circuit training facility

sometimes I just want to do cardio

sometimes I just want to do weights

many times I can't do several of the posted exercises because they hurt my wonky ankle


I love the level of fitness the workouts give me but on the other hand... my competitive athletic days are over and I'm questioning whether I really need this now...

got some thinking to do....

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wow! my strength is taking a long time to come back

another dismal workout


10 minutes on bike

30 second intervals on

reverse flyes

incline bench

bicep curls



shoulder press


15 minutes on bike


cardio isn't too bad but the weights are just hell

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6.5 hrs uninterrupted sleep last night... getting better but still really tired.

off to the cottage for a long weekend tonight.

hopefully I'll get some rest. this has been a rough week.

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sounds like the strips r a temp fix 2 yr problem. i had a broken nose that created an obstuction in my sinuses. that caused an infection i couldnt get rid of. once they did the surgery they found i had nasal polyps from having bad allergies for years. u might want 2 c an ent. there r other options besides surgery. good luck on deciding about the gym and have fun this weekend

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nothing too exciting at the moment.... I actually started reading a book series I bought for my daughter

the Mortal Instruments series

It's sort of in the Twilight/Harry Potter vein


a very quick, entertaining read. I need that right now. I've been reading an awful lot of mathematics/statistics related books lately. The brain needs a rest


I'm a bit af a math wannabe..... I think my abilities are definitely better than average but I have top work on it... I so admire those mathematical geniuses ....


I'm going on vacation in a couple weeks to Boston,Cape Cod, Nantucket , New York. Planning on visiting MIT!!!!!

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just in one of those FRUSTRATED modes right now....


went to the dentist this morning and I have an enamel defect on one of my front teeth. Getting that fixed on Thursday.


Off to a urologist tomorrow to consult about recurring urinary tract infections


Making an appointment today re: my continuing breathing problems... not getting any better. thought it might have been related to the flu.


Still have to followup re: my appointment with a surgeon re: the finger injury.


I'm just falling apart!!!!!



on to the other rantings....


I am getting sooooo sick and tired of seeing all those self absorbed, me me me people out there....

And couple that with a teenage son who is firmly intrenched in the "it's all about me" stage of development.... and I'm ready to SNAP!!!!!


I think that this is arising due to a couple reasons.... being out at the cottage (it's a fairly upscale cottage area) and knowing that the kids take it for granted when there are thousands of kids who can't even imagine being able to go to a place like that. Everytime I see a new monstrosity cottage being erected, it makes me a little upset. Why do they need that??? They are like city homes (VERY nice city homes)


I was also reading up on New York City for our upcoming vacation and I was appalled at the incredible disparity in classes.

All the insanely high priced shops, hotels, restaurants and entertainment.. What % of the NYC population could afford to do any of these "tourist attractions" in their own city??? $20 per person to go to the museum??? Doesn't seem right to me... that should be available to all


aaarrrghhhh!!!!!! (and to think I used to be an ultra conservative, pro-business, screw everybody else person when I was in University) talk about a 360


I'm gonna stop now because I could just keep going on this for a loooonnnggg time

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took it easy at the gym today

20 minutes on the airdyne and 10 minutes on bike


just not feeling right. this is gonna sound scary but having trouble catching my breath coupled with tightness in the chest doesn't sound too good.

going to the doc on Thursday but I'm pretty sure there is some sort of allergies at work making the breathing more difficult. this really sucks!

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