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Injury, hamstring tendonitis? Any advice pleeez..

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Hi Guys!


So I have been really inspired/motivated (also with this forum ) to get properly into my training now. I do Capoeira 2-3 times a week with the odd climb,hike,surf,yoga thrown in which I know is not enough so I plan to do 3 times a week Capoeira (I am grading in august) with 2xhike/run and a surf every week and bodyrock if I don't do these or miss a something (what do you think of my program?) I am also planning on hiking cotopaxi in 6 months eeek!!


So My first week I injure myself! typical. On Thursday I trained hard two and a half hrs also with heavy stretching so I had a bit of the usual hamstring stiffness nest day. So that day I go to a workshop type thing and we don't warm up properly and then we do a rhoda (the circle where we play fight) So I am throwing kicks around quite fast etc (I am hyper flexible and most some of my joints overextend). The next day ooowwwwee at the back of both knees! and I can actually feel the tendons with my fingers and they are really sore. I am doing ice and arnica and one anti inflammatory. I will go to the physio on Monday if I am still in pain. Has anyone experienced this??? Please any input is very appreciated! Thanks!!

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Oh no!


Try Active Release Techniques. It works well for me for my many prior tendinosis/tendinitis injuries.


Low level laser therapy is also seeming to be a good technique, since it improves vascularity and mitochondrial activity in an area that really needs it.


Best of luck to you!

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It seems odd to get it in both legs, but it is very possible that it is tendinitis. The only things you can do are ice, stretching, rest and an anti-inflammatory. Tendinitis isn't usually very serious, but it can lead to ruptured tendons if you don't take it seriously. That means don't take a bunch of pain killers and pretend it didn't happen. Ruptured tendons are much more painful, require surgery and take longer to heal.


In the future, be sure to thoroughly warm up and stretch before doing any sort of dynamic or repetitive activity. There is a reason stretching was invented.

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