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I'd appreciate any advice/insight at all...

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I'm an actor and I have a show mid-July that I'd like to look as best as possible for. I'm female, about 5'6" and currently probably about 1135 pounds, I'd like to get down to about 130. My goal is to be as trim and toned as possible by July (not super skinny - I have muscle definition and would like to continue working on that while also removing some extra fat that I don't want.)


Any recommendations for the best type of workout plan for best results by July (that of course I'd like to maintain and expand upon) would be greatly appreciated. For example - how often do you suggest I do weights vs. cardio? Should I dedicate an entire day to cardio or is it good to do weights followed by 20 to 30 minutes of cardio on the same day? How many calories would someone of my weight most likely need to consume around to lose the weight in a healthy way while maintaining muscle tone?


Really looking forward to your feedback. Much appreciated.

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How many calories do you eat now a day?


I say 50-60 minutes of weights 3-4 times a week with 30 minutes of intense cardio right after.


Then on the days off maybe just a light jog or walking as some extra incentive caloric burn without putting a hindering on your recovery between workouts.

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Generally speaking it is unlikely that you can build muscle and lose weight at the same time - if you are losing weight, you will likely lose fat & muscle. But doing weights can help you to maintain the muscle you currently have while you are cutting. Cardio, and more importantly diet will help to meet your weight loss goals. How much you eat depends on how much you are exercising etc.. to lose a pound in a week your input need to be 500 calories a day less than your output. Get enough sleep too... lack of sleep has been shown to decrease leptin, which in turn causes weight gain.

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Thank you for your feedback!


I'm not sure how many calories I now consume. I've never been a calorie counter and just eat intuitively according to what I feel I want/need. Do you recommend I start counting calories? I've never know how to do this for stuff like veggies and fruit that don't clearly tell you caloric details on packaging. Ha.

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