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how do you use your Vega??

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Hey all,


I just bought a sample packet of Vega at my local health food store and DANG that stuff is good.... but buying a container is going to be a pretty big investment for me SO before I spend the moolah...I was wondering if you all (those of you who use it) could tell me about your experience w/ it... how often do you take it? do you still take other supplements? How do you use it? (as a meal replacement? just as a supplement?) and most importantly what results have you seen/experienced with it?


thanks in advance for any input!

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Because it's so expensive, I usually only take it after a workout. I haven't been working out lately due to an injury so I'm sticking to vitamins and a healthy diet instead.

Vega is good as a meal replacement. It's great when I'm hungry and don't have time to make a meal, or just too lazy

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I use Vega 2-4 times per day. It is the protein base of my morning smoothies. I put it on berries with rice milk. I also shake it up plain with water as a post-workout drink. The stuff rocks. Hopefully Sequel with source some cheaper maca and chlorella, as they are out there, and be able to bring the price down a bit.

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right now i'm doing a 50/50 mix of vega and gemma, works well, and lessens the price per serving.

btw, veganmama, where did you find vega locally?


I saw it at Healthy Habit, have you ever been there?? I love that place. I think it is like 70 bucks there.

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I don't know too much about Vega, starting to looking into it myself, but have you see the sticky thread by Robert titled, "Who takes Vega?"? It looks like he sells the stuff and offers deals. Might be worth looking into?

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