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Macho the Cockatoo I hungout with on the beach near my house

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So i'm laying down at the bach right by where I live in brooklyn and what do I hear, a parrot making loud noises. I look up and a lady is hanging out with her cockatoo right in front of me catching rays! How cool is that; I love birds, I share an apt with a bird, i'm birdsitting another one for a friend. Needless to say I hung out with Macho and her companion Dawn for the rest of my time there. Macho doesn't fly away; he can fly and his wings are clipped but he doesn't stray away from Dawn. Very cool.


He is the most vain bird i've ever seen. He has a mirror and stares into it foerever, his eyes deeply gazing on his relfection. He loves any mirror. So funny!


It was Macho's first time to the beach. He's been outdoors alot but never to the beach. He was quite loud and consistent with being loud but when we took him closer to the ocean by the water, he didn't utter a single peep.


Too bad they aren't vegan, as she was feeding him a cheeze doodle, o well.


Here is a video and some pics. By the way the first funny face i'm making is kind of my oh my gosh this is the cutest lil guy ever i'm so fuhclempt!







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cool bird cool vid. i just checked your change of heart episode too. dude it's so funny. "i have to take the chocolate out of her mouth"


I remember that.


"my hawt flew right out the window!"


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I thought my face looked kinda weird but it was a natural expression, reminded me of when i had baby squirrel monkey crawling all over me at the animal park rescue center in costa rica, i made a similar face. Thanks Marcina!!


Zack, of course i had to repeat that twice on tv back to back while my eyes bulged and i made a little hands on demonstration of my 'hawt' flying out the window


Johan, never saw that one huh? A couple of people have been telling me that, lol. Glad you enjoyed my younger years and the 'guido fro' and pleather pants. Afgter they made fun of my 'gut' that summer's end, i did in fact do my first comp. Just goes to show what getting ripped on live television while some wanna be lucille roberts muscle head oils your girl up can do to ya!

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Dude the AREN'T clipped. But he doesn't fly away from his partner Dawn. They have a trusting relationship I suppose. Although he got scared on her shoulder at one point when she was by th e ocean and he flew 80 feet to the top of the lifeguards umbrella. I guess it would make sense to clip them for his safety if she was to take him out no? She said she always takes him out and he's fine. That would scare me for the bird's saftey, you never know what could happen....


Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now

Say it, say it, say it, say it, say it, say it, say it now





I am jealous *sigh* but not for the reasons you think. Macho got to be in your Fabio presence. The beach would have been a plus.


awwww. It would be cool to bask in your presence as well!

Edited by Lean and Green
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I had a cockatoo in my 20s and 30s (she's now living with another family - who convinced me to adopt my current blue and gold macaw from them) and I used to clip her wings. I never saw her fly until the day a kid on a bike rode by and spooked her. Even with clipped wings she was able to make it about 1/4 miles away. I was very lucky to find her again.


I don't clip the macaw but I do put him in a suit with a leash. It keeps him from pooping on anything and it stops him from flying if he were to try (he hasn't so far). Here's a link to the suit. We traveled from the east coast to the west coast with him (and a cat, in a van) in one of these suits and it allowed him to be out of his carrier for the whole trip since there were no worries about bird droppings.

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It will definitely be easier to put on and take off - and no getting pooped on! Just make sure you get the right size for Sunny or it won't fit correctly and you may have some leakage. He won't necessarily like this much better but it's easier on both of you and will encourage you to take him outside more often. King Tut doesn't really like the suit but he LOVES the attention he gets when we go outside. If you shop with http://www.drsfostersmith.com, you can purchase them through that site. They don't have the same selection of colors but it will save shipping costs if you're placing an order anyway. I don't know how many toys Sunny rips through but I place big orders every few months for Tut. I can't let him near the furniture although he hasn't tried sneaking a bite yet. The cockatoo was famous for putting a hole in the sofa/chair/cabinet/whatever when I wasn't watching her closely. These guys are not cheap to keep entertained!

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I've been wanting to get a pet bird for a while now. I have a friend with a B&G Macaw, one with an African Gray and another with a Sun Conure. You guys are making me jealous!!


My main problem is that I tend to move a lot and it's always more difficult to find places to rent that allow pets - which would add to the difficulty I already have in finding places that are good working environments (I work from home and need places w/ lots of light and a good layout for an "office").



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I don't know how L&G feels, but don't feel jealous of me at all! These animals are not domestic and are living a VERY unnatural life when they live indoors without their own kind of bird. I wish that breeding them was as illegal as capturing them from the wild - too many are mistreated and wind up being passed from home to home, or worse. Something as "minor" as you taking a vacation, getting married, having a baby or dating a new person can completely upset a bird to the point that both of your lives are miserable. Any event can result in them self-mutilating, screaming or suddenly biting their former favorite human.


With that said, if you do decide that your life is stable enough to care for a bird then please do NOT purchase one from a breeder. So many people think that if they raise one from an early age then THEIR bird will be different. If this were the case then there wouldn't be so many birds in shelters. Some of them are loud, some will never talk and some will never be cuddly. Or, if they do talk and are cuddly then they scream for attention whenever they don't have your undivided attention. Or they scream non-stop whenever you're gone. Of course, some of them are really cool and get along fine with their human companions - but it's a crap shoot. And they live for decades. I am paying for my mistake (I purchased my former cockatoo from a pet store) by being committed to giving this adopted macaw a good home - for the next 4 to 6 decades. He'll probably outlive me so I had to put him in my will since none of my family members or friends want him.


Sorry to lay all the bad stuff on you but keeping an intelligent animal in a house, and animal that is built for flying miles over the course of a week, is a big challenge.

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