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It's my veganversary


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I'm happy to say I've been vegan for one year now. It's one of the best things I've ever done. It's made me more compassionate and mindful. At the same time, I recognize that veganism is only part of the solution to the world's suffering. I still drive a car. I still buy the occasional cheap product made by underpaid workers overseas. So I'm careful not to confuse veganism with sainthood.


I feel like I've been a good ambassador for the veg life. I think that's important, though it's certainly not an obligation. I don't try to persuade my friends or family, but I think I've influenced them all the same. They see how healthy I am, and they know I'm doing something right. Of course, that "something right" isn't veganism exclusively, but also a whole-foods diet and plenty of exercise.


Anyway, here's to another year of eating nothing but plants! Kale, collards, broccoli, spinach, carrots, peppers, flax, hemp, almonds, quinoa, buckwheat, rice, barley, millet, lentils, beans...the glorious list goes on and on.

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that's great man! I see the importance of being vegan everyday. For me it's been about 8 months now. Here's what I wrote on my blog about that: I love being vegan, I love myself since I'm vegan and love life, I love other vegans, and I love vegan foods !!. I've read on Peta that one can save the lives of about 100 animals per year when on a vegeterian or vegan diet, is it true? Then I've saved 800 animals since I was vegeterian since year 2000.

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