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More bodybuilders in their 40's


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I also can't believe how big some guys go so young....Lee Priest turning pro at 19! Jay Cutler huge as a teen and Branch Warren the same, etc.


Dennis Wolf as well, in his 20s.


Unbelievable. Some can sustain it well into their 40's too and that is pretty incredible for this type of sport that takes a toll on the body, joints, etc.

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I'll be 48 in Dec, and I'm steadily gaining a pound of muscle a month since I discovered High-Intensity lifting 5 months ago. I used to have elbow and wrist pain that stopped my intensity, but when I went raw the pain cleared up within a few weeks-it was amazing to say the least. I also recover quickly and have no trouble lifting very hard 3 times a week; I run (also high-intensity intervals) on my off days and do Jiu-Jitsu--usually against guys half my age and bigger than me. At this point, I see nothing to stop me from lifting hard for many, many years to come. I attribute it all to raw, low-fat veganism.

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Rawvgn can you give me an example by what you mean as high intensity lifting that you discovered?


You bet. For years I lifted like 3 sets of each exercise for about 10 reps. I thought I was too old to build muscle and just satisfied myself with being reasonably fit. The a personal trainer I hooked up with on a raw vegan site told me there's something called HIT (High Intensity Training.) So surfed around and ordered a book from an accomplished body builder and exercise physiologist named Ellington Darden (Phd no less!).


He advances a HIT system initially developed by Arthur Jones, the inventor of Nautilus. In a nutshell, I do 12 exercises of 1 set each to TOTAL FAILURE every set. I select a weight were I can do at least 8 reps and no more than 12. Once I can do more than 12 reps, I increase the weight and start working towards 12 again. The entire workout takes less than 30 minutes and is done 5 times per 2 weeks. Because the workouts are so brief, I can work at super high-intensity on every set and be cooked in 30 minutes-it's like all out sprinting for a runner.


I went from spending 5 hours a week in the gym and not getting stronger to 75 minutes a week in the gym and making slow but steady strength and muscle increases. I select the 12 exercises from about 30 classics like squats, deadlifts, benchpresses, ovhd presses, curls, and so on, and I keep my muscles geussing by mixing up the exercises and always work both lower and upper body at each workout.


If your interested in details including extensive results from structured tests with collegiate football teams, I highly recomend Dr Darden's book "The New High Intensity Weight Lifting."

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Thanks for the link! I forgot about him even though I have his site bookmarked. I like that he promotes PCRM and is now vegan. I'm going to pass this onto my trainer. It's great that there is someone out there training people without pushing low-carb, protein powders or multiple supplements!

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