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MaryStella's Triathlon training crossfit endurance

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6.28.10 - Overhead Squats







then shoulder stability work with a kettlebell trying to bring the bell back while lieing prone on the floor and actively stabilize and hold it using 20 and 25 lbs. If I could get better range in my surgical shoulder I know I could have more weight up on the OH squats. I stayed with 75 because every set there was a least one crappy one that I didn't count so until I could get them all good I don't want to push the weight until I know my shoulder can handle it.

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Tough Swim this morning. The lifeguard was over 30 minutes late so I didn't have time for much of a warmup or drills. I did do a 150 to warmup. Then did a 500 time trial wearing a tshirt. It didn't go well I felt like the tshirt was really dragging me down. took 11:25 and was just not good swimming at all. Frustrated with it and did a 50 to cooldown with the tshirt so that I could feel normal swimming again. I most likely will go swim tomorrow morning just to feel better about swimming again.

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"jackie" - 1000m row 50 - 45lb Thrusters - 30 pullups time - 12:49

I needed this workout mentally after this crappy swim this morning. I'm feeling pretty good today. energy level high. Not really sore.



vega wfo w/coconut water

peanut butter

tempeh with veggies


roasted cauliflower

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@john - i'm not a big fan of sunscreen so i don't use it unless I really have to.


@viva - i have that rob zombie ramones cover. actually i Love that whole "we're a happy family" tribute album to the ramones. Great stuff on there.


I started the day off with 66 laps in the pool. It wasn't a scheduled workout I just felt like I needed a good swim after yesterdays tough one. I wasn't really going for time but I did time it and it took me 34 minutes. I left the pool feeling fantastic which was nice. I had a bike workout of 4:3 2:.30 1:3 2:.30 4 (on:off) and I took a new road and found nice hills to climb. I should have turned around about half way into the workout and started back but I kept finding another hill I wanted to get up. And I wanted to be working on the "on" and not going down a hill. So I ended up riding the whole distance back easy and mostly downhill but it did have a few uphills which i didn't think about when doing the workout. Luckily it was a short one so I don't think it matter much. Again I felt really good riding and good afterwards. Just have good energy today! I registered for the Anthracite Triathlon on July 18th. It is relatively close to my house and it is an Olympic distance tri. I want to use this Tri as a dress rehearsal for the Wilkes-Barre Tri in August. I want it to be a good hard training race to get me more comfortable in the wb tri. I've heard from numerous people that the Anthracite tri has a harder bike and run course then wb due to its hilly nature. Good news is it is a much smaller race participants wise.

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Started the day with Griff which is an 800 meter run forward followed by a 400 meter run backwards repeated twice. I walked to the track and did a slow mile warmup. Time - 15.43. Doing this wod made me think of my dad because I started running with him when I was very young. Of course I was doing his warmup with him as he ran marathons but he would often run backward and offer encouragement. Doing that was harder than it looked!


Then I crashed on my bike commute today. I was coming down a hill and I made a right hand turn into a surprise! Some glass from an automobile accident and my bike just slide out from under me. In some miraculous fashion I was able to jump off the bike and land on my feet without every falling although the bike went skidding into the road. I was able to grab the bike before it got hit by any cars so I was lucky again. My leg is cut up probably from hitting the gears getting off the bike but i will take that over how bad it could have been. I was really lucky not to land in the glass or get hit by a car. I did something to the tire and not sure about the rest of the bike. The water bottle holder broke but that is nothing.Took it to the shop and hope to get it back tomorrow so I can do my workout on saturday with it.


Then did my backsquats wod but I was rushed because I had to get a ride there and back over my lunch hour. Did ok, as the depth on the 145 was feeling comprised on the 4 and 5th rep. I would have liked to go higher but at least i got it done.






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Mary, I'm so glad you're okay! good job staying on your feet, cool that you didn't slip on your cleats! you've revealed one of your superpowers!


make sure the shop checks everything carbon and especially the fork over really really really really etc etc well. but you already know that...

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thanks ladies.


Started the day with a swim workout. warmup then 8 times 100s on 4 minutes rest. went 1:40, 1:42, 1:38, 1:38, 1:38, 1:43 (pool got crowded and someone swimming in my lane kicked me in the face as I was coming off the wall behind them, didnt hurt but i swallowed some gross pool water ) 1:42, 1:42 - I felt a little hesitant swimming the last two because I was trying to pay attention to where the other swimmer was so we wouldn't crash again and I just felt unfocused doing that. I wasn't pushing it as hard as I should have so I am annoyed with myself on those last couple efforts. I feel like I should start swimming with someone in a lane when possible so i get used to space sharing and contact.



Got to pick up my bike today only damage was to the tire tube so that's good. Got another water bottle added since i've been told 1 isn't enough water. Picked up my nutrition stuff for tomorrow. I'm going to try hammer gels and salt stick caps for nutrition and hydration practice ride/run tomorrow.

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Eventful ride this morning. Sooooooo happy I got it in because I needed it. Spent awhile trying to get air in my tire. There is a different valve on it now and not sure what my issue was exactly just hope I don't have it again. I rode about 3 miles as a warmup - stopping every so often to check noises and things out on the bike. Then finally decided to just go for the ride it must be fine. Spent the first couple miles of my ride trying to figure out what was wrong with the bike. I just didn't feel comfortable on it. Today was a nutrition and hydration practice ride so it was time for my first gel and there must be kryptonite in this damn hammer gels because after my feeding it hit me what was wrong. It wasn't the bike it was me. I'd lost my swagger! I wasn't riding the bike like I normally do, I was riding the bike like i was afraid of crashing again. I was being too cautious and ridiculous about it so I settled myself down and just got back into riding and feeling like part of the machine instead of seperated from it. I'm certain I will crash the bike again, it's part of the game. I've had my bike up to 48 mph downhill just this week, I'm not normally afraid of being on the bike I usually love it! I did fine with the nutrition. I set an alarm on my watch to go off everyone 20 minutes for the gel and about 10 minutes into that I would use a salt tab. Only had one incident where I dropped my water bottle on the road. I don't really like the placement of my second new water bottle but i don't really think there is anywhere else to put it on the bike so I better just get used to it. There isn't much clearance to get the bottle in and out quickly while riding. First time using it so maybe i will get used to it with more use. Had a few traffic issue towards the end of the ride that slowed me down a bit but not much i can do about that. I finished the 30 mile ride and it was time for a gel but I decided to skip that and the salt because i only had to run a mile and i just didn't need it. not sure if that's the right decision or not. I like the transition with the yanks on my sneaks so much faster but as soon as I started running these new sneakers just feel weird like I am running on something. The feeling stayed for awhile. Of course my legs felt like crap when running. When I got done I did feel much better than I normally do. Normally I want to drink everything in sight and Im hungry except I don't feel like I could stomach food. Today I wasn't dieing of thirst and I was able to start eating when I got home. Something I almost never do. I guess I really need to work on my drinking etc. when training. I just don't make myself do it until i feel i need it and its probably too late then.

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Hi Mary,


Have you tried a camel pack instead of a bottle?


The two valves most common are the Presta or French valve, and the Schrader. The Schrader is the standard one that allows you to fill up at any gas station. The Presta is a special bike one that is a few micrograms lighter and have a nut that allows you to tighten the valve closed so you don't get any leaks. If you have the Presta, make sure you get the little $1 adapter that allows you to fill it any place. I had no idea about Presta valves until after I bought my bike and was around 15 miles from home when the tire started getting low from a slow leak. I went to the gas station and I couldn't get any air in the tire. No bike stores around either, so I had to ride it with a half flat tire back home. It was a good workout:)

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no i don't have a camel pack. I've been told not to use one becuase of the weight issue with it. I've got presta valves, this one is just a little different than the one I had on before the crash and tube rupture.


no worries john I thought it was cute!!


the streak continues...

I've had a streak of bad luck this week and it continued today when I fell at the starting line of my 3 mile road race. Not sure exactly what happened. I looked down to start my watch when the gun went off and then poof I was looking at the ground very close up.. Skinned my knees but got right up and started running. My elbow hurts but I don't remember hitting that. I've heard there were anywhere from 400- 700 people but I don't know for sure. It was a bunch and it was chaotic. Had a decent race. took me 24:15. It was pretty hot out. I feel like I ran a steady race - mile 1 - 7:49 mile 2 - 8:18 mile 3 - 8:17. I didn't even feel like racing last night or this morning. I was so tired this morning I went back to bed twice before forcing myself to get up and get ready. I couldn't stomach any food, just feeling too nauseated and tired so I had a vega sport which is an energy drink mixed with coconut water. I think it helped. I tried to stretch before and after the race but my heel is sore.

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Thanks! I went to Harvey's lake to get an open water swim in. This is the lake I will be swimming in for the Wilkes-Barre Triathlon. Swam for about 38 minutes. I was told it was a mile and a half but I doubt that distance since I don't swim that fast. Still it was good to get out in the open water and working on my sighting. I did better this time than last time but I am still more comfortable in a pool than I am in open water. I actually don't mind the deep part of the lake I love swimming there. It is the shallow beachy area of the lake I don't like swimming in. I just feel uncomfortable trying to swim in water I can stand up and run in. I guess I have to get used to it. Hopefully all of the fireworks are over for me in my training as I didn't have any accidents today! I also hope my neighbors used all of their fireworks up so I can get some sleep tonight!

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Hey Mary, when was the last time you took a day off from training? Its really easy to overtrain if you're working on different sports every day. You're an amzingly awesome athlete, but you're teaching your body 2 new sports... it might be good to take a day or two or three to let your body integrate everything it's been learning. You'll come back at it better, stronger, faster.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HofoK_QQxGc

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