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I'm a vegetarian that is on my way to becoming vegan.

I started cutting down on meat since october last year,and now I don't eat any meat.

But I still eat eggs and dairy products.


But I'm on my way to becoming vegan,I'm discovering more and more nice,tasty and nutritious vegan food all the time!


I've been training for about 4 years,more or less on and off,and have tested different training programs mostly to build up my muscle mass.

But in many periods I haven't used any specific program,but have kept the contact with my muscles through moderate to hard muscle stimulation 3 times a week.

But I've never planned my meals or anything.

I've usually supplied my diet with protein powder and raw eggs in a glass.

And otherwise eaten oatmeal for breakfast,a nutritious dinner containing rice and vegetables,and other than eat just eating fruits,nuts or wholegrain bread with peanut butter with usually about 2 or 3 hours between each time I eat some of it.


My favourite exercises are:dips,squats and pullups.

I'm actually quite strong,but I want to look more like it.

I've asked for advice from a friend of mine,he told me that I have decent muscle,but I need to lose bodyfat.


So I want to know if you guys have any advice on a meal plan for me.

What to eat and how much,and how frequently I should eat.


I'm 6 foot tall

205-212 pounds

I don't know about my body fat percentage,but I have a picture.

I want to lose fat,but I want to keep getting bigger.

But I have another problem,I really can't handle cardio!

I don't know how much effort I should put into it when it comes to bodybuilding.

Since endurance is not really my thing.

So I wonder if any of you have any advice for me to make a cardio progression plan.

Sorry about the low quality on the pics,my cellphone is the only camera I have right now.


But I would have to say,that I admire you who have built impressive physiques and cared for the well being of animals while doing it:)

I've found many incredibly fit people here and you're really inspiring me to be a vegan and a successful bodybuilder:)






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Welcome to the group!

Great hair....long like mine. Thanks for joining our community. I hope you enjoy the forum.

All the best and welcome aboard!






Welcome to the boards. Yes you are strong and have a good physique. Bf is a hard thing to eye. While i'm no expert and they're only pictures, i'd say that you could benefit from lisng 5-8% of it and still look strong without looking too lean.


So you're looking for advice. People are looking to say helo to you in the intro section. There are plenty of sections where you're bound to get info quicker. Like health and nutrition for instance and looking at advice that's already out there.


Off the top of my head, I would say consistency is the key. decreasing your diet by 500 calories a day or perhaps 250 a day. If you want quicker, 750 a day. Keep it at a deficit from where you are now. There is 3500 calories in a pound of body fat. You do the math.


Cardio, you hate it, alot of people hate it, we all do it. Pick something tolerable. Get into it and just do it. Do it consistently. Not when you feel like it or are in the mood or when it is convenient in between workout rest days. NO, do it before your resistance training sessions and make it priority number one. Work out after your cardio. Expell your energy firsdt for what you need it most for. if bf and conditioning is of primary importance, then do it this way. You can always switch it back up as the results you want get closer.


Pick an amount of time you can keep it up for. Increase slowly, a minute or two per session and get to a certain amount more than your first session and stick there get comfortable with it. Then do it with higher intensity. The do it all over again.



m power walk 10 min

t power walk 11

wed 12

th 13



sat 15


week 2

m 15 low int

t 15 low - mod int

w med int


get it?


choose whole foods over processed foods and keep fatty foods to a minum. lower the amount of your total intake that is coming from fat


get a protein shake a supp with a high amount of it's calories 60% or more coming from protein and use it as a tool to get more of the macros in that you want without increasing total caloric intake immensely.


hope this stuff helps


stick around, you'll like it here. It's a great community with even greater people

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Welcome. I agree with robert, nice long hair. As far as cardio is concerned you can do some cardio style lifting. It is harder than sounds or appears on paper. Basically you stack several different exercises together and do them for time. So you are lifting as fast as you can, you can also mix in some short bursts of pure cardio in with the lifting like running 400 meters or rowing 500 meters. If you check out my training log you can see some of the lifting cardio I do. Or you can check out www.crossfit.com for more examples. on your diet I would drop the eggs and just supplement with a vegan protein shake.

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