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Lobsteriffic's Training Log - Oct. 31st Marathon Here I Come

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Yeah, they weren't horrible or anything, just so-so.


Saturday, May 23rd:


Rest day. I had a 60 min. yoga class in the AM. The weather is gorgeous so I was outside playing frisbee for a bit and mucking around in our little garden. I also went for a bike ride to the store. So all in all an active rest day. I may go for a walk later in the evening, we'll see. I want to make the most of the sunshine.



Breakfast: refried beans

Lunch: tempeh with spinach, kale, red pepper, and onion; apple

Snack: smoothie with banana, soy milk, mixed berries, flax, and protein powder

Supper: faux chorizo sausage, asparagus, baked potato with salsa, strawberries for dessert

Snack: protein powder, peanut butter, and agave


Cals 1530

Fat (g) 28.8

Carbs (g) 234.6

Prot (g) 99.8


Edited to add:


Oh yeah, forgot to add the push-ups. Today was Day 3 of Week 1: 4, 5, 4, 4, 5. I am going to repeat Week 1 because I still don't have full ROM.

Edited by lobsteriffic
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The sausage is seitan from the brunch book. It's very similar to Julie Hasson's steamed sausages if you ever tried those. I have them steaming right now so I haven't actually tasted it yet. But it seems like it's going to be very spicy, which is awesome.


The tempeh dish from lunch was also from the brunch book. It was pretty good. Not the most amazing thing ever, but I would make it again.

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The sausage is seitan from the brunch book. It's very similar to Julie Hasson's steamed sausages if you ever tried those. I have them steaming right now so I haven't actually tasted it yet. But it seems like it's going to be very spicy, which is awesome.


The tempeh dish from lunch was also from the brunch book. It was pretty good. Not the most amazing thing ever, but I would make it again.


Hee hee! I am so glad you commented on the tempeh dish too as that looked pretty appealing to me also. I ordered that cookbook today, should get it next week. I also ordered Colleen Patrick Goudreau new cookbook From the vegan table. It looks really cute. Plus I ordered bryant terry's Vegan Soul Kitchen as I love Spicy downhome food too. Plus his recipes look like healthy soul food which is exciting. I can't believe I ordered all of these books at once but I guess that is what being home sick does to you. I will use them I am sure.

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kool! what other ones did you get? I got the vegan table one because she wrote the joy of vegan baking which I think is a nice book. I usually change her recipes a bit to make them healthier (no white flour etc.). But this new book has recipes more for different occasions Like dinner for a certain number of people( 2 to more) or holiday menus, large gathering, cookouts etc. I'll let you know what I think we I get them. I'm sending you that recipe now.

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The sausage is seitan from the brunch book. It's very similar to Julie Hasson's steamed sausages if you ever tried those. I have them steaming right now so I haven't actually tasted it yet. But it seems like it's going to be very spicy, which is awesome.


The tempeh dish from lunch was also from the brunch book. It was pretty good. Not the most amazing thing ever, but I would make it again.



I like food hot too. Do you have robin robertson's cook book Vegan Fire and Spice? That is a nice one to check out too because it seperates the recipes by country (mexico, carribean, italy,spain, africa, middle east, thialand) etc.

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Dang we have got to get those cookbook!!! I had the Baked Chimighangas yaeterday, AWESOME!!! Really spicey, just the way I love my food!!! Going to have to try more of these recipes, Thanks soo much, will look at your blog everyday for more!!! Oh had the Pancakes this morning, Loved them as well, topped it off with the Agave Nectar!!! Scrumpcious!!!! Thanks again, and look foreward to more recipes!!!

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I've had Fire & Spice on my Amazon wishlist forever, my local library couldn't bring it. Sounds right up my alley.


I do have Joy of Vegan Baking but I haven't made much from it. Do you usually have pretty good success with subbing out white flour?



Yes, I think I have good success. I never actually make anything with the white flour so I can't do a true comparison but depending on the recipe will determine what kind of sub out I do. If it is something delicate I will use whole wheat pastry flour if it isn't I will use something heavier. I don't bake as much as I used to because my husband doesn't eat that kind of stuff and if it is around it is all I want to eat. So I usually only bake if I have company to share it with so I don't eat it all myself. But I think my subs work because most of the people I've shared with are not vegan and they tell me how wonderful everything is. It is funny because I sub out for a lot of things like sugar, I always use succnat or agave or brown rice syrup. I haven't made as much out of JOVB because I really like isa's muffins etc. I believe I have made every recipe she has in her books. Hope there are more in vegan brunch!


Alright where is this chimachanga recipe? I want to make it!! If it is from a cookbook please let me know which one in case I have it I can save you the trouble of sending it.


Do you know robin robertson also has a cookbook called peanut butter planet? I've never seen it but it sounds interesting.

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I've had peanut butter planet on my wishlist forever too! I've hesitated at buying it just because I eat enough pb as it is...I don't know if I would be able to control myself with a whole cookbook of pb recipes...


Oh, and Vegan Brunch does have a ton of scone, muffin, etc. recipes for you to try out. I love to bake too, but I hardly ever do it just because then I eat too much of it. I used to be really into bread making but I fell out of it awhile ago. And I'm SO glad I discovered the miracle that is WW pastry flour...it makes awesome tortillas!


The baked chimichangas are here. It's not so much a recipe, more of a method. When I make them I usually change up the filling. Last time I just had them with refried beans, corn, bell pepper, tomato, green onion, salsa, and hot sauce. EliteDad I'm so glad you liked them! The pancakes too!

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Usually if the can says "low fat" they're vegan (as they have no lard). I like the black bean kind the best but each to their own. And Jimi, nothing beats cold refried beans straight out of the can, yum!


Sunday, May 24th:


Weights: Ham Dominant/Quad Accessory & Triceps


45 lbs x 8

95 lbs x 5

95 lbs x 5

95 lbs x 5

95 lbs x 5

95 lbs x 5


Good Mornings:

45 lbs x 8

85 lbs x 8

85 lbs x 8

85 lbs x 8


Static DB Lunges:

25 lbs x 12

25 lbs x 12

25 lbs x 12


Assisted Dips:

40 lbs x 5

40 lbs x 5

40 lbs x 5

40 lbs x 5

30 lbs x 5


Cable Pressdown:

50 lbs x 8

50 lbs x 8

50 lbs x 8


Cardio: HIIT on stationary bike...did 30 sec intervals (level 7 resistance) followed by 60 sec rest. My intervals were super intense, but I could only manage 7 of them. The last one I cut short by about 2-3 seconds. Last time I did 10 intervals but I couldn't crank out the intensity like I did today.



Pre-workout: 1 pc. sprouted raisin bread

Post-workout: protein powder, soymilk, 2 pc. sprouted raisin bread

Snack: faux chorizo sausage

Lunch: sauteed kale with faux chorizo sausage; apple

Snack: mandarins

Supper: mushroom-dill tofu fritatta, roasted asparagus, small salad with dressing

Snack: pineapple


Cals 1690

Fat (g) 22.0

Carbs (g) 270.4

Prot (g) 128.0


I was SO hungry this afternoon. I ended up eating quite a few of those tiny little mandarins that are around right now. They had a big bag of them on sale at the store. The kale/chorizo recipe and the fritatta are both from Vegan Brunch.

Edited by lobsteriffic
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I see you have been putting your new cookbooks to the test! I can't wait to get mine. I hear you about the PB planet. If I ever see it in a store I am going to check it out just to see what kind of recipes are in there. You and jimi are killing me with that eating the beans right on the can stuff. That doesn't sound good at all!

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I am just not that hardcore for sure. I like my food heated! I don't even eat leftover cold out of the fridge. I have to heat them. I think that is why I can't really commit to a raw food diet. I am good in the summer eating fresh fruit and salads but overall I don't like giving with the comforting warmth of food.

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