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Lobsteriffic's Training Log - Oct. 31st Marathon Here I Come

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I think the real reason is something about the diaphragm and the liver doing something weird? But I've noticed that when I consciously focus on breathing properly I don't get them.


Okay so I just looked it up and here is what I found:




The most effective way to prevent a side stitch is to avoid "shallow" breathing. Shallow breathing can be defined as taking in a small volume of air with each breath, using only a small portion of the total lung capacity. When this occurs while running, the diaphragm remains in a consistently high position and never lowers enough to allow the connective ligaments of the liver to relax. The diaphragm becomes stressed and a spasm or "stitch" results.


Instead, one should breathe "deeply", also known as "belly breathing" while running. This allows the diaphragm to fully lower and reduce the stress on it.


From: http://www.makeithappen.com/wis/readings/sidest.html

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Wednesday, June 3rd:


Weights: Quad Dominant/Ham Accessory & Biceps

Goblet Squat:

20 x 8

37.5 x 5

37.5 x 5

40 x 5

40 x 5

40 x 5


These kind of hurt my back so I went lighter than usual on the leg presses. Well, it wasn't so much the squatting that hurt my back, it was getting the dumbbell up that hurt my back. The squatting part was fine.


Leg Press:

90 x 8

90 x 8

90 x 8


High Foot Leg Press:

90 x 12

90 x 12

90 x 12


Hammer Curls:

15 x 8

15 x 8

17.5 x 8


Cardio: Ran 15 min. on treadmill then power walked on steep incline for 15 min. The incline walking was HARD! I always read about people doing that for cardio and I always thought it would be no big deal...well I was certainly wrong.


I have a 90 min. bellydancing class this evening.



Pre-workout: 1 pc. sprouted raisin bread

Post-workout: oatmeal with protein powder, flax, soy milk, and blueberries

Snack: apple, peanut butter

Lunch: veggie stir-fry; some grape tomatoes

Snack: apple

Supper: chili

Snack: pineapple


Cals 1584

Fat (g) 23.7

Carbs (g) 255.1

Prot (g) 107.2

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These kind of hurt my back so I went lighter than usual on the leg presses. Well, it wasn't so much the squatting that hurt my back, it was getting the dumbbell up that hurt my back. The squatting part was fine.


As someone just reminded me (thanks!) it's good to take it easy... and you should... but... also it would be great if you could get someone to get the dbs up for you, so you dont do any damage that way.

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Goblet squats!! I love those!

know what you mean about the back though. I used to have problems with those too but it's much better now. You might have to drop your weights on those for a bit.


nice workout!!

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that really worked for me.

good idea about moving to leg press when you felt discomfort.


there's another version we do at the gym I go to called sumo deadlifts

I use the kettlebell but you could use a dumbell.


You hold the weight straight down in font of you with both hands, squat and then stand up and pull the weight up to you chin.

I like that one a lot too

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yeah sumo deadlights are nice. i do a high pull on mine. I just use a regular bar with weights for them. or if that is too much for your back you can use a weighted medicine ball or anything really. on your squats do you track your knees OUT of your toes. Your not knock kneeing or bringing your knee into you? guess what I got my waffle iron today! whoo hoo!

Edited by MaryStella
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My knees do track outwards, the problem is I have REALLY tight hip flexors. I've been working on stretching them out to try and get some more flexibility in that area.


Yay on the waffle iron! I registered for one for the wedding, I hope I get it! Until then I will live vicariously through you and your waffles.

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Thursday, June 4th:


Weights: None


Cardio: Went for a 5k run this morning with my usual ~3 min. walk halfway through. The run felt HARD, especially toward the end. Ah well, at least I finished.


I have a 60 min. yoga class this evening.



Pre-workout: 1 scoop protein powder

Post-workout: oatmeal with protein powder, flax, blueberries, and soy milk

Snack: peanut butter

Lunch: seitan with broccoli and tomato sauce (I know, odd combo...need to get to the grocery store!)

Snack: apple

Supper: mattar tofu, broccoli, brown rice

Snack: frozen banana + pb + protein powder


Cals 1547

Fat (g) 41.6

Carbs (g) 180.0

Prot (g) 123.3


Finally got my macros closer to where I would like them. Unfortunately that involved protein powder three times today. Oh well, it's a work in progress.

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Good luck stretching out those hips. Your yoga classes should help that. I made the curried cauliflower frittata from vegan brunch tonight and it was very good. Although It tasted a lot like a tofu scramble to me. good job on the run. you got it done! I will try the waffle iron when i have more time to play with it. I hope you get one too. i will let you know how it goes.

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yes mine did stay together I was impressed at it actually because i didn't expect it too. I think that probably has to do with how much water is in your tofu and how small your veggies are. I diced the cauliflower pretty well. The big surprise was that my husband actually ate it. He isn't a big tofu fan and he does not like tofu scrambles. I think it is mostly in his head because even before he was vegan he hated eggs so I think if it looks like eggs he just tells himself he doesn't like it. But he tried it because he loves cauliflower and he not only ate it but said it was good! I am going to try the other frittata recipes too.

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I didn't press it but I really wanted to. I just didn't have time but I was so tempted to because i just thought it would come out better. I just set it n a colander to drain while I prepped everything else but I mashed it with my hands good before I baked it. My husband will eat the tofu if it is just tofu with veggies or if it is like a ricotta cheese but mostly he doesn't like it.

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Friday, June 5th:


Weights: Vertical Push/Pull & Abs

Negative Chins:

BW x 5

BW x 5

BW x 5

BW x 5

BW x 5


Lat Pulldown:

60 x 8

60 x 8

60 x 8


Military Press:

40 x 5

40 x 5

40 x 5

40 x 5

40 x 5


(These gave me an awesome pump in my puny little delts that I was really digging...)


Lateral Raises:

8 x 8

10 x 8

10 x 8


Weighted Swiss Ball Crunches:

25 x 12

25 x 12

25 x 12


Cardio: HIIT on stationary bike...did 11 20 sec. intervals/60 sec. rest. I was able to get more intensity with the 20 sec. (as opposed to 30) but they almost felt TOO short. I think I will try 25 sec. next time.



Pre-workout: protein powder, apple

Post-workout: oats with protein powder, blueberries, flax, and soy milk

Snack: peanut butter

Lunch: leftover mattar tofu, sauteed mushrooms, 1 date

Snack: peanut butter + protein powder

Supper: tempeh + kale in a spicy peanut sauce; raspberries

Snack: edamame


Cals 1626

Fat (g) 56.6

Carbs (g) 171.0

Prot (g) 127.2


Weight this morning was 147. So not much change at all. BUT, my waist measured 28.5" (down 1" from May 16) and my hips were 38.5" (down 1/2" since May 16). So I'm happy I am getting smaller even if I don't weigh less...I just wish my hips would shrink more quickly...stupid female fat distribution. But I'll take what I can get.

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I do consciously try and drink as much water as I can. I aim for a gallon a day. I don't always hit that mark though. I should probably be trying harder. I need to get a new water bottle. Mine leaks so I don't really take it with me places. Thanks for the reminder!

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I noticed now since I've been drinking a lot more then what I was drinking back in the winter time.

That I've been craving less fruit.


Thanks for the tip I'm going to purchase a water bottle. Then I know I can have it on me at all times

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